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Why am I in such a bad mood? the 7 most frequent reasons

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There are many causes that can cause a bad mood. These are the 7 most frequent reasons. The good news is that by making small changes in your day-to-day life, you can easily put yourself in “good mood”.

  1. Waking up at night. Is it hard for you to sleep in one go? Then the next day you will probably be in a foul mood. This is confirmed by a study by the Johns Hopkins University Hospital (USA), in which they have found that interrupted sleep, in addition to leaving you without energy, also affects feelings of sympathy and kindness. And if it becomes chronic, it can end in depression. If it happens to you very often, consult your doctor. If it's occasional, follow these 8 tricks to get back to sleep without problems.
  2. Back pain. About 80% of people have suffered from it at some time. The problem appears when one suffers in a habitual way, since chronic pain alters the mood. Adopting bad postures, an inadequate mattress, a pillow that is too high, normally wearing high heels, carrying a lot of weight… it affects your spine. It will be good for you to correct these habits and perform gentle exercises, such as Pilates or yoga. Find out if you have any of these habits that hurt your back without knowing it.
  3. Do not sunbathe. Spending long hours in the office or at home and not seeing sunlight can eventually lead to a vitamin D deficiency . Many studies have seen that this deficiency may be related to depression. Like the study published in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry that concluded that the greater the vitamin D deficiency, the lower the mood. To increase your levels of this vitamin, sunbathe every day for at least 10 minutes and try to eat blue fish 3 or 4 times a week.
  4. Not drinking enough water Dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue, and this will make you more irritable. The problem is that when you feel thirsty, dehydration is already taking place in the body. That is why it is so important to drink fluids throughout the day even if you are not thirsty. The ideal is to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day.
  5. Do not eat vegetables. Plant foods contain carbohydrates, essential for energy; group B vitamins, which help regulate the nervous system; and magnesium, an essential mineral for good mood. Don't miss two or three servings of vegetables on your daily menus. Is it difficult for you to eat them at ease? We suggest you camouflage them with these delicious vegetable recipes.
  6. Don't go out of town. A study from the University of Michigan (USA) found that those who escape to the countryside or the beach for the weekend score higher on well-being tests.
  7. Being celiac and not knowing it. Celiac disease or gluten intolerance of some cereals produces mood alterations that manifest with bad mood, irritability, insomnia and restlessness. If you also have digestive symptoms such as a bloated belly, constipation or diarrhea, make an appointment with your doctor to rule out this ailment.

What if what you have is dysthymia?

If whatever you do, your bad mood is constant, maybe you could have dysthymia . It is a problem that causes a chronically low and irritable mood, in addition to sadness, low interest in things around you and lack of energy. It differs from depression because it interferes with everyday life. On the other hand, people who suffer from dysthymia continue to lead normal lives, but they are always complaining about everything even if the circumstances that surround them are positive.

Dysthymia affects approximately 5% of the population and should not be taken lightly. Those who suffer from it are at higher risk of ending up with severe depression.