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10 tricks to drink more water

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1. Drink water with lemon

1. Drink water with lemon

Many people find water bland. To make it more palatable, you can add different substances that, in addition to flavor, will give it its qualities. For example, a few drops of lemon will make it more purifying and will help you eliminate liquids. You can also add fresh mint or spearmint leaves. Or a splash of pomegranate concentrate, which is very antioxidant.

2. Drink water after coffee

2. Drink water after coffee

Whenever you have a coffee, accompany it after a good glass of water. Why? Coffee causes the body to secrete gastrin and the excess of this hormone can lead to ulcers or gastritis. The cold water taken after coffee stops this secretion.

3. Drink two glasses with every meal

3. Drink two glasses with each meal

If you drink one glass before and one after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you'll only have two or three glasses left to complete your daily needs. It will also help you feel full and keep your weight under control, as stated in a study from the University of Birmingham. And if you are one of those who believe that drinking during a meal is bad, remember that water does not dilute gastric juices. It is a myth. On the contrary, drinking with meals (or before or after) facilitates the assimilation of nutrients.

4. a good bottle

4. a good bottle

Light, refillable and with a good closure, so you can always carry it with you. Choose a steel or hard plastic model free of bisphenol A (this substance disrupts the endocrine system and is found in many plastic containers). To reuse they are much better than soft and transparent plastic.

5. Drink water as a routine

5. Drink water as a routine

Adopt the routine of having a glass of water every time you go from one activity to another: before leaving home, when starting work, during the break, when returning … And to make it easier for you, use the trick in the post- Item. Draw eight boxes on a piece of paper, and mark a cross each time you drink a glass.

6. Set an alarm on the mobile as a reminder

6. Set an alarm on the mobile as a reminder

You can control your drinking rhythm if you set your mobile alarm to warn you every two hours. There are several apps that help you drink the right amount. The best rated are Water your body and Hydro (in Spanish).

7. Take advantage of visits to the bathroom

7. Take advantage of visits to the bathroom

You can use your own body as a signal that it is time to have another glass of water. For example, immediately after going to the bathroom, try drinking a glass. And also … before you start cooking, have a glass of water. This will ward off the temptation to peck.

8. Dilute the juices and give them sparkle

8. Dilute the juices and give them sparkle

Juices contain too much sugar to drink whole glasses. Dilute them in an equal or greater amount of water. You can also peel oranges, limes, and lemons, dice them, and freeze them. Then put them in glasses of water as if they were ice. They will refresh you, flavor the water, and help you consume more fruits (eat them last!).

9. Add spice to meals

9. Add spice to meals

A pinch of spice will make you increase your water consumption without thinking to put out "the fire". A moderate dose of spiciness promotes digestion and helps burn calories. If you want to know other spices that help you burn fat, take a look at this post.

10. Differentiate hunger from thirst

10. Differentiate hunger from thirst

Every time you think you are hungry try drinking because often the sensations are confused. In addition, according to the Charité University of Berlin, although water does not cause weight loss by itself, it does have a supportive effect on weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet. With what you will be killing three birds with one stone: you will quench your thirst, you will be more hydrated and it will help you lose weight.

If you want to know other tricks to lose weight, check out this post about ideas that multiply the effect of a diet.

You need to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day for your body to function well. Water improves your digestion, the appearance of your skin, and even fills you with energy. On top of that, it has no calories and helps you lose weight. Despite all these advantages, half of the Spanish do not drink enough water. Is it your case? Then read on to find out how water benefits you and check out the gallery with the best tricks to drink more water almost without realizing it.

What does water give us?

Without it we could not live. It is the most abundant element in the composition of our body and is essential to keep it healthy.

What are the benefits of drinking water?

  • It feeds us, since it is the "transport" of certain vitamins and minerals, essential for the cells of the body.
  • Cleanses the body, as it helps eliminate toxins.
  • Avoid constipation, as it contributes to the expulsion of stool more easily and frequently.
  • It fills us with its light and brief satiating effect. Drink a glass of water 10 minutes before eating and you will arrive with less anxiety at the table.
  • Take care of the skin, which is the body's first line of defense.

How much water should you drink?

The WHO recommends two liters of water a day, but most of us stick to a liter and a half. To adjust it well and maintain a balanced hydration level, each person should drink about 20 ml of water for every kilo of ideal weight, in addition to the water contained in food. For example, if your ideal weight is 60 kilos you should drink 1,200 ml of water a day.

And how do you balance the level of hydration?

To achieve a balance, the inputs and outputs have to be similar. The body obtains water from food (30%), from drinks (60%) and from its own metabolism (10%). And it expels water through urine (60%), lungs (28%), and sweat and feces (12%). When you need or have excess water, you adjust the inputs (causing thirst, for example) and the outputs (causing urine production to increase or decrease).

How do I know if I have an imbalance?

When there is an imbalance between inputs and outputs, the body sets off its alerts. The main one is thirst, but also dry skin and mucous membranes.

So you have to wait until you are thirsty to drink water?

No, thirst itself is an alert, the body already perceives a certain degree of dehydration, so you do not have to wait to be thirsty. It is even advisable to drink at regular intervals even if you are not thirsty. Especially children and adults, since the sensation of thirst is perceived less with age.

What is the best way to drink water?

Ideally, do it at regular intervals several times a day, rather than a large amount at once.

The more water you drink, the greater benefits?

No, you have to drink the amount that your body needs, neither more nor less. Drinking excessively will not cause you to eliminate more toxins than you need to, nor will it make you lose more weight. You will only get your kidneys to work excessively.