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Recetas de brunch fáciles y deliciosas para hacer en casa

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Los secretos del brunch

Los secretos del brunch

El brunch es un desayuno-comida todo en uno. Algo que va muy bien en periodos vacacionales y en esos momentos en los que no tenemos tiempo para hacer 3 comidas principales y 2 tentempiés. Aquí tienes recetas para el brunch, fáciles de hacer, completas, equilibradas (no se excluye ningún grupo alimentario), y aptas para adelgazar si tienes en cuenta que combinan dos comidas principales en una.

Foto: Brooke Lark via Unsplash.

Aguacates con huevo, delicias matinales

Aguacates con huevo, delicias matinales

Parte un aguacate por la mitad y retira el hueso. Haz un poco más grande el hueco central y casca un huevo en él. Hornea a 190-200º durante unos 6 a 10 minutos, dependiendo de si os gusta más o menos firme el huevo. Sirve con pan integral.

Acompáñalo con…

Berros con tomates cherry de colores partidos por la mitad con aceite de oliva y orégano; y dos ciruelas frescas y dos ciruelas secas partidas en trocitos con una cucharada de yogur griego batido con canela.

  • Calorías: 451 kcal

Rollitos de pan con jamón serrano, muy mediterráneo

Rollitos de pan con jamón serrano, muy mediterráneo

Corta rebanadas de pan (a poder ser integral), aliña con aceite de oliva y añade jamón serrano de calidad enrollado (o uno ibérico) y algún brote tierno.

Acompáñalo con…

Zumo de naranja y tomates cherry cortados por la mitad con pepino cortado a dados y queso feta también a dados, aliñado con orégano y aceite de oliva.

  • Calorías: 579 kcal

Macedonia de verano, la más refrescante

Macedonia de verano, la más refrescante

Trocea fruta de temporada y sírvela en un bol con un poco de zumo de limón y una pizca de sal, para potenciar su dulzor.

Acompáñalo con…

Tostadas de pan integral con sardinillas en escabeche y zumo de tomate.

  • Calorías: 474 kcal

Ceviche de salmón y melocotón, extrasaciante

Ceviche de salmón y melocotón, extrasaciante

Thaw a portion of salmon fillet, wash and dry well. Cut it into strips and drizzle with lime juice. Reserve in the fridge while you cut red onion into julienne strips and peach into wedges. Mix the salmon, onion and peach with olive oil, flaked salt and freshly ground black pepper. You can prepare it overnight and leave it in the fridge.

Accompany it with …

Spinach, sour apple, lime and ginger smoothie. Curd with a trickle of honey and some chopped pistachios

  • Calories: 541 kcal

Granola with berries, all flavor

Granola with berries, all flavor

Make the granola by mixing 150 g of oat flakes with 150 g of rye flakes and garnish with cinnamon, ginger powder and nutmeg to taste. Sprinkle this set with 2 tablespoons of orange juice, 2 of olive oil and add 2 beaten egg whites. Spread on a baking tray and bake for 30 min at 180º. Add 4 level tablespoons of granola to a yogurt and serve with chopped berries.

Accompany it with …

Tuna omelette garnished with lettuce shoots, sliced ​​cucumber, cherrys and sprouts.

  • Calories: 498 kcal

Salmon bagel, very complete

Salmon bagel, very complete

The bagel is a bun with a hole in the center. Cut it in half, spread it with cheese, put lettuce leaves, onion and tomato, add smoked salmon or turkey cold cuts and slices of hard-boiled egg.

Accompany it with …

Watermelon and melon skewer with a thread of dark chocolate.

  • Calories: 398 kcal

Light pancakes, very sweet

Light pancakes, very sweet

Mix a glass of yogurt with a measure of oatmeal yogurt and another of milk, add an egg yolk and a level tablespoon of chemical yeast. To this mixture, add two whites beaten until stiff. Set the pancakes in a small skillet (12 cm in diameter). Serve with a coulis (made with raspberries cooked with a little water and a date and then crushed) and with assorted berries.

Accompany it with …

Beet smoothie, 1/4 avocado, blueberries, almond milk and 1 date.

  • Calories: 563 kcal

Quinoa poke, it has it all

Quinoa poke, it has it all

Boil quinoa and put four tablespoons in a bowl, accompanied by a quarter of avocado drizzled with lime juice, marinated salmon cubes or cooked prawn tails and drizzled with rice vinegar and soy sauce; cucumber and sweet onion cut into half moons; shelled edamame, and kale leaves. And, as a topping, seeds and sprouts.

Accompany it with …

Yogurt with pieces of fresh seasonal fruit.

  • Calories: 471 kcal

Eggs on the plate "widowers" … but happy!

Eggs on the plate "widowers" … but happy!

Sauté the onion, put it in the bottom of a baking dish and crack two eggs, salt and pepper and cook for 6 to 10 minutes in the oven at 190º. Serve with steamed whole and trimmed green beans.

Accompany it with …

Two whole wheat toast. Crushed yogurt with a frozen peach and a date (it looks like ice cream).

  • Calories: 489 kcal

German salad in light version

German salad in light version

You will like this karttofelsalat so much that you will do it more times. Boil a potato and cool (do it the day before). Mix with minced onion, spiced boiled chicken breast (instead of frankfurter), and pickles. And season with a yogurt mayonnaise instead of the normal one.

Accompany it with …

Watercress with tomatoes and olives, and homemade apple compote without sugar and chopped pistachios.

  • Calories: 589 kcal

Peach porridge, vegetarian option

Peach porridge, vegetarian option

To make this porridge, cook rolled oats in milk or vegetable drink with cinnamon. Do it over low heat and stirring constantly until it is like a thick cream. Add chunky peaches and other fruit to your liking and chia seeds.

Accompany it with …

Lettuce heart bars with beet hummus.

  • Calories: 523 kcal

The Shakshuka, guilt-free version by CLARA

The Shakshuka, guilt-free version by CLARA

In the evening, make a sauce of onion and green pepper and add zucchini and aubergine cut into small cubes. Then add crushed tomato, salt and pepper and cook for 30 minutes. In the morning, heat this vegetable ratatouille, break an egg in the center and let it set.

Accompany it with …

2 slices of whole wheat bread, and yogurt with red fruits and nuts.

  • Calories: 540 kcal

Granola with a twist: carrot and apple

Granola with a twist: carrot and apple

Grate a little carrot and apple and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 180º and then follow the recipe for the first granola that we have already told you about. Add 4 tablespoons of this granola to yogurt or kefir and serve with a handful of chopped nuts.

Accompany it with …

Tzatziki with raw vegetables (carrot, celery, pepper…) and a slice of melon.

  • Calories: 548 kcal

Ideas for teapots and coffee pots

Ideas for teapots and coffee pots

From a black coffee to a chocolate there is a difference of 325 calories. Choosing well is essential.

  • Cold coffee (9 kcal). Make a long coffee, add cinnamon and add coffee cubes.
  • Iced tea (4-5 kcal). Chill a tea (floral or citrus, better), add lemon and ice.
  • Ice café latte (72 kcal). Make cubes with coffee and beat them with a glass of milk and cinnamon.
  • Turmeric latte (40 kcal). To make this golden milk, beat a glass of oat milk with cubes of this milk and turmeric.

Flavored waters

Flavored waters

You won't miss the mimosa cocktail and other typical brunch alcoholic drinks.

  • Cucumber, lemon and mint. Blend a piece of cucumber, half a lemon and put in water with crushed mint leaves and ice.
  • Apple, ginger and red pepper. Blend apple, a piece of ginger root, dilute in cold water and peppercorns.
  • Melon and rosemary. Make an infusion of rosemary and cool very much. Beat the melon pulp and beat with the iced infusion.

Snacks for picoter

Snacks for picoter

Good ideas for pica pica.

  • Melon, watermelon and mozzarella balls. Refreshing and satisfying, because mozzarella is a light but filling cheese.
  • Quail eggs and cherrys. The satiating protein of the eggs pairs well with the light sweetness of the tomatoes.
  • Vegetable patés and crudités . Accompany half a cup of hummus or guacamole with carrot sticks, cucumber, bell pepper and lettuce leaves …

The keys to a healthy brunch

These are the golden rules for brunch to be a complete, balanced meal that leaves you hours and hours without hunger.

  1. The fruit, whole. For a glass of juice, you need at least two pieces of fruit, that is, you take twice the calories and a tenth of the fiber. It does not pay off, and less with summer fruits that are already very watery, such as watermelon or melon. If you wake up with a dry mouth - we don't want to think why - better drink a good glass of water and then include whole fruit for brunch. And if you want more information, we tell you how and when to eat the fruit in our nutrition office
  2. Egg, salmon and more. Eggs Benedictine and smoked salmon are essential in a classic brunch, but… every day they are boring. It includes light proteins, such as tuna in natural or tataki, vegetable patés, occasionally cold cuts of turkey or Iberian ham, etc.
  3. Choose your carbohydrate. One day it might be oatmeal crepes; another, some toast of whole wheat or rye bread; another, some homemade cookies without sugar; another, a slice of homemade pizza … But don't put all this together in one meal.
  4. Do not miss the vegetables. That all the vegetables in your brunch are not the bloody mary. One day you might have half a cup of hummus with some crudités; another, that you take the toasts with slices of tomato, cucumber, lettuce leaves … But that they always have a presence in this meal.
  5. No cocktails. It is typical to accompany brunch with a mimosa cocktail or any other. But this is 200 kcal, which you can afford once in a while, but not every day. Discover the "hidden" calories in alcoholic beverages.

Traps of doing it away from home

The temptation is to go to a really cute cafeteria for brunch, but… here it is more important than ever to make good choices, because it is easy to fall into high-calorie foods that do not take away hunger and do not help us to eat a healthy diet.

  • How to get it right. Do not make the mistake of filling the tray of croissants, sausages, muffins and pouring it all down with a cocktail (and less with two), and apply the same rules as at home.
  • Question! Do not cut yourself and subject the waiter to a third degree if you are not clear about the ingredients of this or that dish to avoid too greasy or sugary ones.