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Infusions to sleep better ... and wake up more beautiful!

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What infusions are best for sleeping?

What infusions are best for sleeping?

Tension, worries or excessive tiredness can make it difficult to sleep and cause us to wake up tired … (and not very 'presentable'). But there is a solution, and it is not to jump into the arms of some sleeping pill, which can be very seductive and effective in the short term but very toxic and harmful in the long run. Here are herbs and tricks to help you have sweet dreams and a movie awakening without harming your health.



Linden is one of the most widely used sleep teas thanks to its calming and relaxing effects. It is very effective with nervous people who cannot achieve a restful sleep. The easiest way to prepare it is to pour a tablespoon of this medicinal herb per cup of hot water and drink it a little before going to bed.

  • As a general rule, you can drink up to four cups a day.



Chamomile is one of the most popular medicinal herbs because it has a lot of beneficial health properties, including helping you sleep better. A cup before going to bed relaxes you and prepares you to enjoy sweet dreams among many other benefits.

  • In addition to being sedative, it is anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antibacterial and very digestive, so it is recommended to take it after meals to relieve discomfort and calm heaviness.



It is also known as passionflower or passion flower and is considered one of the most effective natural relaxants. It has sedative effects on the nervous system, helps calm palpitations, acts as a muscle relaxant and removes gastrointestinal spasms. One teaspoon per cup is enough and let it infuse for about ten minutes.

  • In addition to its relaxing, sedative and analgesic powers, it is also used to combat migraine and tachycardia.



It is another of the most appreciated relaxing infusions for its sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition to calming the nerves, it reduces irritability and relieves symptoms of stress such as rapid heartbeat and headaches.

  • It contains a substance, readin, that helps fight insomnia, respiratory diseases, colds and sore throats.

Herb Luisa

Herb Luisa

Among its many properties, lemon verbena has a powerful calming effect that helps fight insomnia, reduce stress, control nerves and clear the mind, and helps you go to bed more relaxed. But it should not be taken by women who are pregnant.

  • It is also very effective for gas, bad breath, and indigestion.



Very recognizable for its pleasant and characteristic aroma, lavender affects the nervous system and generates a feeling of relaxation that favors rest and sleep. Just one cup helps relax your body and mind and makes you sleep better.

  • It also reduces fever, relieves the effects of bronchitis, asthma, and colds.



Also known as lemon balm, lemon balm is another widely used sleeping tea. If it is combined with valerian, chamomile or mint, other relaxing infusions, it multiplies its properties to induce sleep. It is prepared by putting a tablespoon per cup, and let it rest for about fifteen minutes.

  • In addition to helping you sleep better, it helps reduce and calm stress, anxiety, indigestion, and can help heal cold sores faster.



The infusion of this medicinal herb is highly recommended for falling asleep because it is sedative, antispasmodic and relieves swelling of the feet and legs. However, it is advised to take it under medical supervision due to its powerful effects on blood circulation.

  • Among its properties, it stands out that it is anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and vasoprotective, so it is highly recommended when you have circulation problems or high blood pressure.



Like the rest of infusions to sleep, mint has relaxing and sedative properties that help fight insomnia and contribute to enjoying a restful sleep. It is also considered to be of great help in treating stress.

  • Its anti-inflammatory effect also works well to relieve blood pressure. And it also helps prevent indigestion and flatulence, which is why it is one of the infusions to eliminate gas and have a flat stomach.



Commonly used to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety, valerian is also one of the infusions to sleep better for its sedative effects. According to various research, it reduces nervousness, agitation, the amount of time it takes a person to fall asleep and promotes a restful sleep.

  • It is contraindicated in people who are taking sedative drugs or drugs that affect the nervous system, should not be combined with alcohol and is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation

The best infusions to sleep better

  1. Tila. It is very effective with nervous people who cannot achieve a restful sleep.
  2. Chamomile. A cup before going to bed relaxes you and prepares you for sweet dreams.
  3. Passionflower It has sedative effects, helps calm palpitations and acts as a muscle relaxant.
  4. Poppy. In addition to calming the nerves, it reduces irritability and relieves stress symptoms
  5. Lemon verbena. It has a calming effect, removes stress, controls the nerves and clears the mind.
  6. Lavender. It acts on the nervous system generating a sensation of relaxation that favors sleep.
  7. Balm. Apart from helping you sleep better, it helps reduce and calm stress.
  8. Meliloto. It is sedative, antispasmodic and relieves swelling of the feet and legs.
  9. Mint. It has relaxing properties that help fight insomnia.
  10. Valerian. Reduces nervousness, agitation, and the amount of time needed to fall asleep.

Infallible keys to falling asleep

  • Dinner sooner (and moderately). At least two hours before going to sleep, so digestion does not interfere with sleep. And do not go overboard with the amounts so that it does not weigh you down in every way.
  • Slow down the pace and disconnect. It is recommended to avoid or reduce any activity that requires effort after 8 o'clock, as well as staying away from electronic devices as much as possible.
  • Get away from the enemies of sleep. Caffeine, alcohol, spices, sweets, red meat, and white flour make it difficult to sleep. Find out what to eat and what not to get up lightly and fall asleep.
  • Ally yourself with tryptophan. It is an essential amino acid that facilitates the release of serotonin, a substance that helps you sleep better and is abundant in eggs, milk, nuts …
  • And of course take some of these infusions. It is one of the 30 tricks to get a good night's sleep and be healthier and happier.

And if you still can't sleep, you can try the trick to fall asleep fast in 60 seconds or take our test to find out if you suffer from a sleep disorder.