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Best drink: water lanjarón 100% recyclable container

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What is the new Lanjarón water bottle like?

It is a very special bottle that serves as the spearhead for our Lanjarón RED project, a sustainability plan focused on the natural mineral water brand's commitment to the environment. The first step has been the launch of the new 1.25 l bottle, with its iconic red color and green values. The new bottle is made of 50% recycled PET (r-PET) and is 100% recyclable.

Why have you decided to make a container like this?

With this launch we want to lead the paradigm shift that we are experiencing as a society. Today sustainability is part of our lifestyle and with this new bottle we seek to show that recycling is not at odds with quality and aesthetics. Lanjarón is a natural mineral water that is born in the peaks of the Sierra Nevada Natural and National Park, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1986. We owe everything to this pure origin and our responsibility is to protect it.

Does the water quality vary or is it the same?

Of course, its purity remains intact as it comes out of nature until it reaches the consumer. Lanjarón is one of the few waters with such a unique composition.

Water with recycled plastic container

  • Two is the magic number when it comes to mineral water, because it is the number of liters that experts recommend drinking to maintain a hydrated and healthy body.
  • So that you don't forget to drink the necessary water, set alarms on your mobile or computer, and make yourself aware of having a glass every 2 hours. If it is difficult for you at first, get used to it gradually, or use the mineral water from Lanjarón to make your soups or infusions.
  • Add this water to the juices if you like to drink them more smoothly. Any occasion to drink healthy water like the one in Lanjarón is good.
  • Always carry your water bottle in your bag. This way you will not miss when you go to the gym, to do business or for a walk.

Pure commitment

The entire Lanjarón range has 15% r-PET in its packaging, but with this new project we want to reach 100% r-PET in the future. Likewise, practically all its divisions have been involved in it, from R&D to the sustainability team and general management.