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Aitana raises the 'bathroom selfie' to another level and leaves the experiment unscathed

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It seems like yesterday but two years have passed since we met Aitana , the singer has won the hearts of millions of fans with her spontaneity and sympathy, in addition to her artistic gifts of course. But her influence goes further, and is that the former contestant of 'Operación Triunfo' is already a star and, as such, each of her steps attracts attention. Watch out for the last one!

It seems like yesterday but two years have passed since we met Aitana , the singer has won the hearts of millions of fans with her spontaneity and sympathy, in addition to her artistic gifts of course. But her influence goes further, and is that the former contestant of 'Operación Triunfo' is already a star and, as such, each of her steps attracts attention. Watch out for the last one!

Aitana, from here to there

Aitana, from here to there

Aitana is immersed in her concert tour, a different summer and a lot of work that she is enjoying in a different way, and there is nothing better than successfully dedicating yourself to what you love, in the case of the young woman to music. Since leaving the 'Operación Triunfo' academy in 2017, Aitana has been savoring the honeys of success.

With Miguel Bernardeu

With Miguel Bernardeu

But he also has time for leisure, and love. Although they are trying to take it with the greatest discretion, Aitana and Miguel Bernardeu, protagonist of the series 'Elite', are enjoying their love and their courtship.

In love

In love

Between acting and acting, the young woman has been able to take a getaway with her boy to the beach and we have seen him so caramelized. Young, handsome and successful, Aitana and Miguel are one of the most top couples of the moment and unleash euphoria among the younger masses.

His unconditional

His unconditional

On Instagram alone, Aitana Ocaña has close to two million followers. A large community that is becoming her great travel companion in this summer of so many kilometers by car, precisely these have been the witnesses of one of the most intimate moments of the young woman on the social network.

'Bathroom selfie', your way!

'Bathroom selfie', your way!

And is that Aitana has raised the 'bathroom selfie' to another level, and not because of her posture or her outfit but because of the location. Few of us resist taking a photo in front of the mirror of our toilet, it is a practice that at this point in the film may even be appetizing, but Aitana wanted to do it at one of her stops on the road to go to the bathroom. Yes, Aitana has taken a selfie in the bathroom of a gas station and has created a revolution among her fans. It may seem like a strange place, but the truth is that in the cabin there was very good light for a photo ten and you had to take advantage of it …