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Hake with vinaigrette

Table of contents:


4 hake fillets
3 potatoes
2 onions
2 carrots
For the vinaigrette:
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
5 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon mustard
3 pickles in vinegar

We often associate boiled fish with a tasteless and boring dish, but it doesn't have to be that way if we cook it properly and find good company for it.

The one in this recipe, without going any further, is as light as it is delicious. The secret? Steam the hake and vegetables, which allows to preserve more nutrients and all the flavor without adding any fat. And add a very light, but succulent sauce: a vinaigrette of apple cider vinegar, mustard and pickles. A diet plate to lick your fingers!

How to do it step by step

  1. Prepare the vinaigrette . For the vinaigrette, mix the oil with the apple cider vinegar, mustard, pepper and salt, and whisk them all together in a bowl. Next, wash the chives and chop it, and add it to the vinaigrette along with the pickles, also chopped. Mix everything well and reserve for later.
  2. Steam the vegetables . Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into slices. Scrape the carrots, peel the onions and wash them too before slicing them thinly. Put them all in a steam cooking basket and let them cook for about 10 or 12 minutes more or less. And reserve.
  3. Steam the hake . Finally, wash the hake, cut it into loins and place it in the basket. In the case of fish, steam it for about 6-7 minutes, otherwise it will be very dry.
  4. Plate and serve . In individual plates, arrange the hake fillets on a bed of potatoes and vegetables and wash them with the vinaigrette that you had previously made.

Clara trick

More satisfying and nutritious

If you want to add a bonus to make the dish more complete and fill you up, you can enrich the recipe with more steamed vegetables: zucchini and leek, for example. And also add a couple of hard boiled eggs, chopped or cut in half - at the rate of half an egg for each diner. This will increase the contribution of fibers and proteins.

Apple cider vinegar, mild and fat burning

The person responsible for the acidity of vinegar is acetic acid, an acid that has a thermogenic effect similar to that of pepper. What accelerates the metabolism, increases its temperature and, as a consequence, the burning of calories. According to some specialists, consuming between 1 and 1 and a half teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 2 times a day helps to keep the waist at bay.