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How to remove blemishes from the face

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Medical-aesthetic treatments are the most effective option to combat stains. But the first step is to know what type of stain it is. We explain how to distinguish them. Thus, depending on the stain, you will know the best specific technique in your case. Of course, you can complement this with depigmenting and nutricosmetics at home; without forgetting good habits, such as sun protection.

How to distinguish them

Do you already know if that stain that has come out is a melasma or a lentigo ? Or maybe it is simply a post- inflammatory spot ? … Find out and show off a homogeneous and luminous complexion again.

  • Melasmas They have a genetic component, although they tend to be accentuated due to hormonal causes (pregnancy, menopause). They are symmetrical spots that appear on both sides of the face, but they can also appear on the lip, forehead and chin. They appear more frequently on matte skin, without shine.
  • Lentigos . They are the typical brown spots caused by the sun and age. Round in shape and with irregular edges, they are formed mainly in the areas exposed to the sun (face, décolleté and hands). The most normal thing is that they begin to appear after the age of 35 and become more evident from the age of 50, because at that age melanin begins to be distributed badly.
  • Post-inflammatory . They are hyperpigmentations or spots, sometimes raised, that appear as a result of a blow or, for example, after the pull of waxing. They are also very common to appear in healing processes after having suffered acne. You know, it is very important not to touch the pimples, because after the scabs the spots can appear.

How to end melasmas

  • Combine CO 2 laser and vitamin C. It is a protocol that is followed in many beauty centers. The CO2 laser destroys melanocytes (cells responsible for the production of melanin) and pure vitamin C lightens the color of the released melanin. It is a treatment that is usually combined with specific depigmenting cosmetics at home. A treatment of this type is around € 1,000.
  • Pulsed light. Also known as IPL (Intense Pulse Light), this laser also works very well, because its wavelength acts on the stain without affecting the surrounding tissues. The number of sessions will vary depending on the amount of spots. What should be taken into account is that as a side effect it is normal that after the first session the pigmentation rises and the stain looks darker. But this disappears after several weeks and with successive applications of pulsed light.

How to remove lentigines or sun spots

Original text

  • With Q-Switched Laser. The advantage of this laser is that it emits a large amount of light energy in a very short time (fractions of a second), so it can penetrate the skin without damaging it. After the laser session there is a scab the same size as the spot that disappears in about 5-10 days. The minimum price is usually € 200 per session.
  • With pulsed light . Also known as IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), this laser is also very suitable, because thanks to its wavelength it acts directly on the stain without affecting the surrounding tissue. It depends on the amount of spots, 4-5 sessions may be necessary and the price is around € 200 per session.

Tips to hide all kinds of stains

Although spots may appear from unknown causes, there are techniques, cosmetics and habits that serve to combat them, whatever their origin.

  • Gentle medical peel. The chemical peels that they do in aesthetic centers or dermatological institutes to renew the skin try to be increasingly soft. The objective is not to attack the skin and that the recovery time is short. They treat the spots of hormonal origin and those caused by sun damage, at the same time that they reduce expression lines, open pores and provide luminosity to the skin. A mixture of powerful exfoliating agents (salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid and / or lactic acid) is usually applied , which remove the superficial layers of the epidermis. They also contain ingredients that minimize skin reactions and improve hydration. From € 250.
  • Anti-stain appliances at home. There are devices for home use that often combine various technologies, such as light therapy and ion therapy, to help blur localized spots. With light therapy, the green light emitted by the device slows down the activity of the melanocytes, so that the synthesis of melanin decreases, and the intensity and size of the spots are reduced. And ionotherapyIt consists of currents or microvibrations, which increase the permeability of the skin to improve the effectiveness of anti-blemish creams. The appliance is used alone or after the anti-stain cream. It is activated in contact with the skin and, after a minute, it turns off automatically so that it can be used on other areas of the face, décolleté or hands. Studies indicate that after one month, pigmentation is reduced by 27%.
  • Depigmenting. They are a great cosmetic aid to reduce spots, because they act on melanin and lighten the skin. In fact, spots on the skin are the accumulations of the pigment melanin in a localized area. They are formed when the cells that make melanin (melanocytes) become "overactive." To be really effective, it is convenient to use the depigmentor once a day for two weeks so that the skin adapts to it. Then, you can already use it twice a day, but it is recommended not to use it for more than 6 months in a row. When are the results really noticeable? After 4-5 weeks, the spots fade and the skin looks brighter and more uniform.
  • Anti-pollution cosmetics will also help you. Pollution is a growing source of free radicals and also depletes the skin's antioxidant defenses. Recent studies reveal that they cause 22% more spots on the skin. Lately, most cosmetic laboratories have agreed to launch lines of anti-pollution creams for women who live in the city. Take advantage of them.
  • Strengthens with nutricosmetics. The amount of vitamin C in the body decreases with age. Oral vitamin supplements counteract free radicals, which means fewer age spots. Other antioxidants with lightening action are lipoic acid, pycnogenol and green tea. If several active ingredients are combined, the anti-stain action will be more effective.

Clara trick

Just relax!

Take it easy and avoid stress. Think that it activates melanocytes, which are the cells that make melanin, yes, that substance that gives the skin a dark color and produces the appearance of unsightly spots.

And remember, sun protection all year

Whether you have spots or not, it is very important to wear photoprotection whenever you expose yourself to the sun to prevent their appearance. The goal is to isolate UV rays from your skin. The manufacture of melanin and, therefore, the appearance of spots, starts when ultraviolet rays reach the skin. Notice we say UV, not sun. In other words, on gray days you also have to apply the sunscreen on your face and hands. This way we avoid that the spots darken and that new ones appear. In addition, there are now sunscreen with lightening action . They include anti-stain actives at a concentration as high as in an anti-aging treatment.

  • Indispensable. If you are one of those who find it difficult to apply sunscreen daily, at least keep in mind that it is essential to use one with SPF 50 during and after depigmenting treatments so that the spots do not reappear.
  • A good help. If you apply an antioxidant serum before the sunscreen, it will help you stop the advance of the spots.
  • eye! Be careful with the medication. Certain drugs are photosensitizing or, in other words, they react to the sun and can cause spots. Among them are oral contraceptives or antihistamines.

Do you want to hide the spots while you do the treatment?

While you perform the depigmenting treatment you can camouflage them with the help of makeup.

  • It depends on the color of the stain. If the spots are of a rather dark tone, use a corrective makeup base, which has greater covering power than the conventional base. If the spots are light, apply first the concealer and then a fluid makeup base (better if it has SPF 20 or higher and includes lightening actives) or a BB cream (tinted moisturizer):
  • The most suitable concealer . Choose a yellow one if you have fair skin. If your skin is rather brown, choose an orange tone. Apply it without spreading the product so as not to lose coverage. Do this by dabbing with your fingertips so that the pigments adhere better to the skin.