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Receta de huevos revueltos con pimiento

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4 huevos medianos
1 pimiento rojo
1 pimiento verde
1 pimiento amarillo
2 dientes de ajo
50 ml de nata líquida
1 ramita de perejil
Aceite de oliva

Si no tienes mucho tiempo para cocinar y buscas un plato nutritivo y ligero, el huevo revuelto con pimiento es tu plato. A las infinitas propiedades del huevo –proteínas de altísima calidad y riqueza en calcio, hierro o cinc y vitaminas– le añades el poder del pimiento –antioxidante, con alto contenido en vitamina C y fibra, y capacidad para combatir el colesterol malo.

If to that we add that it only has about 175 cal. per portion and that a scrambled egg does not require much skill in the kitchen, bingo! The ideal recipe.

How to do it step by step

  1. Clean the peppers, wash them, dry them with kitchen paper and cut them into strips. Peel the garlic and cut into slices. Wash the parsley and chop it.
  2. Put a frying pan on the fire with 1 dl of oil and, when it is hot, add the garlic and peppers. Cover and sauté for 10-15 minutes, stirring several times. Drain and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Beat the eggs with the cream and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook them in a non-stick frying pan with a teaspoon of oil over very low heat, and stirring constantly.
  4. Mix the scrambled eggs with the peppers, sprinkle with the parsley and serve immediately.


A good scrambled egg

The secret to making it creamy is to curdle the eggs lightly and at a very low heat. And add the ingredients that release water already cooked and drained.

And if you want an express scramble …

If, in addition, you need to solve a meal in a hurry and you need an express recipe, you just have to substitute the fresh pepper for one canned, and sauté it for a couple of minutes with oil and minced garlic so that it loses moisture and takes on more flavor.