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Roasted apples with dried fruit

Table of contents:


4 apples
4 dried apricots
80 g of currants
8 peeled walnuts
4 dates
½ glass of muscatel or sweet wine.
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon

The baked apples to the oven are one of those dishes that we associate with our grandmothers. And it is one of the most traditional recipes that exist to take advantage of apples that are about to go over, for example, or to make a delicious warm dessert or a sweet snack.

In the case of our roasted apples, we wanted to remake the classic recipe.

How? Filling the apples with nuts and dried fruits. A formula suitable for vegetarians and vegans, which helps us to incorporate the benefits of nuts. And with an impressive appearance: a true cornucopia for desserts, rich and healthy!

How to do it step by step

  1. Rehydrate dried fruits. The first thing you have to do is chop the dried apricots and dates, and arrange them in a bowl. Then add the raisins and pour in the muscat, and let it marinate for about 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare the apples. Wash and dry the apples. Then cut off the top and also the bottom so that they sit well on the plates. Peel the pieces of apple that you have removed, chop its pulp and reserve it. Then, remove the core of the apples with the help of a kitchen utensil, and empty the interior with a small knife. Do it carefully so that they do not break. Chop the removed pulp and mix it with the previous one.
  3. Complete the filling. Preheat the oven to 180º. Add the chopped apple to the bowl and mix it with the dried fruit. Also chop the walnuts and add them together with the cinnamon and sugar, stirring the preparation until all the muscat is absorbed.
  4. Bake the apples. Place the apples in a baking dish lined with parchment paper. Fill them with the previous preparation and bake them for approximately 20 minutes. Remove them and let them rest for a few minutes. Depending on tastes and the time of year, you can serve them both warm and cold.

Clara trick

non-alcoholic version

If you want to make them without alcohol, it is as easy as substituting muscat or sweet wine for mineral water or for a fruit juice, apple or pineapple, for example. It is also very tasty … and is suitable for all audiences.

And if you want to discover more desserts, click here.