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How to lose weight with the plate method

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Don't worry about counting calories anymore! Harvard University (USA) has heard our prayers and created the Plate Method. Stick with the name because this way of combining food is going to revolutionize your meals (and your waist circumference!).

A HEALTHY change

A HEALTHY change

The key to this method is in the proportions. Take your plate and imaginatively divide it into three parts (one half and two quarters). Ready to join the Plate Method revolution? Warning: If you are one of those who always eat first and second, prepare for the change …


What do I put on my plate?

What do I put on my plate?

Start by covering half the plate: Fill it with greens and vegetables and, at least in one of the meals of the day, that these are raw. You can also combine raw and cooked vegetables in the same meal. This portion is also equivalent to a bowl of cream or vegetable soup. Choose vegetables of all colors and limit the oil you add (maximum 3 tablespoons a day).

Protein, do not miss!

Protein, do not miss!

In the first quarter of the plate you have to include the dose of protein. Bet on light foods with quality protein such as chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, legumes, tofu … Limit red meat, and avoid processed meat such as bacon and cold cuts. The ration is about 120-150 g, which would be the equivalent of the palm of a hand without the fingers, more or less (or a quarter in birds).



The last quarter leaves the prominence to wheat, quinoa, oats, rice … This would be equivalent to a couple of slices of bread (40 g), a potato the size of a chicken egg, and half a cup of rice, cooked pasta or legume. Rice, pasta and potatoes, if you cook them and then let them cool, are more satiating because their fiber is transformed and becomes resistant starch (then, you can reheat them or not).



Yes, this method breaks with the concept of first and second courses, but, my friend, dessert is sacred! Opt for a piece of fruit (2-3 a day maximum) or low-fat yogurt. And to drink, better water, tea, coffee or infusions. And if you drink milk, a glass a day (you can have 2 dairy products, but the other, better yogurt or fresh cheese).

To the stove, chef

To the stove, chef

Now that you know what to put on your plate, it's time to take action. Dare to play and create your own combinations following the guidelines of Harvard University. Your inspiration is not for the work? Clara comes to the rescue with three plates that are ideal to get you started in this method easily and quickly. The tricky thing is going to be choosing which one you want to do first …

Country recipe

Country recipe

This recipe is very refreshing, ideal for days when it is hot. Take note: Fill half a plate with a salad of cherry tomatoes, basil, onion and fresh cheese (in total we are talking about 200 kcal). Now we go for the first quarter, place a grilled chicken breast (110 kcal). In the remaining quarter, put a baked potato (142 kcal).

Delights of the sea

Delights of the sea

Second recipe: Make some spinach with peas and pine nuts (250 kcal). Let's go for the quarters: Prepare some curried prawns (80 kcal) and a curried brown rice (200 kcal). Delicious! And on top of that, curry helps burn calories, what more could you ask for?



Avocado is one of the superfoods with the largest fan club, and for good reason! Did you know that if you add it to your spinach salads, you will increase the absorption of beta-carotene by 15%? Let's go for the third recipe: Fill your half plate with a salad of asparagus, seeds and … of course, avocado! (in total: 300 kcal). Add a slice of toast (79 kcal) in one quarter and, in the other, a mushroom omelette with an egg (120 kcal). Yum, yum …

In the boat

In the boat

Now that you know the method, follow it and lose weight in a healthy way without starving! You can even take it to work, you just have to bet on the vertical plate option. Place chickpeas on the base (a source of complex hydrates and vegetable protein), add a salad with tomato, onion and pickles and tuna (doses of protein and healthy fats). Not convinced? Take a look at these delicious proposals.

Much more effective

Much more effective

There are magic combinations that make the benefits of food multiply. An example: Combine tomato with cottage cheese and thus optimize its lycopene content, which is a powerful antioxidant. Discover more tricks to multiply the effect of your diet here.

Of the three main meals you eat a day, how many are healthy and balanced? Maybe less than you would like. And is that preparing a nutritionally complete dish can seem very complicated and boring! Head over to the Plate Method and say goodbye to headaches.


As you have already seen, you do not have to be a nutrition expert or spend the day counting calories to join this method. Do not waste time following complicated diets and with the dreaded yo-yo effect, if you want to eat healthily and lose the extra pounds, this is your plan! It is easy to follow and easy to remember.


This method was devised by Harvard University (USA) to be able to prepare light and balanced menus without weighing food or counting calories. In other words, it is 100% recommended and you will not put your health at risk, on the contrary!


It is as simple as distributing the ingredients that you put on your plate like this:

  • Vegetables . Alternate raw and cooked. Ah! And choose vegetables of all colors, which is always synonymous with nutritional wealth.
  • Proteins . Opt for light ones like chicken, fish, legumes and eggs.
  • Cereals . Better whole grains, go to the dark side!

Join the method in a simple way with any of the recipes that we have proposed and go ahead and make your own creations, chef!