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Nutrients for women and where to find them

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If you're irritated, tired, or feel your patience draining easily, you may need more magnesium. This mineral is involved in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin, the hormones of well-being, and helps keep cortisol, the stress hormone, at bay. It is recommended to consume about 310-320 mg / day of magnesium, which you can find in dark chocolate, legumes (especially soy), nuts, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, millet, brown rice, spinach and dairy.



Perhaps lately, in addition to feeling tired, you have a tendency to gain weight or a strange cold sensation. The thyroid hormone has to do with this, and the truth is that iodine helps the proper functioning of this gland. Obviously you will find it in iodized salt, but also in fish, shellfish and seaweed.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B

Like vitamin C and magnesium, this group of vitamins contributes to the balance of serotonin, so if you are lacking you may feel low and low in morale. Being water soluble, they are not stored in the body's fat deposits, so it is important that the intake is daily. You will find them in whole grains, legumes, eggs, nuts, avocado or banana.



Did you just eat and are you already hungry? Can't stop snacking between meals even if you have a mid-morning snack? Unless you are ovulating, you may have destabilized glucose levels and need chromium to balance the scale. Mussels, walnuts, oysters, pears, prawns, tomatoes, mushrooms, and broccoli are rich in chromium. To improve their absorption, take them with foods rich in vitamin C.



Calcium is not only essential in children, the truth is that we always need this mineral. Our bones are constantly wearing out and regenerating, and it is essential that they have their "raw material" to do their thing. Dairy is great sources of calcium, but not the only one. The kale and broccoli have up to 150 mg calcium per 100 g.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

In addition to helping the absorption of other nutrients, such as magnesium or iron, vitamin C is ideal for fighting cardiovascular diseases. With an orange a day you already have the recommended dose covered, although it is advisable to reinforce its consumption in times of stress or nerves. Of course, like the B vitamins, it is important that you take it daily, since the body does not store it.



Do you carry your usual daily routine but feel more tired? Then you may be out of iron. This mineral contributes to the transport of oxygen through the blood. If you are lacking, it results in a lack of energy or problems concentrating. Incorporate seafood, red meat, fish, legumes, spinach, chard and pistachios into your diet. Accompany these foods with others rich in vitamin C for better absorption.



Did you know that menstrual cramps can be alleviated with certain types of nutrients? Manganese is one of them. A low level of this mineral can affect our mood and increase pain in the premenstrual phase. Therefore, it is important that you reinforce its presence with fruit (especially pineapple), vegetables, whole grains and dried fruits (especially nuts).



Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that, in addition to helping fight wrinkles and flaccidity, helps us in cancer prevention and heart health care. You will find it in meat, fish, eggs, milk and cereals.

Women's bodies and men's bodies have different needs. Men consume more calories, but we need to emphasize certain nutrients, such as iron, chromium and magnesium, to complete our daily nutritional intake. This does not mean that you have to eat two different meals, it is simply about reinforcing your plate with any of the foods that we present to you, or taking advantage of the snack or snack to cover your daily dose of these nutrients.

Your body asks for help

If you end the day completely exhausted, feel irritated, or have a frequent headache, your body may be lacking some vitamins or minerals. There are many multivitamin complexes that cover the daily needs of vitamins and minerals even specialized for women, but the truth is that the ideal way to maintain a balanced diet is through fresh and natural foods. If you ride it well, it will not be difficult to reach the recommended amount without resorting to supplements, although in peaks of stress or specific moments you can use them to supplement your diet.

Seeds and nuts

To complement your creams or salads, add flax, chia or pumpkin seeds (or a mix of them!). Flax is ideal for fighting constipation and chia is an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants, calcium, protein and omega 3. For a mid-morning snack, you can have a handful of almonds and walnuts. A serving of 30 g covers 8% of the daily needs for calcium, 22% for magnesium and 20% for phosphorus. And with 25g of walnuts, you meet 91% of your daily omega 3 needs!


In the gallery there are foods that cover most of the daily nutrient needs. Although it may surprise you, 200 g of potatoes provide 20% of the vitamin B1 we need per day, 14% of vitamin B3 and 24% of vitamin B6. And also 40% selenium, 22% potassium, 20% fluorine and 14% iron. And be careful, because a serving of broccoli of 200 g is quadruple! the daily amounts of vitamin C, in addition to being rich in folic acid, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2 and B6. And it also has good doses of iodine, zinc, copper, and manganese.