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100% Guilt-Free: Light Homemade Muffins

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250 g flour
200g sugar
80 ml of sunflower oil
4 eggs
2 natural Greek yogurts
1 sachet of yeast
Icing sugar to decorate

(Light version: 155 kcal - Traditional version: 270 kcal)

Before muffins became fashionable, muffins were around and they had nothing to envy. And it is that tasting some delicious freshly made homemade muffins is one of the greatest pleasures that exist … And 100% guilt-free if you opt for our light version.

The trick is super simple. To reduce its excess calories, instead of the typical ratio of 3 glasses of flour, 2 of sugar, 1 of oil … we have chosen to incorporate Greek yogurt. Which allows us to reduce the amount of flour and oil and subtract many calories. Nothing more and nothing less than 115 calories less than those of the traditional recipe.

And if you want an even lighter version, change the Greek yogurt for low-fat yogurt. Easy right?

How to do them step by step:

  1. The preambles. First of all, preheat the oven to 180 degrees so that you will have it ready when you finish the preparation.
  2. Mix the ingredients. First, mix the liquid ingredients (oil, eggs, and yogurt) and beat them. And then do the same with the dry ones (flour, sugar and yeast).
  3. Join both mixtures. Once you have made both mixtures, bring them together and mix them together, but this time without beating too much.
  4. Put the dough in the molds. Place curled paper capsules in a muffin tin and fill them with the obtained batter, up to about two-thirds of their height.
  5. Bake the muffins. In the preheated oven, bake the pan with the muffins for about 20 minutes or so, until the batter has risen and the surface is slightly golden. Prick the center with a toothpick and, if it comes out clean, you can remove them.
  6. Remove from the mold and present. Let them warm, remove them from the mold, and transfer them to a wire rack until cool. And finally, sprinkle them with icing sugar and serve right away.

Clara trick

If you don't have icing sugar …

You can make it yourself by grinding normal sugar with the help of a coffee grinder or a grinder. And sifting it with a strainer over the muffins when they are on the rack.