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Paula vázquez shows everything while combing her hair, and her fans go crazy

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Paula Vázquez has achieved the unthinkable on Instagram: that everyone agrees on something and that is that the comments that her latest publication has received are unanimous, she is beautiful and the photo is spectacular. In it, she appears completely naked but placed in such a way that no part of this social network is susceptible to censorship. She only comes out sitting cross-legged and brushing her hair. Undoubtedly, a most artistic image in which she is very favored, something that no hater has dared to criticize, and that she has taken advantage of to launch a vindictive message: my body, my rules.

The most commented photo of Paula Vázquez in which she is not wearing any clothes

The presenter has become the topic of conversation that has caused the least controversy on Instagram in a long time and it is that in a time when social networks serve to question any gesture, Paula's has been received among a huge agreement . And it doesn't surprise us because both the photo and the message behind it are spectacular.

Paula appears completely naked, but absolutely nothing can be seen, we already know that censorship prevails on Instagram with the female breast, as claimed by Mery Turiel a few days ago. And she appears combing her long blond hair by an open window in what looks like a room made of stone. She has irremediably reminded us of Princess Rapunzel , it seems that she is about to throw her hair out the window …

But unlike the protagonist of the story, Paula does not need anyone to rescue her. She has taken advantage of this powerful image to make a claim in the form of the hashtag, #MiCuerpoMisNormas and its English version #MyBodyMyRules. In this way, she indicates that she shows her body and only the parts that she wants because she wants, period. She has also accompanied all this with a mythical phrase of the great Marilyn Monroe that could not be more accurate.