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How to strengthen bones with the help of calcium and vitamin d

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How much calcium is in our bones?

In an adult with a normal weight, about 9 kilos are of bones, of which almost 1.2 kilos are of calcium. Bone is composed of hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate) crystals attached to a network of collagen (protein).

What happens if we lose calcium stores?

Let us remember that calcium is not only necessary to mineralize bones, it acts in other vital parts of the body, and if we do not give the body what it needs every day, it will take it out of reserves. Bones are a good reservoir of this material.

When should you start taking care of them? In menopause?

No, since they were little. What is certain is that upon reaching menopause, estrogens decrease. Until then, estrogens are in charge, among other functions, of helping the bones not lose calcium. After menopause, this protective factor disappears and bone mass is more susceptible to losing calcium if its contribution is not adequate.

What foods help maintain bone quality?

Proteins, especially from cow's milk, since it provides the so-called aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine …), helping the synthesis of substances that help to build bone. Cheese, yogurt and milk are the star foods but there are other foods that provide you with calcium.

Is there another important mineral or vitamin?

Vitamin D, because it facilitates the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is provided by salmon, sardines, eggs, butter, and cod liver oil. But in this case, not everything is food, sunbathing also helps the body generate vitamin D.

What can make our bones weak?

There are several factors, such as thinness, reaching a postmenopausal age, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. However, poor diet is usually the main factor. These are some keys:

  • There may be a lack of vitamin D due to poor sun exposure, intestinal problems or not consuming enough foods that contain it.
  • It can be due to excessive consumption of coffee and drinks rich in phosphorus, which demineralize the bones.

Take note: know where calcium "hides"

  • Burgos' cheese. A portion of this fresh cheese of about 100 g provides about 186 mg of calcium.
  • Milk. A cup of skim milk provides 290 mg of calcium; and one whole, 276 mg.
  • Almonds They are one of the richest nuts in calcium. They provide 250 mg per 100 g.
  • Sardines in oil. A serving of 100 g of this sardine consumed with thorn represents 382 mg of calcium.

And if you have more questions about nutrition, take a look at the rest of the articles in the nutrition office.