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Go for tapas without getting fat? with these tricks you will get it (without suffering)

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It has been so long since you have been in a bar that now there is no one to take you off the terraces. From phase 1 we have been able to enjoy the terraces again and from phase 2, also inside bars and restaurants. One of the measures of the de-escalation that we have taken with the most desire: going for tapas, a few drinks, improvised dinners … ah, what a pleasure! But …, it may be that your weight suffers. It's so easy to be tempted …

So that you do not take a gram, we have asked our nutritionist, Ms. María Isabel Beltrán, for advice and she has given us the guidelines to maintain the ideal weight without giving up informal lunch or dinner away from home. It is possible, you'll see!

It has been so long since you have been in a bar that now there is no one to take you off the terraces. From phase 1 we have been able to enjoy the terraces again and from phase 2, also inside bars and restaurants. One of the measures of the de-escalation that we have taken with the most desire: going for tapas, a few drinks, improvised dinners … ah, what a pleasure! But …, it may be that your weight suffers. It's so easy to be tempted …

So that you do not take a gram, we have asked our nutritionist, Ms. María Isabel Beltrán, for advice and she has given us the guidelines to maintain the ideal weight without giving up informal lunch or dinner away from home. It is possible, you'll see!

Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks

Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks

Nothing happens if you have a wine or a beer when you go out, but it is advisable not to abuse alcohol if you want to stay at your healthy weight . Sugary drinks are not a good option either, not even in their "light" versions. Several scientific studies associate its consumption with an increase in abdominal fat. The best alternative: resort to sparkling water and a slice of lemon or natural juices.

  • An advice. Try to drink a glass of water between drinks. In addition to not having calories, it will quench your thirst, satisfy you and prevent you from drinking more beers or soft drinks than necessary.

Run away from french fries

Run away from french fries

Stay away from the fries. They are very rich, but many experts associate their high and frequent consumption with obesity, diabetes and certain cardiovascular diseases. According to a study by Harvard University, they are more fattening than pastries or cookies , so it is advisable to replace them with other healthier and less caloric snacks or rations. Like everything, it also depends on the amount you consume.

Here we propose much healthier tapas options.

Order cockles, anchovies, octopus …

Order cockles, anchovies, octopus …

The sea offers us the lightest and healthiest options for tapas. Mussels, clams, cockles, prawns … they are super light (60-70 kcal per 100 g) if you order them steamed or grilled. Mussels are also very rich in chromium, a mineral that activates the emptying of fat from cells.

The canned (if they don't have powerful sauces) and pickled versions are also suitable for a light snack.

Also olives and pickles

Also olives and pickles

Another good option for snacks are pickles, seafood and preserves. Pickles, chives and banderillas offer a high fiber intake and are low in calories . Despite their fame, olives are also a good alternative for a snack . Contrary to what many think, it is a food that, if eaten in moderation (6-10 units), does not make you fat and offers multiple benefits to the body. They are very nutritious, with an excellent nutritional quality and contain many fats, but the good ones ; olive oil is obtained from them.

Eat raw nuts

Eat raw nuts

There is a false belief that nuts are fattening. Different scientific studies have denied it. It is true that they have a high caloric value and that you should not eat them in large quantities, but a handful a day has a lot of health benefits . In fact, they have entered the category of "superfoods". Take them raw or toasted, never fried, and you will benefit from all their properties.

  • Did you know that if you take them for breakfast or mid-morning they will improve your intestinal transit and help you show off a flatter stomach ?

Calculate the size of your servings

Calculate the size of your servings

If you do not want to gain weight, it is very important that you control the amounts . When you ask for portions to share, you often lose the notion of what you are taking. Many times you are unable to know if you have eaten a lot, little or regularly. Don't be shy, ask the waiter to bring you a plate and help yourself to some here and there . In this way you will have better control of the amounts and type of food you are eating.

Make tapas your food

Make tapas your food

If you have arranged to make the vermouth, turn the tapas you have into your midday meal. The same with dinner if the date is late in the afternoon. This way you will compensate. To avoid arriving with a voracious hunger and devastating, remember to have a good breakfast or have a healthy snack.

Savor every bite

Savor every bite

Sometimes when we gather with friends around plates of food, we go for tapas while we chat and we forget to enjoy every bite. Try to eat slowly, chewing your food well and savoring each ingredient. In addition to making digestion better, you will see how your stomach fills up and you will stop eating when you realize that you are satiated. If you eat quickly, it will take longer for you to feel full and you will eat more quantities .

Don't give up on bread

Don't give up on bread

The bad reputation of bread is not justified, at least not nutritionally. It is a low-fat food and an important source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is appropriate to include it in moderation in a balanced diet and has no direct relationship with weight gain. Don't go purple with bread, but grab a couple of pieces to accompany the tapas. It will satisfy you and it will taste you divine.

Contrary to popular belief, the crumb does not provide more calories than the crust . They have exactly the same properties. The only thing that differentiates both parts is that the surface part of the bread (the crust) dehydrates and is more crisp; while the interior (the crumb) conserves more water and maintains a fluffier texture.

Forget the sauces

Forget the sauces

If you want to stay at your ideal weight, forget about the sauces when you indulge in the "terraceo" . It is preferable to order "dry" rations to avoid falling into the temptation of dipping to satiety. In your kitchen you can make a lot of healthy and delicious sauces, without an excessive caloric value, but when you go out you cannot control all the ingredients they contain and you may be putting a caloric bomb in your mouth . Making a "boat" to take away your desire is not bad, but don't go overboard.

Order salads

Order salads

A good alternative to fill yourself up, recharge yourself with vitamins and not go overboard when you go out for tapas is to include a salad in your order. Of course, be very careful with the salad you choose; some can be more fattening than any other dish on the menu. Discard those that are seasoned with sauces, have too many components or incorporate more than one protein ingredient. The ideal is to opt for some seasoned tomatoes or a mixed salad of a lifetime. They will be a perfect complement to the rest of the servings and will suit you wonderfully. Don't forget the spices for seasoning.