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Remedios para dormir bien: di no al insomnio

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¿A qué hora apagas el móvil?

¿A qué hora apagas el móvil?

Lo que haces durante el día influye en cómo vas a dormir durante la noche. Para dormir bien, apaga móvil, tablet, ordenador…2 horas antes de irte a dormir. La luz azul que emite el móvil o la tablet y la continua transmisión de datos 3G o 4G alteran la segregación de la hormona del sueño.

Una cena temprana

Una cena temprana

Lo ideal es cenar dos horas antes de irte a dormir y que sea una comida ligera, lo que no significa escasa. Es importante que escojas alimentos fáciles de digerir, para que luego no te den la noche. ¿Te faltan ideas para hacer una cena que te permita dormir bien? Te contamos qué cenar aquí.

Deporte, a primera hora

Deporte, a primera hora

Hacer ejercicio de forma regular contribuye a dormir bien, pero… es mejor hacerlo por la mañana, máximo a media tarde. Si te ejercitas más tarde, puede que te active demasiado y tengas problemas luego para conciliar el sueño. Como ahora no podemos salir de casa, toma nota de este plan semanal de ejercicios para cuidar tu cuerpo y mente durante la cuarentena.

Ni té ni café por la tarde

Ni té ni café por la tarde

Es cierto que a todo el mundo no le afecta igual tomar bebidas excitantes –o alimentos como el chocolate– pero lo normal es que el organismo tarde entre 7 y 8 horas en eliminar la cafeína. Por ello, si tienes problemas de sueño, no tomes más de 2 tazas de té o café y no lo hagas a partir de primera hora de la tarde.

Siesta, ¿sí o no?

Siesta, ¿sí o no?

Depende. Si te cuesta conciliar el sueño, mejor no la hagas. Pero si no te influye, es recomendable hacerla siempre que no supere los 20 minutos.

El remedio natural estrella: la infusión

El remedio natural estrella: la infusión

Sí, nuestras abuelas lo arreglaban todo con hierbas y esto sigue siendo mano de santo para relajarnos, propiciar el sueño y mantenerlo durante toda la noche. Las infusiones de valeriana, pasiflora y/o amapola de California son muy aconsejables. Y si no eres fan de estas bebidas, siempre te lo puedes tomar en forma de complementos naturales.

Un ritual que predisponga al sueño

Un ritual que predisponga al sueño

Cada persona debe establecer su propio ritual, por ejemplo, tomando una ducha relajante, tomándose un tiempo para ponerse las cremas, escuchando música suave, leyendo o meditando hasta el momento de apagar la luz. Y, por supuesto, nada de esto implica dormirte delante de la tele.

Y si es él el que no te deja dormir…

Y si es él el que no te deja dormir…

Si respira fuerte o, directamente, ronca como un rinoceronte; se mueve más que un ventilador a velocidad tres o es de los que ocupa toda la cama y te condena a dormir en el borde, plantéate dormir en habitaciones separadas. Si el piso no os lo permite, buscad soluciones, desde tapones para los oídos a una visita al médico por su parte (roncar no es bueno para la salud, por lo que os interesa saber qué hacer para evitarlo).

Visita el baño antes de…

Visita el baño antes de…

Para que las ganas de ir al baño no interrumpan tu sueño, visita el baño antes de meterte en la cama. Y si aún así te despiertan, en lugar de ir al baño, haz un ejercicio de Kegel y procura aguantarlo. Entrenando tu suelo pélvico conseguirás que las ganas de orinar no te impidan dormir bien.

Estírate antes de meterte en la cama

Estírate antes de meterte en la cama

Con suerte, nos desperezamos antes de levantarnos de la cama, pero es igual de recomendable hacer estiramientos antes de meternos en ella, para liberar tensiones. También puedes hacer respiraciones profundas y forzar un poco el bostezo, para ir llamando al sueño.

La mejor postura para dormir

La mejor postura para dormir

Los expertos aconsejan dormir de lado y, a ser posible, del lado izquierdo, porque así el corazón bombea mejor. Pero… no para todos es una postura cómoda. Si para ti es más normal dormir boca arriba, lo ideal es que te pongas un cojín bajo las rodillas para que la espalda se relaje. Dormir boca abajo es lo menos recomendable porque fuerza la posición del cuello y también la zona de las lumbares. En este caso sí sería recomendable que trataras de cambiar de postura la dormir.

El despertador, de cara a la pared

El despertador, de cara a la pared

Si te cuesta dormirte o si te despiertas por la noche, ir mirando la hora del reloj lo único que hará es ponerte más nerviosas pensando en lo que tardas en dormir o el (poco) tiempo que te queda para dormir. Para no tener tentaciones de consultarlo, “castígalo” de cara a la pared.

Usar un despertador tradicional

Usar un despertador tradicional

Echa el móvil de tu dormitorio a cualquier precio. No solo hace que duermas peor porque psicológicamente te hace estar atenta a la entrada de mensajes o llamadas, sino que además crea un campo electromagnético que puede alterar la melatonina, la hormona del sueño. Así que un despertador tradicional a pilas, sin un transformador, que provoque el mismo efecto que el móvil, será tu mejor opción.

Si tus preocupaciones no te dejan dormir, escribe

Si tus preocupaciones no te dejan dormir, escribe

En lugar de dar vueltas de un lado a otro de la cama, levántate y escribe aquello que te preocupa. A veces, ponerlo negro sobre blanco, hace que puedas concretar esos miedos difusos que te desvelan o te permiten racionalizar lo que te pasa por dentro. También puede ayudarte a concretar un plan de acción que te permita volverte a la cama tranquila.

Dormir desnuda es dormir mejor (según la ciencia)

Dormir desnuda es dormir mejor (según la ciencia)

Es una propuesta algo difícil si eres de las que se siente desnuda sin el camisón o el pijama incluso en plena canícula, pero… que sepas que según el Instituto de Estudios del Sueño de los Ángeles (EE. UU.), dormir sin ropa te ayuda a regular mejor tu temperatura corporal y propicia que tu sueño sea realmente profundo. De todos modos y sin llegar a desnudarte si no te sientes cómoda, sí que debes adecuar tu ropa a la temperatura ambiente.

Dormir con calcetines

Dormir con calcetines

Ya, ya sabemos que te acabamos decir que es mejor dormir desnuda y, claro, desnuda y con calcetines es una imagen algo contradictoria, pero… si hay algo que está probado es que tener los pies fríos impide conciliar el sueño, no en vano las abuelas tejían patucos (y no solo para los bebés).

Si roncas, ¡al médico!

Si roncas, ¡al médico!

Puede que sea difícil que lo sepas si no duermes con alguien al lado, pero… si te levantas cansada y/o te vas durmiendo durante el día, conecta la grabadora de noche y descubre si es la causa. Roncar impide un buen descanso nocturno, así que consulta con el médico descubres que roncas.

Para dormir bien, ni muchas horas ni pocas

Para dormir bien, ni muchas horas ni pocas

Tan malo es dormir poco –menos de 7 horas– como dormir de más –a partir de las 9 horas. De todos modos, si entre semana vas corta de sueño, que sepas que un estudio reciente publicado en el Journal of the sleep research asegura que el sueño sí se puede recuperar durmiendo más los fines de semana y eso es bueno para el corazón.

Seguir horarios regulares

Seguir horarios regulares

The ideal is to have a sleep routine that leads us to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day, with variations of up to one hour during the weekend and holidays. If we "program" ourselves according to this schedule, it will be easier for our body to regulate itself to feel sleepy when it plays.

Choosing the best mattress

Choosing the best mattress

It must be at least 10-20 cm longer than your height and a minimum thickness of 15 cm. Regarding the width, the singles must be at least 80 cm and the doubles, 135 cm. If you weigh little, opt for a flexible one that adapts to your shape. For more than 70 kg, a firm one for greater support. If you sleep as a couple, a latex or pocket-spring mattress will allow you both to sleep comfortably. In addition, you can also customize a double bed so that each one has the firmness you want.

Make the bed

Make the bed

According to a study by the Professional College of Physiotherapists of Madrid, if you don't make your bed, it will cost you more to fall asleep because it costs you more to adopt the proper position.

The ideal bedding

The ideal bedding

In summer, the ideal is that the sheets are cotton or silk, because they are very cool materials. In winter, down comforters warm without regret, giving you freedom of movement.

How the pillow has to be

How the pillow has to be

It should not be too high or too hard, because it could strain the cervicals and cause headaches. If you need to sleep more upright, instead of using a very high cushion or two cushions, it is best to raise the head of the bed.

To sleep well, tidy up the room

To sleep well, tidy up the room

The order will give you tranquility, peace, calm, which will translate into a greater ease to fall asleep. Make sure that everything is inside the closet, that there are no loose clothes throughout the room, shoes, etc.

Relaxing colors

Relaxing colors

Studies indicate that light colors and pastel tones relax us and make it easier to rest well. Therefore avoid gaudy tones in the bedroom, both on the walls and in the bedding.

Shhhhhh, hush please

Shhhhhh, hush please

Not only does noise make you take longer to fall asleep, it can interrupt your sleep. Insulate your room with double-glazed windows, cork or anti-noise plates on the walls. Or try earplugs.

Sleep in the dark

Sleep in the dark

Lower the blinds for complete darkness and / or use blackout curtains. When you go to sleep, make sure the lights in the room are dim, to predispose to sleep.

Minimalist decor

Minimalist decor

An overloaded bedroom causes stress and this does not help a good night's sleep. Ideally, there are few decorative elements. Of course, there should not be a television or other gadgets either.

You should not be cold or hot

You should not be cold or hot

The ideal bedroom temperature is between 15º and 18ºC. In summer, try that the air conditioning, if you have it, does not give directly on the bed. In winter, if you don't live in very cold areas, turn off the heating or set it to turn on shortly before you get up. And if you live in a very cold area, do not exceed 18º.

When leaving work, disconnect

When leaving work, disconnect

Ok, now we are in full quarantine due to the coronavirus but take note of this advice for when we return to work, but also if you are practicing teleworking. When you decide to end your day, put work issues out of your mind. Ideally, you can dedicate a part of your time to activities that you like, relax. You must be able to enjoy some time for yourself, to do what you like, practice your hobbies, play sports, etc.

Your muscles recover from daytime effort, your memory is consolidated, you establish the knowledge you have acquired, you improve your mood and your physical appearance, you perform more and prevent diseases. Come on, sleeping well benefits you in every way.

But although it is only about lying in bed and closing our eyes, 30% of Spaniards find it difficult to do so and we have some sleep disorder, according to the Spanish Sleep Society (SES). If this is your case, calm down, when the reason for insomnia does not have an organic origin, a few changes in habits may be the best remedy.

But habits - time to go to bed, get up, etc. - are not the only thing that matters. It is also important that you take into account tricks such as painting the walls of the bedroom in a relaxing color or turning the alarm clock so that it does not wake you up. And we also have tips on how what is the best posture to sleep well, etc. Of course, we have not given up on telling you what are the best home remedies to sleep soundly.

Prepare the day to sleep at night

1. No hunger. Spread meals throughout the day so you don't arrive hungry or overly satiated for dinner. If you are too hungry, you will eat at dinner and digestion will affect your rest. And if you don't have an appetite and you don't eat dinner, you can wake up at midnight because your stomach feels empty. If you want to know what to eat for dinner and what not to sleep like a baby, we will tell you in this article.

2. A nap yes, but with nuances. It can be very good to disconnect and face the afternoon with energy again if it does not exceed 20 minutes. If you have insomnia, do not do it so as not to get too prickly to bed.

3. Leave work at the office. Learn to disconnect. If you find it difficult, find an activity that helps you (meditation, yoga, sports, dance classes, music, hobbies, crafts, etc.).

4. Sport, better sooner than later. Exercise helps you get a good night's sleep, but don't do it within three hours of going to bed because it will keep you on your toes.

5. Tea and coffee, until the early afternoon . Avoid drinking tea and coffee in the 6 to 8 hours before you go to sleep. Many people take 7-8 hours to eliminate caffeine.

6. Neither mobile nor tablet. According to Concha Navarro, professor of Pharmacology at the University of Granada, "it is important to disconnect from everything that can excite your senses at least two hours before going to bed."

The blue light emitted by the mobile or tablet and the continuous transmission of 3G or 4G data alter the secretion of the sleep hormone.

7. "Low revs". Prepare your body for sleep by doing something that relaxes you like reading a book, listening to quiet music, or walking the dog. For the days when you are more nervous, prepare a sedative bath and, when you go out, take the opportunity to apply creams giving yourself a pleasant massage. Pampering yourself benefits you.

8. Sign up for herbal medicine. Infusions and natural supplements can also be great allies in times of insomnia. Valerian, for example, controls anxiety and eases sleepiness at night. Passionflower can lengthen the phases of deep sleep so it will help you fall asleep straight. And the California poppy allows you to fall asleep and prevent early awakenings.

When going to sleep

9. Your partner influences you. If your partner sleeps badly, take it as something "personal", because her insomnia can interfere with your sleep.

10. Wake up. Before going to bed, stretch your arms and legs while taking a deep breath. Even if you don't feel like it at first, it is likely that you release tensions and that the typical yawns appear.

11. Go to the bathroom before bed. If you don't want to get up in the middle of the night to go running to pee, go to the bathroom before getting into bed. Not drinking a lot of fluids late in the day also helps you sleep like a dormouse, as your bladder won't wake you up to go to the bathroom.

12. Find your ideal posture. The most recommended is on the side. If you prefer to sleep on your back, put a cushion under your knees to relax your back. Face down is not recommended because you force the lower back.

13. Alarm clock better than mobile. The mobile could create a sense of alarm, as if you were waiting for a call. In addition, the electromagnetic field generated by the charger alters melatonin, the sleep hormone.

If you use an alarm clock it is better that it is battery-operated and that you have the mobile phone away from the rest area.

14. Turn the alarm clock. So as not to be aware all the time of the hour if you wake up at night.

15. Write what worries you. If you can't sleep, get out of bed and write down what worries you. Externalizing it will relax you.

16. Sleep naked. According to the Los Angeles Institute for Sleep Studies (USA), sleeping in your pajamas makes it difficult to regulate your body temperature and makes your rest not as deep and comforting as it would be if you slept naked. If despite this, you need to sleep with some clothes, choose a light nightgown without seams, elastic bands or labels that could bother you during the night.

17. Hot feet. Going to bed with cold feet can make it difficult to get to sleep and may even cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. If you want to sleep like a baby, recycle those socks that already have the rubber given and that you were going to throw away. They are perfect because they will keep your feet warm and also will not impede the circulation of the legs.

18. If you snore, tell your doctor. According to Dr. Francisco Campos "for social reasons, women may be reluctant to consult some typical symptoms of certain sleep disorders, such as snoring." However, it is important to do so, because possible heart disease could be prevented.

19. Not too much, not too little. The ideal sleep time for an adult is 7 to 8 hours. With less than 6 hours you will be irritable and you will not give up and if you sleep less than 5 for two months in a row you are likely to suffer from chronic insomnia.

20. Be regular. The secret is to go to sleep and get up always, or almost always, at the same time, including on weekends.

Get the perfect bed

21. The mattress: Look for the material that convinces you the most (latex, viscoelastic, etc.). If you sleep with someone else, you may be interested in those that have different firmness on each side.

22. Bedding: In summer, cotton sheets will give you the freshness you are looking for. In winter, duvets of different thicknesses will provide you with the ideal temperature.

23. Cool pillow: A trick for hot days is to put the pillowcase in the fridge for a few minutes before going to bed. If you sprinkle it with lavender, it will relax you.

24. Make the bed. A study by the Professional College of Physiotherapists of Madrid has shown that sleeping in an unmade bed prevents us from finding the right position to fall asleep. So even if you are lazy, make your bed every day!

How should the room be to sleep well

25. Tidy. A cluttered room causes stress, can remind you of tasks that have yet to be done and is not conducive to rest.

26. With few distractions. Keep your room free of distractions like the TV and laptop. Don't overload the decor, either.

27. Silent. It is important that silence reigns. To mitigate the noise you can use thick curtains, carpet or carpet, double glass in the windows, cork or anti-noise plates. You can also use earplugs.

28. Dark. For absolute darkness use blackout curtains or blinds. The lights in the room should be dim and ideally dimmable so that the minutes before you lie down in bed you can reduce the intensity of the light.

29. Attention to color. A study by the Hospital Doctor Ivan Barbot, in Croatia, suggests that depending on the color we see, different processes are activated that affect our hormones and influence our mood. For the walls choose light or pastel colors that produce a relaxing effect. Avoid overly garish tones.

30. Well acclimatized. We sleep better with a cool temperature, although too cold is also harmful. If you use air conditioning, try not to get direct; and if you put the heating on, it shouldn't go above 17ºC

And if after putting all these remedies and tips into practice you still have problems sleeping well, discover in this test if you suffer from a sleep disorder.