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What to eat to prevent cancer

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Yes, eating well protects you from cancer

Yes, eating well protects you from cancer

Only 5% of cancers can be explained by genetic causes, according to the International Cancer Research Institute, a body dependent on the World Health Organization. The remaining 95% is conditioned by environmental factors and, of all of them, diet is the most important.

"Abuse" of fruit and vegetables

"Abusing" fruit and vegetables

These foods are full of anticancer substances (vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals …), so they must be "abused". Crucifers such as cabbage or broccoli, for example, have proven effective in preventing the proliferation of tumor cells. If the "5 a day" is clear to you, but it is difficult for you to eat more vegetables, here you have more ideas to achieve it.

Red meat, only "the days of keeping"

Red meat, only "the days of keeping"

Red meat, even if it seems lean, has saturated intramuscular fat, which should not be abused. Therefore, the last recommendations are not to take it more than twice a week. You can also eat white meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit). And better if it is ecological, because it provides fewer chemicals.

More fish, especially blue

More fish, especially blue

Fish, especially blue fish, have "good" fats - the famous omega 3s - that prevent inflammation. And inflammation is linked to cancerous tumors. Put on your table anchovies, sardines, anchovies, herrings, horse mackerel, very traditional in the Mediterranean diet and healthier than other larger fish that can accumulate more mercury, which would put health at risk.

That you do not lack legumes

That you do not lack legumes

Legumes were the "meat of the poor" but in reality it is the protein that protects us the most.

They provide fiber, which carries away toxins, folates that repair DNA damage and different types of antioxidants. You have to take them at least 3 times a week, not just in the typical stew. You can also eat them in soups, woks, salads, vegetable patés …

Do you already eat nuts?

Do you already eat nuts?

Consuming a daily serving of 20 to 30 grams of nuts reduces the risk of cancer by 11%. For example, taking seven nuts a day you will get an extra dose of omega 3, in addition to anticancer polyphenols. Also regularly consume hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds and sesame. Choose them better raw, unroasted and without salt.



Mushrooms contain lentinan and polysaccharides that stimulate the functioning of the immune system. One of the most recognized is shiitake, which could prevent the proliferation of "bad" cells. But you do not have to resort to exotic varieties, the thistle mushroom or the champignon are also highly recommended.

Bread, pasta and rice, in integral version

Bread, pasta and rice, in integral version

Don't you eat whole wheat bread because you can find “straws” in it? Well, try the rye, but avoid the refined ones. Refined bread, rice or pasta cause alterations in the distribution of fat in the body and increase hormonal factors that promote cancer.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Epigallocatechin is a powerful antioxidant found in green tea that fights free radicals, protecting the DNA of our cells. It is recommended to take a couple of cups daily. And among the green teas, matcha could be the most effective since a cup of this variety has the same amount of antioxidants as 10 cups of green tea and up to 70 times more antioxidants than orange juice.

Sausages, leave them hanging

Sausages, leave them hanging

They are best eaten very occasionally, not only because they are rich in saturated fat, but because they contain many preservatives. Don't you know what to add to the sandwich if it's not chorizo, ham or any other sausage? If you are more "classic" you always have the omelette, tuna, sardines, etc. Do not abuse the cheese, better opt for a fresh one, which has little fat. And if you want to experiment, try vegetable patés.

Don't take the salt shaker to the table

Don't take the salt shaker to the table

Don't go overboarding when cooking. According to a report from the World Fund for Cancer Research, salt increases the risk of cancer. 75% of the salt we eat comes from processed foods. And it is that not everything is the salt that we add to the food. If you want to know more about foods that have "hidden" salt, don't miss this post.

No sugar please

No sugar please

Consuming too much sugar can lead to overweight or obesity, and this increases the risk of cancer. The WHO recommends that the consumption of sugars be less than 10% of the total daily calories (50 g of sugar in a 2,000 kcal diet, about 10 tablespoons of coffee). But, as in the case of salt, sugar hides where you least expect it, such as in sauces, sliced ​​bread, balsamic vinegar, etc.

Kitchen, don't throw out precooked

Kitchen, don't throw away precooked

Leave them for a squeeze, but don't consume them regularly. It is estimated that hydrogenated fats from ready meals and industrial pastries are behind 20% of cancer cases. In addition, they usually have many preservatives (E-249, 250 and 251), which are converted into nitrosamines, carcinogenic compounds. If you always make pizza on Fridays, see how easy it is to make it with our guilt-free recipe.

You can protect yourself even more

You can protect yourself even more

Discover the best habits to protect yourself from cancer, remember that prevention is the best weapon we have.

For years we have known that what we eat is key to preventing the appearance of cancerous tumors. And is that according to data from the World Fund for Cancer Research, poor diet is responsible for between a third and a half of all cancer cases. In our gallery you will find the keys so that your diet helps you prevent it.

What to eat to prevent cancer

As explained by Dr. Aitana Calvo, SEOM scientific secretary and oncologist at the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital in Madrid, a healthy diet is “based on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, it must include a third or less of animal proteins, and limit the consumption of red or processed meat, prioritizing instead the consumption of olive oil, fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, dairy products and chicken meat ”.

The ideal? Ours, the Mediterranean

No need to experiment. Our traditional diet already incorporates these ingredients and helps us prevent cancer. A study by the Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group (GEICAM) found that eating according to the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of relapse and the side effects of hormonal treatments.

Keep the weight at bay

The important thing, in addition to choosing foods that help prevent cancer, is to ensure that these also help you stay at your ideal weight. According to an Australian study, being overweight of 5 kilos increases the chances of colon cancer by 7%. And obesity is also associated with 30% of breast, endometrial, kidney, and esophageal cancers.

Prevent does not mean cure

Therefore, it seems clear that one can speak of an anticancer diet, but this cannot lead us to think that there is a diet to cure cancer. There are no studies to support this idea.