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What does the coronavirus do to your body?

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The “gateway” of the coronavirus to your body is the nose, mouth or eyes since the COVID-19 virus is spread by the droplets that the infected release when coughing or sneezing.

The virus "hijacks" cells to advance

Once it has entered your body, it "attacks" your cells, because it needs to transmit its proteins to cell receptors. It is as if he “kidnapped” the cells to put them to work for him and thus multiply and spread throughout the interior of the body. Thus, each infected cell "attacks" the next one and spreads.

So it spreads through your body

The first symptoms are usually noticed in the throat, which hurts and triggers a dry cough. The virus then progressively descends into the bronchi and then into the lungs, inflaming the membranes and making it more difficult to breathe. Once at this stage, the condition can lead to pneumonia.

And it is not only in the lungs

As COVID-19 infection spreads through the mucosal cells that run from the nose to the rectum, it can reach other areas, for example the digestive system, causing diarrhea. It can also target other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., hindering their functioning and complicating the general health picture.

What is stopping the coronavirus

The efficiency of your immune system is what will make it so that if the coronavirus enters your body, it does not cause symptoms, makes them mild or you may have serious health complications.

But don't worry, because around 85% of people infected with COVID-19 have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

A good daily intake of foods with zinc will help you have a strong immune system and will help you improve your defenses, prevent colds and have strong hair and nails. In addition, we give you 20 easy tips to raise your defenses and improve your health.