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Vicky martín berrocal plays with color succumbing to a precious hazelnut


Vicky Martín Berrocal's brunette hair is a classic . The designer plays little with the color of her hair and with the cut, only a few centimeters less than a time to this part and some parading to give movement to the hair but little else. On the other hand, in this 2020 it does not stop launching itself and following the trends in terms of hair matters and it does not stop surprising us. For good.

At the beginning of March, Vicky surprised her followers on Instagram with a trendy and super rejuvenating open fringe. A twist on her look, ideal for women over 45 who don't want to go for short hair that sweetens their features a lot. And now it has gone a step further, although with a trick.

Alba Díaz's mother has published this weekend a selfie in which she appears with her beautiful bangs and spectacular waves, but the most striking of all has been her hair color: a hazelnut with precious copper nuances and full of light.

As expected, the questions about what color she has worn have multiplied in a matter of minutes and Vicky has ended up clarifying that it is the same dye she always uses but the filter on her mobile makes it seem that she has it in that honeyed color, warm and attractive . Well, you shouldn't think about it anymore, it looks spectacular.

We leave you here other hairdressing tricks that rejuvenate.