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Why does the skin itch? how to calm it and how to prevent its appearance

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If you think it is a rare problem, you are wrong. Itching is the most common symptom (not a disease) in dermatology and affects one third of the world's population. It can be localized, generalized, occasional or chronic (related to dermatological diseases such as atopic dermatitis, contact eczema, urticaria or psoriasis).

But why does the itch appear?

The causes can be very diverse: from allergy to some food or tissue to the arrival of menopause or a problem in the liver, through self-medication with antibiotics, but the most common is that it is due to a skin disorder (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria …).

The consequence is that there is an alteration in the skin because the skin barrier is damaged. The immune system tries to "defend" it by releasing large amounts of histamine. This hormone acts as a powerful dilator of blood vessels, and that is what causes redness, itching … The skin overreacts to stimuli that would not affect normal skin, but sensitive skin. This reaction can range from mild discomfort to excruciating discomfort, forcing intense scratching, sometimes causing injury.

Below we have selected the most common situations with which you could identify and some solutions that you could apply.

I only feel itching at specific times

Most likely it is atopic dermatitis. It occurs mainly in dry skin (even rough and flaky) or if you suffer from rhinitis or asthma. That is why it is common for them to arise during very specific periods, such as when it is cold or in spring, due to allergies to pollen. In cases of atopic dermatitis, very itchy redness usually appears .

So there is some truth in "spring alters blood", because the hormonal system revives after having been "hibernating", which tends to especially upset many people. In addition, you spend more time outdoors and the skin comes into contact with different substances, which favors skin alterations

  • To relieve itching . Moisturizing the skin frequently is essential to avoid the itching that is associated with these conditions when they last a long time. Even 3 or 4 times a day. In pharmacy you can find hypoallergenic body and face creams . And in specific cases, when there are severe flare-ups, the dermatologist may prescribe a corticosteroid cream to relieve the itching.

My body itches when I touch certain things

There are almost 3,000 chemical agents (soaps, cosmetics, detergents …) that in contact with the skin can cause itching, swelling, redness and even the appearance of blisters. It happens to people who suffer from a condition called contact dermatitis . The skin with allergic-type symptoms can also react to certain foods or metals present in jewelry and accessories.

  • What to do. The essential thing is to suspend contact with the substance that causes the itch and, if you cannot (for professional reasons, for example), wear gloves. Once it has appeared, medication such as corticosteroid ointments or oral antihistamines may be necessary for it to subside. And if you are not quite sure what may be causing the reaction, the best thing to do is go to the dermatologist to undergo allergy tests with skin patches that will determine which substance is the culprit.

In addition to itching, red dots also appear

If instead of a reddened area you can see small red dots that resemble insect bites and that also cause very intense itching, it means that you have hives. This skin manifestation is also usually allergic, but in this case it is more common for the reaction to be related to the ingestion of a drug (penicillin, anti-inflammatory …) or a food (strawberries, egg white, shellfish, milk …) that can trigger these reactions.

  • How to remedy it. If you take medication and you usually get hives, inform your doctor because she may be able to find an alternative.
  • And when you have an outbreak. Try taking oatmeal baths to soothe your skin. Put about ten teaspoons of oatmeal in a cloth bag and place it in the bath water. If you don't have a bathtub, another option is to put cold water compresses or try the following natural remedy: mix three drops of calendula essential oil and another three drops of oregano oil in a little olive oil. Apply the mixture on the area to be treated several times a day with a clean gauze. It will calm you down and help you heal the injury.

It only stings between my fingers

In this case, it is a fungus that usually causes eczema . This tends to "settle" in areas where sweat and heat accumulate (as occurs in the hollows of the fingers) because they are the ideal conditions for living. Specifically, it is common for it to affect the first interdigital gap (between the thumb and forefinger) where there is more ventilation space.

  • If you have athlete's foot. Or what is the same, foot fungus, extreme precautions and preferably change your socks (cotton) twice a day so that your feet are always dry. Also always wear flip flops in the pool or gym, dry thoroughly, insisting on the space between your toes and do not share the towel to avoid contagion . The best formula to combat them is to use an antifungal powder or spray available at the pharmacy.

I have developed a "culverin" and it itches a lot

The chickenpox virus can remain in the body "asleep" and wake up years later causing what is known as shingles. In this case, in addition to intense itching, this alteration also manifests itself with the appearance of painful vesicles in the form of "shingles" that affect only one half of the face or body. Although it is more common in people over 50 years of age, anyone who has had chickenpox can get shingles.

  • Treatment. Although it usually resolves on its own within a week or two, the pain and itching can be relieved with antiviral drugs. Depending on the patient, these can be administered orally or intravenously.


What always works

Whatever the problem that causes itching on your skin, it will improve if you use 100% cotton garments, creams free of perfume and parabens, and soaps and gels with a neutral pH.

My skin flakes and my body itches a lot

Possibly a case of psoriasis. Almost 3% of the world's population suffers from it. Skin cells are renewed every month, but in people with psoriasis this process takes just 3 days. Therefore, whitish scales appear and there is exaggerated desquamation. Psoriasis usually appears in "flare-ups", especially in periods of stress. It is a genetic alteration that has its origin in the immune system: it causes the skin to "attack" itself by mistake, causing inflammation.

  • How it is treated. Moisturizers, even if they are hypoallergenic, do not cure psoriasis, but they do help reduce itching, flaking and dryness. As a treatment, corticosteroids are often used to prevent inflammation in the form of very fatty ointments. The dermatologist may also prescribe medications or injections to control inflammation. As therapy in medical-aesthetic centers, phototherapy works very well : ultraviolet light therapy.
  • If it affects the scalp . 70% of people who suffer from psoriasis also tend to have it on the scalp, causing from a fine flaking to a thick dandruff with red patches that cause a lot of itching. The good news is that in the pharmacy there are specific shampoos and lotions, with urea or salicylic acid among their ingredients, that fight it. It is very important to avoid scratching, as in other locations on the body, to avoid causing skin lesions.

When I'm hot, my arms and neckline itch a lot

Although the condition has a "rare" name, cholinergic urticaria, it is a very common problem. It occurs when body heat increases and sweat appears, such as when exercising, with very hot baths or showers, or when eating very spicy dishes. Hives that itch a lot and are preceded by a sensation of heat or burning usually appear. And, although its appearance is more frequent in the arms and chest, they can appear in any area of ​​the body.

  • How to treat it. Hives and itching appear within a few minutes of sweating and can last 30 minutes or more. But it is not worrisome, as soon as the body returns to normal temperature and the sweat disappears, the problem also disappears. It is best to avoid situations where you sweat a lot, wear cotton garments, which perspire better, and take short showers with warm or cold water.

Why does my skin itch after showering?

Your skin may be overly sensitive, or you may even have atopic dermatitis. The disorder itself is called aquagenic pruritus . It is triggered when the skin comes into contact with water, but there may be other factors that trigger it such as sweat, a sudden change in temperature or contact with a synthetic fiber garment. If the water is hard - with too much lime - or too hot and you also use aggressive soaps, the situation worsens.

  • What I can do. Forget about long baths in the bathtub with very hot water. Much better a quick shower with warm water or that is at a temperature similar to that of your body. Use neutral gels that respect the pH of your skin. Instead of rubbing dry, do so with gentle touches of the towel. Always use a soothing milk or body oil.

When I sunbathe I get a rash that itches a lot

This is what is known as an allergy or intolerance to the sun , a reaction of the immune system to sunlight. In direct exposure to the sun, many people, especially women with very fair skin, suffer a few hours later a rash on the face, décolleté, arms and feet, with a very unpleasant itch. Sometimes even small blisters appear.

  • The best solution. Prevention. That is, avoid exposure to the sun, at least during the most harmful hours (from noon to 4 in the afternoon), use high photoprotection (SPF 50) and wear clothing that covers the maximum of skin. There are also nutricosmetics that help prepare and strengthen the skin for sun exposure, reducing its reactivity. But it has to be taken several weeks before going out in the sun. Still, the use of sunscreen is essential.
  • To soothe the skin. If the symptoms are mild, simply apply cold water compresses or vaporize the skin with thermal water sprays. But if it is more serious, the dermatologist may recommend creams with corticosteroids or antihistamines. Phototherapy is also very effective: exposure to ultraviolet light.

Is it true that stress makes itching worse?

So is. The skin and the nervous system share the same embryonic origin. Or what is the same, the skin and the brain come from the same cells. This connection, according to dermatologists, means that when we are nervous, tense or scared, our skin "expresses itself" with symptoms that are often annoying, such as itching, peeling or redness.

  • Cortisol, the culprit. This hormone is released when a tense situation appears. It triggers a quick fight or flight response, a reaction that can be very helpful in the face of danger or challenge. The bad thing is that it is repeated in every stressful situation of the day to day … and if the levels go up often, mood disorders and skin problems appear.
  • Relax and have fun. Regain well-being by dedicating part of your time to doing some activity. Be it dancing, yoga, meditation, swimming, whatever you like… it reduces stress and stimulates the hormones of happiness, such as serotonin, dopamine or endorphins. Your mind and your skin will notice it. And if not, learn to reduce by following these 5 (easy) steps.

Sometimes my face and neck get very hot and itchy

It is very possible that it is seborrheic or rosacea dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is sometimes accompanied by scales and can be due to the activity of the sebaceous glands, fungi that live on the skin, or changes in the functioning of the skin barrier. In the case of rosacea, it usually affects cases of fair, sensitive and oily skin. The redness is persistent in the central part of the face and the thin blood vessels in the nose and cheeks often swell and become visible.

In both cases, it is aggravated by stress or fatigue, in cases of very acneic skin and in situations of very cold or very hot.

  • Treatments . For both seborrheic dermatitis and rosacea, a very gentle facial cleansing (without soap) and soothing hypoallergenic cosmetics (with fresh and light textures) are recommended. In rosacea, aesthetic medical treatment with laser also works very well.

If I am not allergic to anything, why does my skin itch?

Many people have been tested for allergies or food intolerances without showing any significant reaction to any allergens and wonder why their skin continues to itch. It is also important to rule out that the cause of the itching or itching is not related to a metabolic disease, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism; an alteration of hormones (pregnancy) or with a case of kidney disorder (the kidneys may not filter the blood properly and toxins and waste substances circulate throughout the body causing itching).

Over the years, cosmetics irritate my face … and before I did not

Pollution, stress, hormones, an unbalanced diet … you have been exposed to so many factors that can alter your skin that, with age, its barrier function has decreased. When lowering the tolerance threshold and overreacting the skin in an excessive and exaggerated way to factors that it usually tolerated without any problem (the weather, tap water, creams), it is best to vary your beauty ritual and opt for lines for skin mature and sensitive.

Take extreme precautions with your beauty routine

If from time to time you notice that redness appears on your face and itches you after using some cosmetics (facial hygiene products or creams), change some habits and you will see how your skin improves.

  1. Gently clean. Preferably without tap water. A good option is micellar water: soak a cotton ball with the product, let it rest for a few seconds on the irritated areas and remove. To finish, steam with thermal water.
  2. Hydrates morning and night to comfort the skin. Choose a cream that is both repairing the skin barrier, soothing irritations and strengthening the skin's defenses. If it contains antioxidants that protect it from free radicals, the better.
  3. Check the label. Look at the composition of your creams: they must be hypoallergenic and specifically intended for sensitive skin. Use formulas with fewer than 10 ingredients and that are free of perfumes, dyes, or parabens.
  4. Sunscreen always! With such fragile skin, you have to be careful with UV rays. Apply a photoprotector with a high UVB index (SPF30 or 50+) and reinforced UVA protection daily. Opt for 100% mineral filters, they are better tolerated than chemicals.

What ingredients should I look for in my cosmetics to prevent itching?

  1. For its anti-inflammatory and restorative effect: vegetable oils rich in omega 3 (evening primrose, borage, sunflower)
  2. For its soothing action: oats, aloe, algae, bisabolol, calendula, licorice and polidocanol
  3. For deep hydration: hyaluronic acid, glycerin and dexpanthenol
  4. For its power to strengthen the capillaries of the skin: butcher's broom, horse chestnut and vine.