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Cleansing diet foods to eliminate fluids and avoid retention

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Lemon, super cleanser

Lemon, super cleanser

It is one of the most traditionally recognized food-medicine… and for good reason! But this time we are interested in its great diuretic power to eliminate fluids. Take it in juice along with apple, spinach and lime … and remember that you can add it to all fruit and vegetable smoothies.

Artichoke, to eliminate liquids

Artichoke, to eliminate liquids

Keep an eye on the data … Thanks to the action of cynaropicrin and cynarin, two of its active principles, the artichoke favors the regeneration of liver cells, the post-excellence detox organ. It also lowers blood cholesterol, hindering the action of fats; improves digestion and is a great diuretic, which helps not retain fluids and makes you feel less bloated.

Papaya, which eliminates toxins

Papaya, which eliminates toxins

A real antitoxin "bomb". Papaya is rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin C, three elements that combined are an effective antitoxin weapon. Fiber "drags" toxins by facilitating their elimination, potassium counteracts the fluid retentive action of sodium, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that promotes circulation. It is ideal ripe, in juice and in fruit salads.

Forest fruits, diuretics and laxatives

Forest fruits, diuretics and laxatives

Highly recommended for its high antioxidant power, among them the currant stands out, very effective for its decongestant virtues of the liver and for its laxative and diuretic effect; blueberries, especially beneficial for the circulatory system –prevent varicose veins, for example–; and raspberries, rich in fiber, potassium, iron and magnesium. By the way, have you tried them in the form of juice or smoothie? Yum!

Endive, which prevents constipation

Endive, which prevents constipation

Healthy triple action. The endive helps to digest well and to eliminate liquids. It has significant amounts of fiber - which relieves constipation and prevents colon cancer - and potassium - a super cleanser that also cares for the heart - and has very few calories, does anyone give more? It also contains significant amounts of folic acid and zinc, a mineral related to the vigor of the immune system.

Celery, to purify you and take care of your heart

Celery, to purify you and take care of your heart

Along with its cardiovascular benefits, celery has great cleansing power. Combat the presence of uric acid and other toxic residues in the metabolism. Its many virtues include reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, preventing angina pectoris and balancing the hormonal system.

Green asparagus, a great diuretic

Green asparagus, a great diuretic

Rich in fiber, super light and very diuretic, asparagus is one of the most cleansing foods out there. The merit of this lies in a volatile substance, called asparagine, which enhances the diuretic effect of asparagus, helping in case of fluid retention or high blood pressure.

Oatmeal, satiating and purifying

Oatmeal, satiating and purifying

The terror of fluid retention. It is one of the cereals that contains less carbohydrates, but on the other hand, it provides more protein. Thanks to this, its satiating power is higher and it avoids glycemic peaks. In addition, it has diuretic and purifying properties, so it is highly recommended to include it in the diet, especially in case of fluid retention.

Watercress, to take care of kidneys and liver

Watercress, to take care of kidneys and liver

Delicate, tasty and with a slightly spicy touch, the watercress sprouts stand out for their purifying and diuretic properties - they are used to treat both kidney and liver problems. They contain potassium, calcium and iron, as well as fiber, vitamins A and C and chromium, a trace element that improves the body's response to slimming diets.

Grape, against fluid retention

Grape, against fluid retention

Lightens and cleanses the body. The caloric intake of the grape is offset by its purifying capacity. It contains more than 80% water, which helps to lighten the body. Its calcium and other alkaline elements stimulate the liver, fluidizing and cleaning the blood. In the same way, its potassium and organic acids stimulate the kidneys, facilitating the elimination of fluids.

Garlic, to improve circulation

Garlic, to improve circulation

The great friend of blood circulation. Its sulfur components and the substance allicin are effective in improving blood circulation, which helps to purify. Also to resist infection. In addition, it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. All these benefits can be achieved by adding a simple minced garlic and parsley to the dishes.

Cucumber, very rich in potassium

Cucumber, very rich in potassium

This delicious vegetable is very light in calories but very rich in water and potassium, which makes it a very diuretic food. In addition, it has a slight laxative effect that helps cleanse the intestine. For this same reason, it should be taken in moderation if you have a delicate stomach, and you have to chew it well to avoid indigestion.

Parsley, a vitamin C bomb

Parsley, a vitamin C bomb

Parsley is one of the vegetables with the most iron and vitamin C, so it is very remineralizing, something that works very well if you are following a cleansing cure or a weight loss diet. In addition, its active principles give it a marked diuretic action. Apart from as a dressing, you can also consume it as an infusion.

Almond, to take care of the skin and figure

Almond, to take care of the skin and figure

The almond is one of the nuts with the highest contribution of vitamin E, whose consumption is often below what would be recommended and which plays a valuable antioxidant role. It is also rich in fiber, protein and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron - 50 g of almonds provide a dose of iron very similar to that of spinach.

Pineapple, the detox fruit

Pineapple, the detox fruit

The three "D's": digestive, diuretic and detoxifying. Delicious and refreshing, the most important quality of pineapple is that it is very digestive thanks to an enzyme, bromelain, which helps to break down proteins. In addition, its richness in minerals gives it diuretic and detoxifying properties. Do not hesitate to prepare homemade juices and smoothies based on pineapple, orange and banana. Delicious!

Watermelon, a cleansing delight

Watermelon, a cleansing delight

Much more than water! Juicy and refreshing, watermelon contains 93% water, is very diuretic and super light. Despite this large amount of water, it is not a fruit devoid of nutrients: it contains significant amounts of vitamins C, A, B1 and B6, and is an abundant source of fiber, which makes it an ideal satiating fruit for diets . When the good weather arrives, don't miss it at your table.

If you are following the cleansing diet, you have fluid retention or need a detox cure. And for this there is nothing simpler and more comfortable than resorting to cleansing fruits and vegetables, such as the ones we propose in this image gallery.

How to take cleansing foods

In all your dishes, for dessert or as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon option. There are many ways to take the cleansing foods that we propose, but to get the most out of them, take note of the following ideas:

Have papaya and yogurt for breakfast, a cleansing cocktail

  • Papaya is rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin C, three elements that combined are an antitoxin "bomb". Fiber "drags" toxins by facilitating their elimination, potassium counteracts the fluid retentive action of sodium, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that promotes blood circulation and increases oxygenation.
  • With yogurt you take care of the intestinal flora. And a healthy intestinal flora also contributes to the purification of the body. Take it natural skimmed and without added sugar.

Onion soup, your winter ally

If in summer the gazpacho is your ally to cleanse the organism, in winter it is the onion soup. Rich in potassium and fructosan, which make it very diuretic, it is also slightly laxative and very low in calories. Cut a few onions into julienne strips, roast them in the oven with almost no oil and then transfer them to a pot, add water and if you want some aromatic herbs, and finish the soup.

More detox and satiating soups

  • Cream of leeks. Sauté the leeks with very little oil and add zucchini and water. Boil for 20 minutes and blend with two skim cheese.
  • Cabbage and celery soup. Boil celery, cabbage, onion and parsley in water and season with celery salt. Grind last, leaving a not very fine texture.
  • Wild cream. Poach onion, add the wild asparagus, boil in vegetable broth and whisk with 18% light cream
  • Julianne soup. Cut carrot, celery, turnip and green beans into small cubes and boil for 5 minutes in a low-salt vegetable broth.
  • Apple cream. Poach the leeks with a little oil and butter, add the apple - better green -, cover with water, boil and crush with cream.
  • Cabbage Soup. Poach chopped onion, carrot, celery and green pepper, add cabbage cut into strips and boil 20 minutes.