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Eating pineapple in its juice when you diet could be a mistake

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All experts agree that pineapple is good for weight loss. In addition, it is considered one of the foods that help you have a flat stomach. And it's the star of the 3-day pineapple diet; a diet as popular as it is controversial because most nutritionists consider it one more of the miracle diets (not recommended and potentially dangerous if not performed under supervision).

The whole truth about its slimming power

But what does pineapple have to make it so adored? Well, among its many properties it is light, diuretic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory thanks to its low fat content, its richness in water, fiber and vitamin C, and that it has bromelain. This enzyme, apart from being one of the causes of itchy tongue when you eat pineapple, helps metabolize proteins, facilitating digestion and elimination of fat.

For all these reasons, it is not strange that it is on the list of foods to live longer and better; and that it is recommended both to combat overweight as well as fluid retention and constipation. However, it is often obvious to mention that, to be really effective as a weight loss food, it must be eaten natural.

The reason is that canned pineapple undergoes a thermal process for its preservation that reduces its bromelain content (along with its contribution of vitamins and minerals). And, in addition, canned pineapple does not usually carry the heart, that central part that is discarded because it is very fibrous, but which is precisely where it has more fiber and bromelain.

Does that mean that pineapple in its juice does not go well? Not quite. It is simply much less effective. But it does not go bad as long as it is really natural pineapple in its juice. That is, it does not contain added sugars or other sweeteners (since they are fattening … and are addictive!), Or it is not in syrup, which is a real sugar-based caloric bomb.