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The best tricks to avoid frizzy hair

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You wake up in the morning, you want to control your hair and there is no way. Or it rains and you get shot in all directions. Does it sound familiar? You just have to ask yourself these 10 questions to discover what are the real culprits that your hair is frizzy and you can solve the problem once and for all with the home solutions and remedies that we give you:

1. Do you have curly hair?

If your answer is yes, you have all the numbers that your hair curls more easily than if you had it straight. This is because in the areas where curly hair is twisted, the cuticles open and the hair is more vulnerable. The solution is to straighten it with a keratin treatment or follow the homemade solutions that we tell you when washing it.

2. Do you use the right shampoo?

We think that the more lather a shampoo makes, the better, cleaner and softer the hair will be. But highly detergent shampoos with sulfates dry out and frizz hair. The best thing to do is to use a moisturizing shampoo with repairing and anti-frizz ( anti-frizz ) active ingredients such as keratin, ceramides, vegetable oils or glycerin.

3. How do you wash your hair?

If you do it with energy and fast you will be aggravating the problem. If you want soft and shiny hair, take note:

  • Mild shampoo. A moisturizing, nourishing, sulfate-free shampoo or wash cream should be used.
  • Slowly. During washing, the gestures should be slow, as if massaging the scalp; and rinse with warm water, as very hot water dries out the hair.
  • Smooth. Apply conditioner if hair is fine; or mask, if thick. Its ingredients are deposited in the cuticle (the outermost part of the hair) and penetrate the cortex, thus protecting and nourishing in depth. Above all, you have to let the product act while you shower. The humidity in the bathroom improves the absorption of the product.
  • Periodicity. Ideally, wash it 3 times a week, maximum. This will prevent the hair from becoming dehydrated.

4. What if it's the dryer?

Too much heat can frizz your hair and make it rougher. Something that can be avoided by moderating the temperature or connecting a diffuser so that the air is distributed evenly. But also think that the problem may be the electrical resistance of the dryer, which makes the air jet too hot. If you think you would have to renew it, ionic dryers are a good option, because they emit less heat and neutralize the electrical charges of the hair.

5. Or the towel?

When drying hair, do not rub it, because it breaks. It is better to press gently with a towel - preferably microfiber, it is more absorbent - or wrap it around the head as a turban.

6. Do you brush vigorously?

This way you will not tame the hair and you will only make it electrify and “shoot” more. Use a natural bristle brush and comb it gently. Oh, and to detangle it, use a wide-toothed comb and never do it with wet hair so as not to break it. The more damaged the hair fiber, the more the hair swells and curls.

7. Do you use foam?

Although they are commonly used to maintain curl, many mousses contain alcohol, which dehydrates the hair. Try new styling products: styling cream, mousse, hair oils or serums. But before using the finishing product, the ideal is a leave in conditioner (no rinse) or an anti-frizz serum. 2 or 3 sprays or 2 drops of serum are enough. This way the hair will not be matted.

8. Have you taken a good look at your hair color?

We insist: healthy hair, with closed cuticles and well hydrated will keep frizz at bay. Therefore, if you dye, it is best to opt for non-aggressive dyes, which include ingredients that pamper and nourish the hair, such as natural oils.

9. Do you take care of your hair at night?

Very dry hair needs extra hydration and nutrition. At night it is advisable to use a light hair oil with a dry touch, such as argan, and massage the hair from the middle to the ends.

10. Do you visit the hairdresser?

Ideally, every two months. As minimum! The damaged areas of the hair accumulate electricity, so it is best to cut the ends to clean the mane . And when it comes to choosing the cut, scaling is a good option, with the top layer at the jaw level at least, so it doesn't lift. And, of course, a polished ponytail to go to work, an undone bun to be at home or a braid when you go to bed always help keep your hair under control.