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Sara carbonero uploads videos of her son to instagram and makes us happy on Sunday


Could there be a more beautiful way to end the week than with some super cute images of a child enjoying himself? Well, this is precisely how Sara Carbonero has encouraged us on Sunday: with two videos on Instagram of her son that have drawn a smile on our face and that make us understand why the journalist 'drools' with the family that he has formed with Íker Casillas.

The presenter has uploaded two videos of her young son, Lucas, to the Stories of her Instagram account , in which you can see the youngest of the Casillas Carbonero family enjoying Sunday at home. In the first, the youngest of the house appears tapping a ball from the ground, and the fact is that, being his father the legend of football that he is and his mother one of the most important sports journalists in our country, we are not surprised Least children are growing up with a ball at their feet.

In the following, and after sharing the song 'You're my sunshine!' (You are my sun), you can see the child practicing jumps and falls in an armchair under the watchful eye (behind the camera) of Sara Carbonero.

Without a doubt, during the first half of this 2019 Sara Carbonero has lived one of the most complicated stages of her life. The scare that Íker Casillas's heart gave at the beginning of May was added, a few days later, the diagnosis of a malignant ovarian tumor that made the presenter have to go through the operating room to have it removed. However, little by little the waters return to their course, and with the summer, the sun has also come into his life, and that is noticeable even on social networks.

Because, as the journalist herself assures in the photo of her last Instagram post paraphrasing a famous quote from 'Star Wars', "your approach determines your reality" and, she continues to add that "so take a good look".