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The best keys to avoid being deceived

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Are they trying to cast a ring that only has a patina like gold? Or do you have doubts about whether a piece of furniture has woodworm? Or if a garment is going to fade you? No more uncertainties! We give you all the tools to clear up endless domestic doubts and, in many cases, save you money … which never hurts.

How to know if a bill is fake

To find out, touch it. The legal ones have a firm touch. In addition, the main image, the letters and the largest figure are embossed. Then look at it against the light. If it is authentic, in the blank space on the left you will see a watermark (a fuzzy image of an architectural element or of the goddess Europa). And if you tilt it, you will see an iridescent band with the value of the banknote and the euro symbol. If you need more information, check this article.

How to detect that my wifi is being stolen

The most effective way to find out is to go into the router and check in its configuration how many devices are connected to it. However, it is somewhat complicated and not everyone knows how to do it. Another easy way to check is to turn off all your wireless devices. If the router's WLAN indicator light keeps flashing, you are being hacked. In this article we give you even more tricks.

How to know if it is gold

Although the safest thing is to go to a laboratory or a trusted jeweler, there are a couple of methods that you can do at home and, although they are not definitive, they can put you on the track of whether it is gold or not. Hold a magnet close to it. It should not stick, as the gold is not attracted to the magnetism of the magnet. You can also use a magnifying glass and look for a 3-digit number marked by the manufacturer in an inconspicuous area as a guarantee that it is gold, silver or platinum. If it says 750 it is practically certain that it is 18 karat gold. The manufacturer also usually marks its own code, which consists of three digits and two letters.

Is it sterling silver?

Do the same tests as with gold. In the case of sterling silver, the contrasting mark will be the number 925. If you want to know if the whole piece is silver or if it only has a bath, in a place that cannot be seen, scratch it carefully. If it changes color, it is a bathroom.

Do I have a water leak at home?

If you suspect that you may be suffering a water leak, close all the taps and taps. Before going to sleep, write down the figure that appears on the counter. And, in the morning, as soon as you get up, check the meter again. If it has changed, it indicates that there is a leak and you should consult an expert to locate it. It is important to do so because, in the long run, a leak can cause serious damage to your home.

How to know if a garment is colorfast

To find out, wet a small area - in an invisible part - with a little hot water. Rub it in vigorously with soap and rinse it off. If the water that comes out is colored, there is no doubt that the garment fades and that it should be washed separately so that it does not ruin all the laundry. But do not do this test with wool or silk garments because you could damage them.

How to detect if a piece of furniture has woodworm

If it is an old piece of furniture with cracks; it is made of beech, maple or chestnut wood; You live in a place with high humidity and where the temperature is around 22-24º, the chances that the holes you see in the furniture are due to woodworm are greater, since all these factors favor its development. A more conclusive test is the presence of sawdust.

Is this pot suitable for induction?

When you buy a new pot or pan, all you have to do is look for the symbol for induction cookers: a spiral with the word "induction" underneath. But if it is a pot that you already had, you just have to bring a magnet close to the base. If it sticks, it does work for induction cookers.

Is this paint washable?

Plastic paints are washable, while tempera paints are not. In the case of the latter, after touching them, you usually notice that you have a trace of dust on your fingers.

What fabric is a garment made of?

Take a thread out of the hem and burn it. If it burns slowly and squeaks, it's wool. Cotton, on the other hand, burns fast, leaving a fine ash. Silk, for its part, burns slowly and leaves a smell of burnt hair. The rayon and viscose smolder leaving smell of burning paper. And the threads of the synthetic garments harden and form like a black ball of glue. Become an expert identifying fabrics thanks to these tricks.

How to know if you have to transplant a plant

Leave the plant in question for two days without watering so that the soil is dry. Turn the pot over so that the plant detaches from the container and pick it up with the palm of your hand. If the root ball - the roots together with the attached soil - comes off easily, put it back as it was. She does not require an urgent transplant yet. If, on the other hand, it is very attached, it is a sign that it has many roots and little soil and that it would be convenient to transplant it as soon as possible.

How to know if the sofa is real leather

Real leather has a distinctive and easily recognizable odor. Even so, you should not trust it because there are artificial skins treated to give off a similar smell. The trick to finding out is touch. When touched, real leather transmits warmth, while synthetic does not. Real leather, on the other hand, is softer, smoother and more flexible. When sticking a nail into it (in a non-visible area), if it is real leather, you will have some small particles of skin, while if it is synthetic, you will have a kind of varnish.

Will these silverware rust?

In general, stainless steel of different qualities and different resistance to corrosion are used for the manufacture of cutlery. The way to distinguish it is to bring a magnet closer to them. Those made of stainless steel of higher quality and, therefore, more resistant to oxidation are not magnetic and are not attracted by the magnet or, if attracted, adhere with very little force. If, on the other hand, they magnetize easily, the chances of rusting are much higher.

How to know if the water in your house is hard

Some of the signs that warn you of the presence of lime in the water are that the soap foams little, that the shower screen is whitish or that, when you remove the glasses from the dishwasher, they are not completely transparent. The harder the water, the more soap you will need to wash your clothes. If it is very hard, it is recommended to use anti-scale products to protect the electrical appliances.