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The love horoscope 2019: this is how your sign will go

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Aries March 21 - April 19

Aries March 21 - April 19

Although love will not be your main concern, there will be surprises and challenges to overcome. The stars indicate that you should focus on enjoying the time you spend with your partner or those close to you, and that you will not hesitate for a second to break the ties that bind you if you feel that it is a toxic relationship.

Here you have all your love horoscope for 2019.

Photo: Bride by contract.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Taurus April 20 - May 20

After a very busy period in the sentimental field, little by little you are becoming more clear about how you want your relationships to be from now on. For this reason, you will not beat around the bush and you will find your own ways in love.

Check out the rest of your love prediction for this 2019.

Photo: Vanilla Sky.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Gemini May 21 - June 20

You will have to do a lot of your part if you want love to smile at you. On the one hand, you will be focused on yourself and it will cost you to feel 100% satisfied in your relationships. And on the other you will feel very vulnerable and unprotected …

Discover all your love prediction for this year.

Photo: Mr. and mrs. Smith.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

Cancer June 21 - July 22

This year you are looser than ever and you are looking for balance in the way you love, between giving and receiving, between what others expect of you and what you really need and want. And all this leads to changes in the way you have to relate to others.

You want to know more? Read the rest of your 2109 love horoscope.

Photo: Troy

Leo July 23 - August 22

Leo July 23 - August 22

Get ready because this year you are going to experience many ups and downs in the sentimental field. There could be some conflicts with your partner and you might be tempted to throw in the towel. However, if you don't lose your temper and stick together through thick and thin, these tensions will help you strengthen your relationship …

Keep reading everything that love has in store for you this 2019.

Photo: Obsession.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Virgo August 23 - September 22

You will be willing to defend your relationships and it will be much easier for you to understand them in every way. But beware of possible friction and run-ins with your partner that may arise from having your nerves on the surface or falling into the loop of obsessions.

You want to know more? Don't miss your prediction.

Photo: Vanilla Sky.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Libra September 23 - October 22

After a difficult stage, you can breathe easy. Slowly, all your emotions will calm down and relationships will find their rightful place. The only dangers that could threaten your relationship are routine and boredom. To avoid this, try to add a bit of magic and mystery by organizing something sensual and spicy to surprise your partner.

Here you have all your prediction of love in full.

Photo: Alicia Vikander in The light between the oceans.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

The time has come to let go of the ties that you impose on yourself and enjoy the pleasures that life offers you just because, because you are worth it. From the outset, you will want to focus on yourself, but little by little you will have to open the door to love and flee from intransigence.

Read your entire love horoscope 2019 here.

Photo: Crazy Stupid Love.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Although you may have started 2019 with many doubts in love, little by little you will see it clearer, and you will have the opportunity to solve the misunderstandings that may have arisen lately between you. The prospects are very good as long as you are willing to put yourself in the shoes of the other and understand …

More details in your love prediction for this year.

Photo: Jackie and Ryan.

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

It is time to open your heart and express your most romantic feelings. You will not have any difficulty falling in love with whoever you want, and there is a good chance that you will meet someone with whom you will connect immediately. Do you want to know more details?

Discover the rest in your love horoscope 2019.

Photo: Combustion.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Your main love challenge this year is to be much less cold and let yourself be carried away by emotions. It is time to unleash your most romantic side. The small gestures are the ones that will give the biggest results. It is time to put yourself in the shoes of the other and give ground when necessary.

Says your prediction of love for this 2019.

Photo: Love Happens.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

Pisces February 20 - March 20

At first, you will want to freely explore every last of your feelings, and any obligation or responsibility will hold you back. But, as the year progresses, you will calm down and put your heart in order. However, remember that loving does not necessarily mean giving your all. Remember that in order to be loved, you have to start by loving yourself …

Discover all the details of your love horoscope.

Photo: Saving distances.

Aries March 21 - April 19

Although love is not the main concern this year for people who were born under the sign of Aries, there will be surprises and challenges to overcome. You should focus on enjoying the time you spend with your partner or the people in your closest environment, and you will not hesitate for a second to break the ties that bind you if you feel that it is a toxic relationship.

Put your heart to the test

Right now you are very focused on work and don't pay too much attention to relationships. However, precisely in them you will find the haven of peace to distract you from all your responsibilities and work pressures, as well as to replenish and recharge the battery.

With the arrival of spring, you will realize that you have quite forgotten your partner or the people in your closest environment. It will be a good time to shorten distances, spend more time with her and fix any disagreements that may have arisen.

During the summer, you will let yourself be carried away by the romanticism of Venus and you will feel an irrepressible desire to win back your partner, if you have one, or go in search of love, if you are single. Opportunities to live adventures and unleash your most loving and sensual side, you will not be lacking throughout the hottest months.

With the arrival of autumn, your feelings will become clearer and your doubts will give way to certainties. Reconciliations will find no obstacles. And if you want to strengthen ties with the person you love, towards the end of the year you will have many facilities.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

After a very turbulent period, people who were born under the sign of Taurus will be much more secure than you expect from love and relationships. For this reason, you will not beat around the bush.

Ups and downs to overcome

If you maintain a relationship and firmly believe in it, you will find a way to solve all the problems that may arise throughout the year. But if you do not see it clearly, you will not have any fear of putting land in the middle and going in search of other horizons more in line with your expectations.

If you have made the decision to be alone or if you are single, during the winter you will have the opportunity to meet people very close to you. While, if you are married, you want to explore all the limits of your relationship to know how far it can go and how to approach it for the future.

During the spring, it is possible that you have some other collision or conflict with your partner or those close to you because of your attitude.

Starting in the summer, the situation will begin to stabilize. After a few months of encounters and disagreements with your partner or the person who drives you crazy, it will be time to make decisions regarding your future together. Relationships that are not worth it will not prosper. And those that do come out strengthened.

Whatever you decide, the arrival of autumn will help you see things in a more serene and realistic way. The secret of success will be in fighting together for your common goals.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

People who belong to the sign of Gemini will be focused on finding yourself. In the event that you are in a relationship, you will feel the need to step away a little to look at things in perspective and find out what you really expect from love. And in the event that you are single, it will be difficult for you to trust the people who approach you.

Analysis and reflection time

Although you tend to be very open and outgoing, the truth is that you will not have much desire to interact with anyone. Throughout the winter, you will maintain a contained and collected attitude that will allow you to coldly analyze your relationships, and from there, decide what you want.

In the event that you are in a relationship, it will be an intense year and, at times, complicated. At times mutual mistrust will take its toll between you. And it is possible that you have a strong clash due to third parties. But as of mid-spring, you may have already figured it out.

The arrival of summer will make you regain the desire to socialize and you will be much more open to feelings. In the event that you are married , you will approach your partner again to smooth things over and share experiences. While if you are single, this will be a good time to get out of your confinement and go in search of love.

After many ups and downs, in the autumn it will be time to forget the differences, focus on the things that unite you and take a further step in your relationship if necessary. In the same way that at the beginning of the year you wanted to get away from everything, in the final stretch of the year the opposite will happen to you. You will really want to be with the people you love.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

If you belong to the sign of Cancer this year you will be more loose and uninhibited than ever in the field of love. After a period in which you limited yourself to adapting to what life was bringing you, you have decided to take control of your relationships, and take them to the place where you want to go.

A new way of loving

As a consequence, you will want to make everything that you have never dared to put into practice come true. If you are in a couple, you will feel the need to put on the table all those aspects that do not quite work. While, if you are single, you will have no qualms about trying and experimenting with different ways of loving.

Heading into summer, love could knock on your door if you're not mated. From the outset, you will avoid commitment. But little by little you will lose your fear of love and you will leave the door open to a much more serious and stable relationship. In the event that you are in a relationship, on the other hand, you will live as a kind of rebirth of your most romantic feelings.

After the holidays, you will feel the need to analyze everything that you have walked in the field of love and relationships. It will be a crucial moment in which you will rethink absolutely everything. But while you'll be tempted to run away, don't be afraid to compromise or cement your relationship if you think it's really worth it.

In the final stretch of the year, you will feel very comfortable with yourself. If you are in a relationship , your relationship will have been strengthened with everything that you have lived, shared and overcome between the two of you. And if you are single, you will be very clear about what you expect and what not of love for the future.

Leo July 23 - August 22

The hearts of those who were born under the sign of Leo will suffer many ups and downs this year. Disagreements and disagreements will be frequent, and sometimes you will be tempted to throw in the towel. However, not everything is as negative as it seems. Turning everything upside down can help bring problems to light and remedy them.

A whirlwind of emotions

During the remainder of winter, you will be super concentrated on professional issues, which will not end up going quite well, and you will not have the time or desire to go in search of love, in case you are single, or to give turns to the status of your relationship if you are married.

However, with the arrival of spring, your love life will become more unstable due to differences in criteria when establishing your respective priorities. This will especially affect couples who have been together longer. But also those who are starting.

Throughout the summer, you will have to debate between being faithful to your commitments or letting yourself be carried away by your desire for freedom and your desire to escape the bad news. If you are single, no one will seem good enough to you to give up your independence. And if you've been dating for many years, you are likely to jump to the minimum for any nonsense.

With the return to work, you will be much calmer. By the end of the year, the relationships that have overcome this crisis will be much stronger and more solid than before. And those that have not succeeded will be because perhaps it was much better that way for all parties involved. But no matter what happens, you will leave renewed and with a very clear idea of ​​what you expect from relationships.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, you may have started 2019 on the right foot in love. You will want to fight for your relationships and, thanks to the improvement in communication with the people around you, it will be easier for you to understand them in every way. Also, as

Danger of falling into a loop

Little by little you have been learning to put yourself in the shoes of your loved one, and you don't have as many problems as in the past when it comes to negotiating and reaching agreements. However, you must be very careful that third parties do not interfere.

During the spring months, you will stop being afraid when it comes to showing your feelings and that will help improve your relationship, in case you are in a relationship, or that you are more receptive to receive the call of love, in the event that Do not be.

Before the arrival of summer, it is very likely that melancholy will assail you in some moments because of a conversation or news related to an old love. If so, the best you can do is focus on the present.

With a panorama like this, you will live some of the most intense summer months. You will have emotions on the surface and you will feel things that you have never felt before. As you will be looser, you will enjoy your relationships much more. But you will also feel very exposed and that will increase your distrust and your insecurity when it comes to opening your heart.

All this will destabilize you and in autumn you will have to remedy it by facing it head on. The sooner you talk about what makes you obsessed with your partner or the person who brings you upside down, the sooner you can get out of the loop. And if you do not have a partner, you also have to decide if you really want or prefer to peck.

Libra September 23 - October 22

After a complicated period in sentimental matters due to the influence of the challenger Saturn, the natives of the sign of Libra can finally relax a little. Slowly, all your emotions will calm down and relationships will find their rightful place.

Strengthen relationships

From the outset, you will have to clarify your emotions, and decide where you want to direct your love life. If you are in a relationship, you can overcome many of the obstacles that had distanced you and consolidate your relationship. And in the event that you are single, opportunities to fall in love will not be lacking.

Whether you are in a couple or not, spring will be a defining moment. You will be more and more sure of your feelings and that will push you to want to take another step. If you are paired, you could begin to consider initiatives that strengthen your ties. And if you are free, do not be surprised to realize, suddenly, that you cannot live without that person with whom you thought you were only united by a simple friendship.

In summer, you will have to make an effort to dedicate the necessary time to the couple. You will be so busy with work and your personal projects that you will practically not have time to breathe. The positive part is that the couple and all the people in your closest environment will perfectly understand the moment you are living.

The best reward will come towards the end of the year. The relationships that have made it this far will be stronger than ever. And those who are starting will have very good prospects for the future. Whereas if you are single, your renewed self-assurance along with your natural charm will make the whole world fall at your feet.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Throughout this year, people who belong to the sign of Scorpio will have to rethink many things on a sentimental level. After a very busy period in the field of love, from the outset, you want to focus on yourself. And if you're single, you won't really want to commit right off the bat.

Beware of intransigence

The main challenge you will have to face this winter is how to combine your own interests with those of your partner or loved ones. For one thing, you don't want to run away. But, on the other hand, you will not have much desire to get fully involved and friction will be the order of the day. The key to solving it will be being very tolerant and understanding.

With the arrival of good weather, you will be filled with positive energy, and you will begin to see things in a radically different way, much more calm and detached (and less fatalistic). Thanks to this change in attitude and the good vibes that you will give off, you will be irresistible and will have great opportunities in love.

However, in summer, it is more than likely that some disagreements arise because of thinking very differently on some important issues. Although if you are willing to dialogue and admit your own mistakes, you will not have too many difficulties to overcome this bump. On the other hand, if you refuse to bend your arm and do not solve it, it could lead to a crisis that makes you seriously rethink your relationship with your partner

As soon as autumn starts, the waters will calm down and, little by little, you will see things much clearer. If you are paired, peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. And in the event that you are single or knowing someone, it is very likely that the situation will stabilize and you will lose the fear of committing yourself or giving love another chance.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius it is more than likely that you have started 2019 with many doubts in love. But little by little you will find the answers to all your sentimental questions.

Need to look inside yourself

During the winter, you will feel the undeniable need to remain closed in on yourself. Open and expansive by nature, you will surprise everyone around you with a much more reserved and thoughtful attitude. But, as spring approaches, you will start to come out of the shell in which you had locked yourself and everything will return to normal.

Between spring and summer, you will begin to be more clear about what exactly you expect from love and you will get to work to achieve it. Although it will not be easy and arguments and misunderstandings can arise very easily, you will know how to handle them and take them to your field.

At this point, it will be time to put the cards on the table and talk to your partner or the person who brings you upside down so they know what you really expect from them. With the arrival of autumn you will be super sensitive and very receptive to the deepest feelings. It is possible that you feel that you fall in love with your partner again, that that story that you thought was passing is consolidated or that you meet someone who will make you fall in love.

Even so, you will still have to overcome an ordeal for your heart. And it is that in the final stretch of the year, Saturn, the planet of improvement, will fill you with doubts. It will be time to take stock of your sentimental trajectory and make a determination about it. The stars indicate that you should not get carried away by sudden impulses if you do not want to regret it later.

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

One of the main challenges that people who were born under the sign of Capricorn face this year is to listen and follow the dictates of your heart.

Open up to love step by step

During this winter, you will be so busy with your work and your responsibilities that you will have a hard time paying proper attention to everyone around you. Both the partner and the people around you will demand more time and dedication, but you will not be very receptive and conflicts may arise.

As soon as spring arrives, you will loosen up and remove the barriers with which you have protected yourself. Thanks to the dialogue and your good disposition, you will regain the good vibes in your relationship. And if you are not paired, you will stop being so afraid of opening up to others.

During this period, you will be much more animated than usual and you will have no qualms about signing up for whatever it takes to network and meet people. And this is where you could run into someone who removes you from the inside and helps you see and enjoy life in a radically different way.

With the arrival of the holidays and as your feelings calm down, you will begin to seriously consider where you want to direct your relationships. Even if it is for once in your life, your heart will rule over your head and you will clearly intuit what it is you want.

In autumn, it will be very clear to you if you want to move on with your relationship or if you prefer to put an end to exploring new territories. Whatever you decide, what is clear is that lasting relationships will be consolidated or strengthened as the end of the year approaches.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

If you were born under the sign of Aquarius, you will have to prepare yourself to radically change the way you see your relationships and feel as you have done so far. The stars invite you to let yourself be carried away by your emotions. It is time to unleash your most romantic side.

Give way to feelings

These first months of the year will be marked by a certain stagnation in romantic relationships. T anto you and your partner you will be focused on your own priorities and you will go a little yours. And if you are single, you will be more concerned with finding your place in the world than with finding a partner or getting engaged.

After this period of introspection and recollection, you will increasingly want to open up to the world and share your emotions with your loved ones and, especially, with the person you love. But, even so, you will not be willing to open your heart to anyone, which is why you will be very demanding with your partner, or extremely selective if you are looking for her at the moment.

In summer, you will be much more loose and expansive than usual, and you will have the opportunity to rekindle the flame of passion with the person with whom you share your life, or to meet super interesting people. You will feel very receptive and no matter how little the necessary conditions occur,

After the holidays, your relationships, little by little, will calm down and stabilize. If you are paired, peace and harmony will reign in your heart except for a little jealousy problem that could arise around mid-autumn. And if you were starting a love story, it is more than likely that you will say goodbye to 2019 happily together.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

As in other areas, the desire to experiment will also affect the love life of the people who belong to the sign of Pisces. At first, you will want to freely explore every last of your feelings, and any obligation or responsibility will cause you more rejection than anything else. However, as the year progresses, you will calm down and bring order to your heart.

Great love stories

If you have a partner, coexistence will not be easy, initially, because of your need for space and freedom. Luckily, you will resolve all the conflicts that arise as you go. And you will end up finding your balance despite the continuous ups and downs. If you are single, on the other hand, your desire to live and enjoy to the fullest will open the doors to passionate adventures and romantic encounters.

Heading into spring, you will feel the need to clarify your feelings and establish priorities. During this period, you will have the possibility to meet very interesting and attractive (but also unreliable or stable) people who could steal your heart whether you are single or not … However, it will not take long to realize that only it is a mirage.

In the summer months, the influence of the romantic Venus will make you much more sensitive than usual. It will be a good time to analyze what you feel and establish what you expect. As soon as you do, your love life will begin to stabilize and you may even have the opportunity to overcome certain traumas from your love past that you have dragged on for a long time.

During the fall, someone might appear in your life who completely conquers you and makes you forget everyone else. It will be a very passionate and intense relationship that has many points to consolidate and move forward if you were single. But, for this to be the case, you must be very careful about jealousy and possessive attitudes.

Cover photo: Love Happens.