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How to cut calories in snacks and snacks

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Pickled cucumber

Pickled cucumber

Go for pickled gherkins. Each 100 g provide only 25 kcal, so you can take quite a few without your weight suffering. Pickled chives are also light, but be careful with olives that are very caloric.

Crudités with yogurt sauce

Crudités with yogurt sauce

Crudités with yogurt sauce are an excellent snack that is high in vitamins and low in calories. All you have to do is cut carrot sticks, cucumber, zucchini, red pepper, or even wild asparagus sprouts, and voila!

Fruit skewers

Fruit skewers

When you can't take it anymore, replace the cookies with a fresh fruit skewer like this one with banana and apricot, for example. In addition to being much lighter, the preparation itself will distract you and help calm your anxiety.

See recipe for the apricot and banana skewer.

Vegetable chips

Vegetable chips

If instead of frying them, you prepare them in the oven without adding a drop of oil, the result will be super light and very satiating vegetable chips. The trick is to cut the vegetables into very thin slices and bake them on parchment paper for a few minutes, until they lose moisture.

Three ounces of chocolate

Three ounces of chocolate

It is one of the removers and removes hardly par excellence. Keep in mind that three ounces of chocolate provide 100 kcal and can calm your craving for something sweet. Better if you accompany them with some whole wheat bread.

Beneficial almonds

Beneficial almonds

A handful of this dried fruit provides 170 kcal, the same as two chocolate cookies or an apple, with the difference that you will feel much more satiated and it is a very healthy option.

Tasty smoothie

Tasty smoothie

Fruit is always a good option to kill hunger between meals. But if you fancy something more sophisticated, you can make a delicious and easy shake by mixing skim milk and banana with a touch of cinnamon.

Best Iberian ham

Best Iberian ham

A couple of slices of bread with oil and Iberian ham is a very tasty snack, and a temptation to which you can succumb (in moderation). The same amount of bread with chorizo ​​adds 90 more kcal.

One of the key points of a diet to lose weight and lose weight, or to keep the line at bay, is to have some light wildcards on hand for when hunger strikes us between meals and we cannot resist the temptation to rob the pantry or the refrigerator .

Always have light wildcards on hand when hunger strikes

Wildcards like the ones you have in the image gallery tricks. From crudités with yogurt sauce to a cap of Iberian ham, through fruit skewers and the always-helpful dark chocolate, among other good sweet and savory ideas, and scale-proof.

Without forgetting that drinking water and infusions, or eating a yogurt between meals, can help you purify and feel more satiated in a very simple and healthy way.

Drinking water and infusions purifies you and helps you feel more satisfied

If you are one of those who want to know the exact calories that you are eating in each snack, do not miss these 15 light and delicious proposals that allow you to snack without getting fat and controlling what you eat at all times.

Also, if you want to keep handy low - calorie recipes and 0% of remorse, do not miss our recipes 100% free of guilt. They are as light as they are delicious, and suitable for almost all audiences …

And if you want more ideas to reduce calories in your menus and thus, lose weight without giving up the pleasure of eating, do not miss our 10 ideas to reduce calories if you eat out, 25 tricks to reduce calories at lunch and dinner, 15 tactics to cut calories in breakfast and up to 10 tips to cut calories in desserts.

It is clear that tactics and strategies to stop the "diet assailants" at their roots are not going to be lacking …