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How to peel a pumpkin easily step by step

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Put it in the microwave

Put it in the microwave

The first thing you have to do to be able to easily peel a pumpkin is to bake it. Pinch it in several places and microwave for 3 minutes or so, then let it cool. If it is very large, first cut it into quarters.

Take out the pipes

Take out the pipes

After baking in the microwave, cut the pumpkin into portions and remove the seeds and central threads with a spoon. Remember that you can take advantage of the pipes. You just have to reserve them, wash them and dry them. And bake or sauté them. They are ideal for salads, cakes, breads and cookies.

Remove the skin

Remove the skin

To remove the skin, you can do it with the help of a vegetable peeler or with a knife. As it will be softer thanks to cooking in the microwave, it will hardly cost you to remove the skin from the pumpkin.

Chop it into portions

Chop it into portions

Finally, you only have to cut the pumpkin into more or less large pieces, depending on how you are going to cook it. As a garnish for meats, for example, better in medium or large pieces. And if it is for cream or vegetables, the smaller the dice, the sooner it will cook.

Have you ever faced a pumpkin? Their skin is so tough that peeling it off seems like a real mission impossible. But we have the solution. With the simple step by step of our photo gallery it will be much easier. And so you can get the most out of it. That is not little.

How to choose and keep it

Pumpkin is the cinderella of vegetables. Behind her humble appearance hides a true kitchen princess with whom you can make countless recipes full of flavor, smell and color.

To choose it, we must remember that, although there are summer varieties, it is basically an autumn vegetable.

The first thing to look at is the skin. If it is smooth and fine, it may be a bit immature. The best pumpkin is the one with thick but intact skin , with the peduncle, which helps to conserve internal humidity, and a high weight in relation to its size. This way it will last for several months, although it is always better to consume it just right.

And to preserve it, the ideal is a cool and dry place while it is whole. Once split, it lasts a week or so, but it has to be in the fridge, covered with kitchen wrap, or stored in a perforated bag.

Endless combinations

Pumpkin can be eaten in many ways: in soup, cream –as in this recipe that we propose–, puree, fritters, stew, in chip form, baked in wedges, as a garnish for pasta or couscous, such as part of a risotto or as a filling for a vegetable pie.

Cut into thin slices and grilled or baked, it can be used as the base of a lasagna. It is delicious in cakes, whether they are pudding or plumcake type, or a cake with a short crust base. And it can also be eaten raw: for example grated in a salad or as part of a raw smoothie.

It goes well with pasta, rice, potatoes, couscous, bulgur, quinoa, legumes … Also with cheeses, soft and strong; fruits such as orange, apple, pear and mango; or seeds and nuts, such as sesame, sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts or pine nuts. It combines with onion, leek, zucchini, turnips, cauliflower, tomato … And it is delicious with mushrooms, especially with mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles and chanterelles.

To spice it up, turmeric, ginger, saffron, cayenne, peppers… everything slightly spicy. And garlic and soy sauce go too.

It is delicious as a jam based on ordinary pumpkin pulp, sugar and aromas to taste. It can be used as a sweet, as an accompaniment to meats and vegetables, or in various sauces. And wonder house with cheese.

How to cook it

Squash is quite quick to cook, although winter varieties tend to take longer.

  • If it is baked in the oven, it is ready in about 25 minutes. But it should be covered so that it is not dry. It can be seasoned with garlic, anchovies, black pepper, soy sauce, or oregano, and used as a starter or garnish.
  • Steamed, it is juicy and its vitamins are more preserved.
  • To cook a pumpkin cream, it is sautéed with leek and onion, and covered with water or mild broth. It is then crushed with a little olive oil and served seasoned with curry and chopped almonds, for example.
  • If you want to prepare a pumpkin compote or puree, cook it without water or bake it.
  • The risotto is prepared with onion as a base, a little mashed roasted pumpkin is added to it and it is served with sautéed pumpkin cubes.
  • To obtain chips, the squash is peeled and finely sliced, salted for a few minutes, dried, and fried until crisp. It can be seasoned with turmeric, paprika, or five peppers.
  • And if you want to take advantage of the seeds, wash them, dry them and lightly toast them in a soft oven. You can season them with cayenne, pepper, or salt. Another option is to soak them for a few minutes in water and sea salt, drain them and toast them over low heat until they are crisp, while stirring. They are ideal for salads, cakes, breads and cookies.

A nutritious treasure

Among many other properties, pumpkin is digestive and light, since it has very few calories. In its composition, carbohydrates stand out, as well as a high percentage of water, which makes it a light and nutritious food at the same time, and highly recommended when you want to lose weight. In addition, due to its high fiber content, it not only helps to regulate intestinal transit and fight constipation, but also has a certain soothing effect on the digestive system.