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Join the Clara challenge and feel good about yourself again

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After four weeks of intense work and a lot of willpower, you have finally achieved it: the #Clara Challenge is more than overcome! !! Congratulations!!

Although you may have reached this article without knowing what the Clara Challenge that we talk about so much is, so we are going to tell you more. If you want to lose weight, would you like to be more active and go back to playing sports or you want to improve and modify your daily habits to feel good about yourself again, start the challenge today. Laura, partner, did it and has managed to lose 10 kilos.

In our challenge you will find detailed menus for four weeks with their respective shopping lists so that you forget anything. Tricks to cook with fewer calories, exercises to do at home and tricks to take care of your skin and prevent it from becoming saggy or sagging when losing weight.

A good diet

Dr. M.ª Isabel Beltrán, Clara's nutritionist has been responsible for preparing these menus that you can download below and that will help you achieve your goal. Do not worry if you do not have much time, here you will not need to learn to make spherifications. They are very simple formulas that will allow you to eat in a balanced way and with practically no effort.

Download the week 1 menu

Download the menu for week 2

Download the week 3 menu

Download the menu for week 4

Also, since we know that going on a diet is difficult and sometimes complicated because we do not have all the ingredients in the fridge, we have made the shopping list for you. Download the one for each week and go directly to the supermarket with it. This way you will not forget anything and you will be able to follow the diet to the letter.

Shopping list week 1

Shopping list week 2

Shopping list week 3

Shopping list week 4

Tricks to cook with fewer calories

And since it never hurts any other trick to make our dishes lighter, take note of these tips and sign up for the Plate Method:

Tips for week 1

Tips for week 2

Tips for week 3

Tips for week 4

During the #Clara Challenge you will also learn why it is so important to have a snack, the benefits of taking single ingredient salads and you will also find tips to get away from temptations so as not to fall into them.

Get active and exercise

Our videos will help you move around and get back to the taste of this sport. We have developed these routines together with Anna Santidrian, Holmes Place gym personal trainer. Do not miss here the keys so that going to the gym or practicing sports at home, stop being an ordeal.

Say goodbye to the belly with these 4 exercises

Get beautiful arms that easy

Defined glutes at home

Care your skin

Nuria Soteras from Backstage Bcn has advised Laura on what creams to use to firm the skin and burn localized fat, how to apply them successfully and what aesthetic medicine treatments exist. Here you will find a video with more tips to take care of your skin and prevent it from becoming "flabby" after the diet.

What do I wear?

And if you want to lose weight but do not want to give up your style, our fashion experts give you the keys to choose the best clothes between sizes and continue looking great during the #Clara Challenge.