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How to lose weight fast: the best tricks to stop hunger

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Trap # 1: ask for a postponement

Trap # 1: ask for a postponement

Many times "tomorrow" never comes because there is no perfect day. Perhaps tomorrow an unforeseen event that is difficult to avoid will arise and you will find yourself in the same situation as today. Also, you will not do the diet only tomorrow, but you have to do it every day, so why not start it today? The strategy… below.

Live for the day, think of today

Live for the day, think of today

If you want to diet and avoid those snacks, tell yourself: "Today I am going to eat healthy, I choose to take care of myself while enjoying myself." To achieve this we recommend something very easy: cooking. Choose a healthy recipe, in Clara you will find many, and go to the ingredients. Cook it calmly and take your time to taste it. That boredom or emptiness that pushes you to eat can be filled with the pleasure of cooking, of expressing your creativity in the dishes, their presentation …

Can I indulge myself? Clear!

Can I indulge myself? Clear!

It's okay to eat a few French fries, for example, or something else that you really like. Forbidding food is the worst thing you can do if you want to lose weight, because your mind will not let you think about anything else and when you fall - you will fall - you will not settle for a little, you will want the whole bag. So you know, indulge yourself once in a while and make up for it later, but not in any way …

Eating only yogurt is not a good idea

Eating only yogurt is not a good idea

Yogurts are light foods that can be part of a light dinner, but not as the only food. When we sleep we go many hours without eating and, in the middle of the night, your appetite can wake up. In addition to staying up, you can get up and eat anything. Our advice: make yogurt the dessert of a dinner consisting of a vegetable cream and some grilled fish. Or for a slice of vegetable pizza, delicious!

From communion to birthday

From communion to birthday

Tapas with friends, going out to dinner, parties and social events, etc., are times when food and drink abound, and … they are the perfect excuse for you to overeat. Above it is shown that when we are with many people we eat more. Stopping going is not the solution, so what do we do?

There are always alternatives

There are always alternatives

In any situation (birthday, communion, dinner with friends …) there are alternatives to continue with a healthy lifestyle without giving up having fun. So you can choose light options (fish, seafood, salads) and, if there is alcohol, do not drink more than one glass or beer (or go without). If you know what to choose, you can eat out without getting fat.

Trap # 524: "I've earned it"

Trap # 524: "I've earned it"

We agree, you deserve everything, but everything, everything … Not just an ice cream, a bun, a chocolate … You deserve an afternoon to go to the movies, go for a walk, meet a friend, watch five episodes in a row of your favorite series … Of course you can "sin" once in a while - once a week - but not every time you need an emotional reward. You will never find the solution to your problems in the fridge.

There are very light "prizes"

There are very light "prizes"

And if you need to treat yourself to a sweet tooth, this doesn't have to be a puff pastry with fruits. You can opt for a super mango and kiwi or banana or strawberry and oatmeal smoothie. The point is, you can give yourself perks without indulging in foods full of fat and empty calories.

"I burn calories in the gym"

"I burn calories in the gym"

If you think that just by going to the gym to burn calories you can eat whatever you want, you will end up gaining weight, unless you are a professional athlete who trains for hours at high intensity. Going to the gym or running 3 times a week is not enough to give you carte blanche at mealtime. Also, even professional athletes diet.

If you've been to the gym, give yourself a treat!

If you've been to the gym, give yourself a treat!

Like this delicious salad in a jar. No matter how tired you are from the gym or hungry, you have no excuse. It is very easy to prepare, it serves as a single dish. It is also very satisfying. That carries? Lettuces, fruit, cheese and nuts. But you can make it to your liking. Of course, it includes lettuce, some protein (cheese, tuna, egg) and nuts. As a dressing: half a tablespoon of oil, 1 of lemon juice, 1 of vinegar and half of honey.

I have lost some weight …

I have lost some weight …

A dangerous excuse because if you eat well one day - or less than you should think about losing weight - and you gorge yourself the next, you will suffer rises and falls in blood glucose that, apart from making you gain weight, will harm your health.

Choose to take care of yourself

Choose to take care of yourself

The best strategy is to eat a balanced meal every day and, if you go over one meal, make up for the next, but nothing to reward yourself for “behaving well”. And remember that you can lose weight without starving and without being deprived. You just need to maintain a balance.

The ultimate trap: "It's light"

The ultimate trap: "It's light"

And by this rule of three, you will end up gaining more weight. That a food is light means that it must have at least 30% of the calories of its reference food. That does not mean that you can eat it without restriction, since if the reference food is caloric (mayonnaise, French fries, etc.), the substitute, no matter how light, will continue to be caloric. And if you take more … pounds to the song!

The solution is in your kitchen

The solution is in your kitchen

Do you know how many calories 3 light digestive biscuits have? About 240 kcal (not counting that they are basically sugar and fat). You can eat 240 kcal in the form of a salad, for example, with fruit and fresh cheese to take away that sweet tooth. You can even put honey or jam in the vinaigrette. The key is to cook, which is the same as taking care of yourself, loving you, spending time with you and only you.

Yes, but until when and at what price?

Yes, but until when and at what price?

Habits can beat genetics. If you abuse junk food, you will end up gaining weight in the long run, even if your family has never had obesity. And, if on the contrary, your excuse is that you come from a family of obese and you put all the blame on the genes, remember that, even if you have a slow metabolism, if you eat well and exercise enough, you will increase your muscle mass and lose weight.

There are always alternatives

There are always alternatives

Without having to resort to the light, which we have already seen can be a trap, you can always find alternatives to what the body asks of you. In the case of ice cream, change the creamy Italian for sorbet (which is practically water) and if you choose to cook once more, you can prepare it yourself with fruit and crushed ice. Delicious, nutritious and healthy.

Stress takes its toll … in the form of a belly!

Stress takes its toll … in the form of a belly!

After a very stressful day, what you want is to eat chocolate, cookies, chips, pizza, etc., that is, foods rich in fat and carbohydrates. These foods stimulate the reward centers of the brain making you feel good. It is what the body screams for an immediate solution! But there are alternatives …

Shake off stress by moving

Shake off stress by moving

The best strategy to feel good and not gain weight is to remove stress from yourself by dancing, running, swimming, singing, screaming, meditating, doing yoga, reading… You choose. It's about unplugging your brain when it is in "angry toddler" mode and reconnecting it in "responsible adult" mode. And for this there is nothing like "tired".

Cheating yourself is not the solution

Cheating yourself is not the solution

Although fruit is a very healthy food, too often it is part of desserts that can add more calories than main dishes: such as a fruit cake, puff pastry and pastry cream … Very innocent desserts that are more fattening than a whole roast chicken. The same goes for the pepper on pizza, it does not count as a serving of vegetables.

And watch out for the fruit (also the real one)

And watch out for the fruit (also the real one)

Fruit also provides calories, so you don't have to eat it without limit. It is recommended to take between 2 and 4 pieces a day. If you do not reach this minimum / maximum, try to vary by making fruit "popsicles" or including it in smoothies and salads. Your skin and your intestinal flora will thank you.

See recipe for watermelon, orange and lemon popsicles.

"I'm on a diet, but I have a lot of appetite", "How can I stop my hunger?", "Since I have decided to go on a diet it seems that I am more hungry" … Do you identify with these phrases? If so, keep reading because we are going to help you make your diet to lose weight really work with the best tricks to eliminate hunger (and none is that you brush your teeth or drink a lot of water).

Tricks to remove hunger

No, we don't have any magic wands. And we are not going to suggest that you meditate, breathe or think about anything else. What we want to show you is how your mind works to boycott your diet. Because even if you don't want to see it, your brain will always prefer a pizza to an apple, unless you help it change …

Your brain doesn't want to go on a diet to lose weight

It is so. Your brain considers your body to be perfectly fine. He likes to have his fat stores full in case a time of famine comes, and he likes you to eat. Therefore, it stimulates you with messages that whet your appetite. Have you noticed that when you are trying not to eat so many sweets, you suddenly remember "that" so delicious that it stayed at the bottom of the drawer? How weird, right? Right now, the memory comes to you. And you resist … what you can, until you eat "that" and the "other" and the "beyond".

He does not love sports either

Another fact. Your brain is governed by the law of least effort. Why waste energy foolishly? It does not make sense for your gray matter, and therefore when you consider doing more exercise it costs you a world. And in your mind a thousand excuses arise and all valid. But, on the other hand, when you overcome the obstacles that the first days put you, it gets hooked on the endorphins that sport makes you secrete and then there is no one who will take you out of the gym. The same goes for food. If you manage to overcome the obstacles and traps that your mind puts you, you will achieve your goal: control your appetite and eat balanced, not too much, not too little, only what your body really needs.

Traps that make you eat more

It often happens that when you want something and you know that it is not convenient for you, you look for a way to justify it, or rather your mind looks for a way to eat it. For example, you want to eat a cake and, since you do not want to gain weight, your brain justifies it by saying that the next day you will eat only fruit to compensate. Or you start dieting and end up quitting, and your brain makes an excuse that maybe it's not the best time to do it. And it is that in the face of any task that involves an effort, our mind, which is comfortably installed in its comfort zone, comes up with a thousand and one excuses not to have to leave it. This is going to end! We are going to teach you how to stop boycotting yourself with our 100% effective strategies.In the gallery you have the 10 excuses that your mind gives you to make you eat more and the tricks you can use to avoid it.

Traps that make you eat without hunger

In addition to the boycott that your mind imposes on you, there are other small details that we do not give importance to and that can unbalance us and cause weight gain, since they can make us eat even when we are not hungry:

  1. The lack of light. Several studies have shown that exposure to sunlight increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for good humor and that prevents it from influencing hunger. The ideal is to go for an hour a day for a walk so that you get the sun.
  2. The artificial sweeteners. Aspartame, for example, tends to whet your appetite. Keep in mind that it is part of many low-calorie foods.
  3. Certain food additives. The monosodium glutamate that can be found in prepared foods (sauces, chips, etc.), depending on the dose, can increase the feeling of hunger.
  4. The medications. There are drugs that can have the side effect of stimulating hunger, such as corticosteroids, antihistamines or antidepressants. Increase the consumption of vegetables to achieve greater satiety.

More tricks to stop hunger

  • Eat hot. Hot foods are more filling than cold foods. If you are going to have a salad first, you can consider a warm recipe or accompany it before a good glass of warm defatted vegetable broth.
  • Small plate. The size of the servings is very important so as not to take more calories than necessary. Therefore, use small plates. And be careful if you eat from a tupperware, because it fits more than we usually think.
  • Organize the fridge. Blind eyes … To avoid an appetite-inducing dopamine rush for a plate of lasagna, organize a fridge and pantry so there are no tempting foods. Of course, fill it with appetizing food, because healthy does not have to be synonymous with boring.
  • Sweeten with stevia. It is a good substitute for sugar and does not have the effect of certain artificial sweeteners that can stimulate the appetite.