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Diet to lose weight low in fat and calories

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Is this the diet you need?

Is this the diet you need?

Do you eat little and still get fat? When you go on a diet do you end up leaving it because you feel deprived? Do you want to lose more than 7 kilos? Would you say that you are a person who likes to eat? If the answer to these questions is "yes", what you need is this diet low in fat and calories. We tell you how to do it below.

If you answered no or you have doubts, take our test to find out which is the best diet to lose weight for you.

The diet to lose 10 kilos

The diet to lose 10 kilos

Do not be alarmed, we are not going to propose a magic diet. This diet allows you to eat what you like but controlling the quantities and checking the way you cook food. Pizza, paella, potato omelette, chocolate … Everything you like is in this diet, just not everything every day or in large quantities.

It works because it is a balanced diet

It works because it is a balanced diet

It provides you with the just fats that your body needs to perform its functions, that is, no more than 30% of the calories you consume per day. And since we know that you like to eat well, the dishes that you will find on our menus are very tasty, as well as very healthy and light, because we are also going to tell you how to ensure that they do not contain excess fat. For example, with light dressings that make your salads doubly tasty.

How can you follow the low fat diet?

How can you follow the low fat diet?

It is very simple, you just have to follow the instructions on the menus for 10 days that Dr. Beltrán has prepared. Although the menus are not the only secret of this diet …

Here are the menus for 10 days of the low-fat diet

Super trick: fill your fridge with fat burning foods

Super trick: fill your fridge with fat burning foods

These foods help you burn fat and allow you to continue losing weight without starving. Have less belly and lose weight thanks to spicy or green tea? It looks like magic, but it is science.

Cut fat in half

Cut fat in half

How? with our cooking tricks and guilt-free recipes. Here are 55 easy and tasty recipes to lose weight in case you need ideas.

Reduce your body fat also with sports

Reduce your body fat also with sports

But any exercise is not worth it. You have to practice disciplines that really help burn fat, like these 8 exercises to burn fat in and out of the gym.

Even the spices help you

Even the spices help you

And you can not only reduce fat when cooking, you can also include ingredients that help your body burn excess fat, such as these spices burn fat. And how are they taken? As you always do, minced or ground into food. But also adding them to salads or preparing a delicious infusion.

Do you want more tips to lose weight?

Do you want more tips to lose weight?

Well, we are not going to disappoint you, and we not only have the tricks that never fail of this low-fat diet, but also the tricks to lose weight and burn fat even faster.

What are you waiting for to start your diet? True! We are missing one last thing …

The shopping list so that you do not miss anything

The shopping list so that you do not miss anything

With everything you need to do the low-fat diet menus for 10 days. An infallible trick to avoid going over the diet due to lack of ingredients, and thus lose weight easily and without feeling nervous.

Shopping list of the diet to lose 10 kilos.

You want to lose weight but without giving up eating what you like the most, so, according to your super test result, the ideal diet for you is a diet low in fat and calories. But do not be alarmed, we are not going to propose a magic diet. This diet allows you to eat what you like but… controlling the quantities and checking the way you cook food. This way you will not have to deprive yourself of anything and it will be easy for you to follow the diet, because there will be no cravings or temptations that unbalance it or lead you to throw in the towel.

Why follow the low fat diet

  • Eat without giving up what you like. Pizza, paella, potato omelette, chocolate … Everything you like is in this diet, just not everything every day or in large quantities. As we know that you like to eat well, the rest of the dishes are also tasty, as well as very healthy and light, because we will also tell you how to ensure that they do not contain excess fat.
  • It is a balanced diet. It provides you with just the right fats that your body needs to perform its functions, that is, no more than 30% of the calories you consume per day. And it is that all diets have fat, because it is impossible that it is not like that, since even vegetables contain fat, even if it is in small quantities. The point is to consume them in their proper measure, so that they do not accumulate in critical areas of the body.
  • Helps you prioritize "good" fats. To lose weight, you have to choose "good" fats, so in this diet you find foods such as blue fish, avocado or nuts. Oily fish, for example, contains omega 3 fatty acids, "good" fats that, according to various studies, do not influence your weight. And the same happens with nuts, as there is also evidence that regularly consuming nuts, for example, helps to reduce the contour of the belly.
  • You can adapt the low fat diet to your tastes. What is very measured in this diet are the quantities. In order not to get bored if you repeat these menus or if you don't like something, you can substitute another similar food. That is, blue fish for blue fish, white meat for white meat, etc.
  • It can help you control fat. This diet not only reduces fatty foods, but also incorporates other foods that help control fat into the menus. For example, eating five servings of fruit and vegetables a day helps lower cholesterol (which is still fat); or take whole grain bread, being rich in fiber, it carries waste substances away. And moderate salt consumption improves cellulite, which is nothing more than localized fat.

The low-fat diet helps you lose weight, reduce cholesterol, cellulite and localized fat

How to follow the low-fat diet

  • It is very simple, you just have to follow the indications of the standard menus for 10 days that Dr. Beltrán has prepared.
  • Fill your fridge with foods that help you burn fat that will allow you to continue losing weight without starving.
  • Take note of the best tips and tricks to make the low-fat diet a success. These tricks will help you lose weight without having to give up the pleasure of eating.
  • Find all the ingredients you need for your low-fat diet in this shopping list.

How long?

The menus that Dr. Beltrán has designed are very balanced, so you can follow this diet for as long as you need, although we do not advise you to extend it for more than 8 weeks. Then you should go back to your usual diet, trying to maintain the good habits that you have learned with this diet. And to further reinforce maintenance and prevent those pounds from returning, we encourage you to follow the low-fat diet one day a week forever.

6 keys to eating less fat

  1. Avoid hidden fat. 75% of fats are not visible. We are talking about those that are present in cookies, snacks or sauces. Therefore, it is better that you avoid pastries, sauces and precooked foods. You can discover more in this article about treacherous foods that have a lot of hidden fat.
  2. Degrease your stews. Prepare the dish and let it cool. This way you can remove excess fat, which will accumulate on the surface. With this simple trick you will save a large number of calories and you will not lose any flavor.
  3. Steam, wok, or in a nonstick skillet. In this way you will considerably reduce the amount of fat.
  4. Homemade vinaigrettes. To dress salads. Put in a glass a little water, a tablespoon of oil, a half of Modena vinegar and your favorite spices. This simple dressing is enough for a large salad and has hardly any fat.
  5. Use a spray for the oil. Drizzle the oil on your salad or skillet and you'll avoid a lot of unnecessary fat. The spray distributes the oil evenly and uses less, so you can cut the oil you use in half.
  6. Fat burning spices. And it is not only important to eat less fat, but also to burn it. Therefore, incorporating the best spices with a fat-burning effect to your dishes can help you.

Do you dare to try the low-fat diet?

  • Take note of the menus for 10 days
  • Fill your fridge with foods that will help you burn fat
  • Follow our tips and tricks to make a low-fat diet a success
  • Shopping list to know what