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10 Tactics to lose weight while eating and without regaining the lost weight!

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Reduce calories in breakfast

Reduce calories in breakfast

From betting on yogurt, skimmed milk and cream cheese, to some super basic strategies, but with sooo good results, such as falling into half temptations or reducing the juices with water.

See the tricks to reduce calories in breakfast.

Reduce calories at lunch and dinner

Reduce calories at lunch and dinner

Eating an extra 200 kcal a day can make us gain 2 sizes in a year. Something avoidable with tasty but lighter ways of cooking, such as papillote, satiating foods such as asparagus, or making your own dressings and lightening the sauces with super easy techniques.

See the tricks to reduce calories at lunch and dinner.

Cut calories in desserts

Cut calories in desserts

Desserts are one of the sweetest moments of the meal and one of the tartest when you face the scale. To avoid this, you can have fruit with chocolate, bet on cottage cheese, or use lighter ingredients and 100% guilt-free.

See the 10 tricks to reduce calories in desserts.

Cut calories in snacking and snacks

Cut calories in snacking and snacks

One of the keys to a diet is to have some light wild cards on hand for when hunger strikes. From chips or veggie crudités with yogurt sauce to a cap of Iberian ham, passing through the always-used dark chocolate.

See the 8 tricks to reduce calories in snacks and snacks.

Reduce calories when you eat out

Reduce calories when you eat out

Suddenly, they put a plate in front of you and, in a simple blink of your mouth, you spoil the diet … That is why it is super important to have good tricks to reduce calories when you eat out. How to avoid super portions, watch the dressings and choose the lightest side dishes.

One of the main problems with diets is that they do not adapt to our lives. And many of us end up giving up due to monotony, fatigue from counting calories and starving, or anxiety to snack. So we have prepared a strategic plan with which we can lose weight by eating everything, without regaining the weight lost at the minimum of change and in an easy and intuitive way.

With these tricks you will take up to 500 kcal less a day and without realizing it!

The key to losing weight is not to starve, it is to eat better

Remember that to lose weight you don't have to eat less or go hungry, but rather eat better. A mission possible with our 10 tactics to lose weight by eating and tricks to reduce calories in breakfast, lunch and dinner, desserts, ideas to reduce calories if you eat out and in snacks and snacks. In short, good ideas to eat well that will take away your hunger or fill you up without making you feel bloated, and that you forget to snack once and for all.

1. Five meals a day

Eat 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon). Various investigations, such as a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts and the University of South Carolina-Columbia (USA), have shown that eating five meals a day reduces overweight and obesity.

  • You eat the same. Do not think that this way you will eat more, because the appetite you will have if you eat something every three hours will not be the same as if you skip the snack and have dinner late, when seven or eight hours may have passed between one meal and the next.
  • The snack is very important. Especially if you have eaten little at noon, go to dinner late or have made an extra expenditure of energy.
  • A piece of fruit or a natural juice and a whole wheat mini-sandwich. They will add fiber to your diet.
  • Skimmed dairy. They provide you with proteins and take care of your intestinal flora. In addition, the calcium they contain helps you lose weight and burn fat.

2. Dinner first and second course

Eating late and excessively leads you to gain weight, but also skipping dinner or taking only a piece of fruit, since at that time the body burns less and the sugars in the fruit accumulate and tend to add kilos.

It is recommended, a light but complete dinner. First, a broth, a puree or steamed vegetables; and second, a little white fish or an omelette with 1 egg, for example.

At night the sugars in the fruit do not burn and accumulate

3. A sandwich as a snack

Both mid-morning and mid-afternoon, it will help you avoid anxiety and make you feel full until lunch or dinner.

The filling, which is light and tasty: chicken breast with lettuce, natural tuna with peppers and olives or the classic serrano ham.

4. Start meals with a cream

Soups and creams contain a lot of water, so they fill the stomach with few calories.

  • They enhance the diuretic properties of vegetables. So if you take them at dinner, the next day you will wake up deflated and lighter.
  • They are easier to digest. Raw vegetables can be indigestible for some people due to their cellulose content.
  • And for dessert, a fruit or a dairy. Of course, if you choose a dairy, it is skimmed: yogurt, milk or low-fat cheeses.

5. Legumes, do not miss

You should take them at least twice a week.

  • In salad. It is how they want more in warm times.
  • In light stews with vegetables and some cereal. Like millet or rice, this way they give you more complete proteins.
  • In purees or creams. They are more digestive and you avoid the feeling of bloating.

Legume or vegetable creams are nutritious and satisfying

6. Subtract calories without going overboard

More than big changes in your diet, what will really help you lose weight and keep it off is modifying some "habits" to reduce your total calories at the end of the day. And, above all, eat foods that are richer in nutrients and that fill you up more:

  • Vegetables. Steam them instead of coating and frying them. In this way, they are more digestive and, in addition, they help you purify yourself.
  • Sauces Change the carbonara for the pesto with fresh basil and natural tomato. A lighter accompaniment, with good fats and antioxidants.
  • Vegetable or legume creams. Rich and satisfying. And remember that hot foods and drinks are more satisfying than cold ones.
  • Carrot instead of French fries. French fries are the most fattening food. Instead, bake some carrots on sticks.
  • Canned in nature. With less than half the calories that come in oil.

7. Five glasses of water a day

At a minimum, it is recommended to drink five glasses a day. Drinking water, just like that, does not lose weight, but it can greatly influence weight, since thirst is often confused with hunger and you go to the fridge for something to eat when, in reality, what your body needs is to drink.

  • Follow the 3 + 2 rule: 3 glasses in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Drinking more water is the most effective way to cleanse the body and hydrate it.
  • And keep in mind that infusions are also worth it. If you find it difficult to drink water on an empty stomach, you can opt for rich infusions.

Drinking water purifies the body, hydrates it and gives a feeling of satiety

8. Eat chocolate

The only condition is that it is black, with a minimum of 70% cocoa, and that you do not take more than 20 grams a day. A study from the University of Tel Aviv (Israel) has shown that eating sweets, such as chocolate, for breakfast (along with other foods that provide protein and carbohydrates) can help you lose weight.

The key, according to the researchers, is to take it in the morning, when your metabolism is most active and you can burn those "extra" calories throughout the day.

9. Sugar, the eternal dilemma

Sugar is not prohibited either. Taking 1 or 2 teaspoons a day (between 30 and 40 kcal) is considered adequate within a healthy diet. But you can also "save" those if you sweeten with cinnamon or stevia.

  • Cinnamon adds hardly any calories, although it is sweet and very aromatic.
  • Stevia sweetens up to 300 times more than sugar, so you will need very little.

10. And finally: take a day off

One day a week you can have lunch and dinner whatever you want … but without excesses. Do not be overwhelmed and enjoy, but in moderation. Keep in mind that enjoying is not the same as bingeing.

And why can you (and should) eat everything?

  • Bread, pasta, cheeses … Everything is good, in moderation. Thus, the fats in olive oil or avocado stimulate the metabolism and satisfy. And the carbohydrates in bread or potatoes are filling and are not so caloric.
  • If you go overboard, don't stop eating to compensate. Even if you think you're not hungry, eat less, but don't skip meals. The only thing you will achieve is that your metabolism slows down and you burn less.
  • Adapt the plan to your tastes and schedules. But dare to try new things. For example, if you don't like vegetables very much, try it steamed, it is delicious.

Go for the calories, you can!