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Tricks so that your clothes always smell clean

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In the same way that there are many tricks to make your home smell good, you can also do many things to make clothes have that heady clean and fresh smell. They are such simple tricks that we often overlook them. But they are worth it because they do not have any difficulty and, instead, they give spectacular results. And if not, judge yourself. 

In the same way that there are many tricks to make your home smell good, you can also do many things to make clothes have that heady clean and fresh smell. They are such simple tricks that we often overlook them. But they are worth it because they do not have any difficulty and, instead, they give spectacular results. And if not, judge yourself. 

Wash clothes properly

Wash clothes properly

The frequency with which you wash clothes and the way you wash them or the washing machine program you choose are key when it comes to getting clothes to smell good. Depending on the type of fabric and the level of dirt, the clothes require more or less frequent washing and specific care (discover here how to wash clothes properly so that they last longer). And keep in mind that the longer a piece has a bad smell, the more difficult it will be to get rid of and the more danger that it will even transfer it to other clean clothes.

  • Check the symbols on the clothing labels to see the most suitable conditions for each garment.
  • As a general rule, underwear, socks, cotton shirts, sportswear, socks and leggings should be washed after each use.
  • Do not mix the dirtiest clothes, as well as rags and cloths, with the rest of the clothes.

Removes bad odors

Removes bad odors

Clothes often do not smell good even if they are washed because of persistent stains or odors (such as wine, sweat or the smell of damp, for example) that require a more forceful action to neutralize them.

  • Before washing these clothes, let them soak for a few hours with water and white vinegar, a powerful cleaner, or add 150 ml to the detergent compartment at the time of washing.
  • Another option is to put half a glass of bicarbonate, another of the most effective household cleaning products, directly into the drum.

Use the right products and amounts

Use the right products and amounts

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to washing clothes is putting more detergent than indicated, something that not only harms them but also can cause them to not rinse well and end up smelling bad. The doses recommended by the manufacturer are those studied for an optimal result and increasing it by eye can have harmful effects.

  • To heal in health, it is even recommended to put a little less detergent than indicated.
  • Do not overdo it with the softener either and choose the fragrance that best suits you or your family.
  • If there are stubborn stains, don't add more soap, use a suitable stain remover.

Add essential oils to the wash

Add essential oils to the wash

The essential oils of flowers, fruits or herbs not only help you to make the house smell clean but they can also be added directly to the washing machine so that the clothes smell better.

  • In the last washing phase (before the final rinse begins or just after the last spin), stop the cycle and add a few drops of the essential oil you like best to the drum. Put only a few and, depending on the result obtained, adjust the amount in the next washes.

Dry your clothes well

Dry your clothes well

Another common reason why clothes do not smell good is because they have not been dried properly, something that makes them smell damp, one of the most persistent bad smells in the house.

  • If you're not going to wash your shower towels right away, hang them to dry completely before using or washing them again.
  • Do not leave wet or damp items in the laundry bin.
  • When the washing machine is finished, don't wait, quickly remove it from the drum and hang it or put it in the dryer.
  • Never put clothes away while they are still damp.
  • Hang the clothes separated from each other, as spread out as possible and in a dry and well-ventilated place.

Save it properly

Save it properly

Apart from cleaning and drying it properly, store it in a clean place free of bad odors. Clean the cupboard and drawers regularly and perfume them.

  • You can spray mild fragrances inside your closet or onto clothing.
  • Put on scent cloth hangers or sachets or make your own with potpourri, dried flowers and aromatic herbs.
  • You can also put tea bags and herbal teas, bars of soap or even scented candles (unlit, of course) between your clothes. To avoid damaging the garments, wrap them in fabrics.

Use sprays

Use sprays

In addition to perfuming the wardrobes, they also sell sprays and sprays to perfume clothes.

  • If you want to make a homemade one, mix 1/2 liter of distilled water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of an essential oil that you like. You shake it well, put it in a sprayer and ready to use.

Perfume it when ironing

Perfume it when ironing it

You can also perfume it when you go to iron them. So while you remove the wrinkles, the smell will be impregnated in each garment and will give you a more clean and fresh feeling.

  • Garments can be sprayed with a mild cologne just before ironing.
  • Another possibility is to add a few drops of your favorite cologne or essential oils to the distilled water of the iron.

But, yes, when you choose perfumes, fragrances and essential oils take into account how the fabric softener you have used, the air freshener in the closet or the drawer smells … If you mix very disparate or dissonant smells, the result can be dizzy (at best) or downright stinky.