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Do you have midorexia? If you go over 50 and do what you want, yes

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What is midorexia?

What is midorexia?

Rest assured that it is not about any newly discovered disease or disorder, it is an attitude. Yes, the one that many women over 50 have who have decided that their age is not an impediment (it would be more!) To do what they want. A good example is Madonna, who dresses and does what she wants at 59, although she has done it all her life, of course.

The precursor

The precursor

That 'midorexia' was invented by British journalist Shane Watson by making a pun with middle age , that is, middle age, the one in which women over 50 are supposed to be. And as an example, no one better than the great Sofia Loren. At 83 years old, she continues to wear what she wants, although socially it is not well seen.



Susan Sarandon was criticized for wearing 'too' cleavage. She is 71 years old and that is not why her breasts have ceased to exist. She has them and if she wants to teach them she is good. Few are those who raise their voices to criticize the same in an actress of 20. Why at 70 yes?



Midorexics are supposed to have behaviors more typical of younger women. And it is that instead of conforming to what life is supposed to reserve for them at age, which is not very well known what it is - What to stay at home knitting? - they launch themselves to live all kinds of adventures: they travel, they practice extreme sports …



Another characteristic of these women is that they take great care of themselves. They tend to look better even than when they were much younger. And is there something wrong with that?

the beauty Myth

the beauty Myth

One of the dangers of Midorexia is the obsession that some women may have to always be perfect. But the truth is that this problem can affect women of all ages since we are often expected to do just that, that we look gorgeous in any circumstance.

They dress how they want

They dress how they want

Jennifer Aniston may be nearing 50 but she wears what she feels like. Why shouldn't I? Is it that women of that age are forbidden to wear a miniskirt? Well no, whatever their physique they have the right to teach whatever they want.

Because I'm worth it

Because I'm worth it

Even wearing Lady Gaga's own outfits. Yes, Frances McDormand could well be a lost mydorexic and she does not wear a drop of makeup, although she does dare with designs as curious as the one she took to the last MET gala.

Love life

Love life

Women of this age do the same thing as men who are also around 50. They can be married or live with a partner and can, yes, friends, have a boyfriend much younger than them as Demi did when she was dating Ashton Kutcher. If they can, why can't they?



Another of the prototypes of the Midorexic woman is Robin Wright. At 52, she has taken over the power of her career and stars, now alone, in House of Cards, showing that women over 50 are also in charge and that they have a lot to offer. And is that for a long time, when actresses reached this age, they stopped offering them important roles.

They are better than 20

They are better than 20

And if not better, at least the same. Cindy Crawford has shown on numerous occasions that she can perfectly defend the same clothes now that she is 52 than when she was 25 and walked the runways around the world. Her hairstyle has not changed much in this time either and is that where is it written that you have to go to the medium hair or the pixie when one birthday?

Outside and inside

Outside and inside

But we are not only referring to its external appearance. Midorexic women are better on the inside than when they were younger. Now they have managed to get rid of their complexes, accept themselves as they are and enjoy their quirks, those that until now they had reserved only for themselves.

Recover lost time

Recover lost time

And it is that during the previous stage of their lives, these women have been dedicating themselves to their families and their professional careers. Now they feel freer and in many cases they want to make up for all the lost time by daring to do things that they didn't even consider before.

Think what you think

Think what you think

Women have to face great challenges and many impediments to achieve their goals in life so it is great that they let go and finally be as free as they want. Think what others think.

The lives of many women have always been marked by what they were supposed to do as they got older . The 20 were to study and have a good time, the 30 to start a family and the 40 to stabilize economically and professionally. But already 50?

Midorexia and women over 50

It seems that society established that at that age we only had to sit and watch life from the sidelines, without getting too wet. We had to dress discreetly and demurely because we are no longer there to teach anything, go on trips to quiet places, indulge in the practice of Tai Chi and from time to time knit a sweater or two for the family.

More and more women decide to break those chains and stand up to the established system by claiming their freedom and their place in the world . Those women who do not settle for buttoned shirts up to the neck and frequent visits to the spa have been called mydorexic. The term was coined by British journalist Shane Watson by making a pun with middle age and the ending given to the names of some mental illnesses.

But this is not a disease or a syndrome, on the contrary, it can be one of the greatest samples of sanity to date.

A characteristic feature of this type of women is their physique. According to this theory, women with midorexia take great care of themselves, they train to have a toned body, they undergo beauty treatments … but they run the risk of becoming obsessed with their physique. Some examples of celebrities who could give the profile are Robin Wright, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Sarandon or Demi Moore.

Women, whatever their age, have every right to do whatever they want; to behave and dress like when they were 25, to have a younger boyfriend, to go on an adventure trip or whatever they please. It would be more.