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The most common symptoms of menopause

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Menopause is the end of the fertile stage, but it no longer has the stigma, as before, of being the beginning of old age. On the contrary, it is a time when we can feel liberated from the ups and downs of the menstrual cycle or the fear of pregnancy.

Menopause appears between the ages of 48 and 54, according to the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics and, from the age of 40, some changes due to lower estrogen production are beginning to be perceived. The most common symptoms that announce the arrival of menopause are the following:

A large number of women say that their first menopausal symptom is insomnia, which appears long before hot flashes.

  • To combat it, establish a sleep routine. Try to go to bed and get up around the same time, even on weekends. Do relaxation exercises, avoid large or spicy meals at dinner or exercise at least 3 hours before going to bed.

Hot flushes

Hot flashes are a sudden sensation of heat that is first felt in the chest and that spreads to the neck or face, even causing redness or tachycardia. When the suffocation subsides, chills and sweat appear.

  • What to do. Dress "in layers" to remove a garment when you get hot flashes and carry a fan. In addition, according to a study conducted in India, you can do yoga to control hot flashes and night sweats because yoga breathing and the relaxation that this discipline entails helps well-being when you suffocate.
  • Keep in mind … Research has confirmed that too much fatty, spicy foods and refined sugars promote hot flashes.

Vaginal dryness

The drop in estrogen typical of menopause reduces the lubrication of the intimate area, but it can also be caused by taking certain medications such as antihistamines; smoking, stress, or a vaginal infection.

  • What to do. Water-based lubricants are the most recommended. Also lengthen the preliminaries in sexual intercourse; stay well hydrated and take more vitamin E (present in wheat germ oil, nuts, broccoli …).

Weight gain

With the arrival of menopause, the body works by making the most of all the nutrients, and spending the calories you take costs much more than before. But the decrease in female hormones, in addition, causes body fat to be distributed differently and accumulate mainly in the abdomen area.

  • How to fight it? Increasing the amount of exercise you do daily and reducing the servings you eat. If this makes you starve, increase the amount of vegetables you eat and reduce the amount of other foods, especially the most superfluous, such as pastries, sweets, liqueurs …

Loss of desire

The loss of sexual interest is due to a drop in the hormones responsible for regulating sexual response (estrogens and testosterone).

  • How to regain desire? Talking with the partner, increasing the preliminaries, solving the possible discomfort, for example, using lubricants, and trying to remove stress and worries, which play against sexual desire.

Irritability, mood swings …

In addition to physical changes, women can also experience some psychological disturbances, such as irritability, mental fatigue (not only physical), sadness, lack of concentration, some anxiety …


Due to the changes that a woman can experience in this stage (mood, sleep, physical and symptoms that affect sexual life), mild or moderate episodes of depression may appear. It is very common (it happens to approximately 85% of women).

  • How to overcome depression. Although it is true that there is a hormonal basis, each woman can cope with it depending on her abilities. Some may come out of it by facing it on their own and others may need the help of a specialist. When it is mild, increased physical exercise, include foods rich in the "wellness hormone" such as banana or chocolate. Also having an active social life can help, we know that now it is difficult but have you already tried making video calls with your friends?