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How to lose weight: the tricks to stop itching at night

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Would you like to lose weight but at night you always want to overeat? Can't you lose weight because you don't know how to stop pecking? Don't worry: we have the ULTIMATE tricks to stop itching at night . Take note!

Set a time limit

From that time on you should not eat anything until the next day. It is recommended that you place it between 2 and 3 hours before going to bed. And to comply with these hours, clear the kitchen, close the door and do not enter it again until breakfast. It is also important that you establish in advance when you go to bed. Remember that the longer you stay up, the longer you will be awake and there is more risk of hunger arising. Not forgetting that not getting enough sleep causes an increase in the hormone that generates hunger (ghrelin).

Finish dinner with an ounce of chocolate

It will take away the craving for something sweet and you will secrete serotonin, which will make you feel good and it will be easier for you to control your snacking. Of course, choose dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) and limit yourself to one ounce. If sweets are your downfall, include foods that give you sweetness but not excess calories at dinner, like a handful of raisins in your salad.

Have an infusion

The liquid has a satiating effect and more if it is hot. Therefore, when you feel like pecking, take an infusion. This is likely to take away your urge to eat or at least appease it. Opt for a relaxing infusion that will not only help you sleep better, but will also be useful in the event that your cravings are linked to the need to counteract stress.

Brush your teeth

After dinner do a complete dental hygiene: brushing for two minutes, flossing and mouthwash. This prevents snacking due to the feeling of freshness and cleanliness that you will have in your mouth. In addition, toothpaste and mouthwash, if you put something in your mouth, will change the taste of these food-cravings and will help you not go beyond the first bite. And also not to peck, because who wants to brush again? What laziness!

Give yourself 10 minutes before raiding the pantry

If you feel like getting something to eat after dinner, give yourself 10-15 minutes before snacking and think about whether you're really hungry or "something else." Many times we turn to food as a way to cope with certain emotions, such as stress, sadness, loneliness or boredom. If this is your case, surely you can think of a more effective way to appease those emotions than to binge. A relaxing bath? To meditate? Watch a comedy? Read a book? Call a friend?

Break with your routines

If post-dinner snacking has become common, your mind is likely to relate an action you always do with snacking. In that case, it is best to change your habits to break that toxic union. For example, if after cleaning the kitchen you usually watch television and after a few minutes you get up to go to the pantry to get a snack, instead of sitting on the sofa, take out the trash and take the opportunity to take a short walk.

Paint your nails

When doing your manicure, you divert your attention from the food for a long time and, in addition, you do not use your hands while it dries so as not to ruin the enamel, so you do not open bags of potatoes, nuts, boxes of cookies … Luckily, after this time has passed, the desire to eat will have disappeared. You can also do a pedicure with nail polish, put on a mask …

And if you can't avoid the temptation

A good option is to choose a snack rich in protein . According to a study by Florida State University (USA), consuming 150 calories of protein (fresh cheese, egg, yogurt …) half an hour before going to bed contributes to muscle development, helps control appetite in the morning and, in addition, it stimulates the metabolism to burn more.