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A woman criticizes chiara ferragni for not wearing makeup

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When you show yourself publicly in one way or another, you are aware that you are exposed to criticism and praise in equal measure. But what happens when negative comments and easy criticism of the physique go beyond unimaginable limits?

Yesterday Chiara Ferragni had to endure an unfortunate comment about her physical appearance. A toxic comment from which, as we see, no one can escape. The story begins when the influencer gets out of a car …

Chiara Ferragni shares the last episode with a 'hater'

"Yesterday, when I was getting out of a taxi to go to work, a woman surprised me with a horrible comment ", this is how the story that Chiara wanted to share with her followers begins, under an image in which she appears with her son Leo. "He was probably in his 40s and after seeing me, he said to his daughter (who was probably around 8 years old) very loudly: 'Don't even pay attention to him, have you noticed that he looks like shit without makeup?' My reaction was just to look at her shocked by such a rude and strong comment, and that feeling stayed with me throughout the day, "writes the influencer.

"I was wondering why people have to speak ill of others and why they have to always criticize your physique, more than anything else. Why do women do this against other women?" , Add.

"In a poll I took on Instagram Stories on Tuesday, after my sister, Valentina Ferragni , was socially attacked for not wearing a model size, I asked my followers if they had ever felt bad about bad comments for her physical appearance: 89% said yes, isn't that crazy? "Chiara asked in her latest post on Instagram.

"In a world where we have all felt judged by our physique and where we all, at least sometimes, feel victims of a beauty standard that we could not measure up to and feel bad about ourselves because of the comments of others, why do we often do the same? We know the feeling of not feeling our best version of ourselves 100%, so why make others feel bad too? Why would a mother tell your daughter that another woman looks like shit without makeup(and I looked so cute that morning ?) instead of teaching her that beauty comes from within, self-confidence and self-love, that everyone is beautiful in their own way, that there is no longer a 'standard beauty model ', that a fresh face and a real smile is better than any kind of makeup? That is exactly what I will teach my son , that is exactly what I try to tell you every day on my social networks, "Chiara continues.

" Real women support each other. Together we can make a difference. It starts with a few small steps: try to tell yourself something good about your body every day. And try to empower others around you instead of bringing them down," invites all women to fight together against criticism.

The truth is that it is very sad that, in the 21st century, we are ourselves the ones who criticize other women instead of joining them. The influencer not only tells us about the importance of loving oneself, but also appeals to fight against criticism. The photo already has more than 600,000 likes and almost 10,000 comments.