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10 Books that really hook

Table of contents:


The invisible guardian

The invisible guardian

The Provincial Police, Amaia Salazar, is in charge of investigating the death of a series of very young girls in the Baztán Valley. Its past and the mysteries that this valley of Navarra hides will be intertwined with the hunt for the murderer … And since the more than 400 pages of the novel will pass you in a sigh, Dolores Redondo has turned it into a trilogy, so the story continues in The Legacy of the Bones and Offering to the Storm.

The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett
Ed. Reading Point, € 12.95


I know what you're thinking

I know what you're thinking

If you do not know David Gurney, the detective created by John Verdon, and you are a lover of the crime novel, you cannot miss out. I know what you are thinking (and surely when you finish it you will run to read the rest of his cases). In this first novel, this retired detective must solve the mystery of a murderer who seems to read the minds of his victims …

I know what you're thinking, John Verdon
Ed. Rocabolsillo, € 12.30


The empty fridge, the unmade bed, the piled-up clothes waiting to go to the washing machine, you get off two stops beyond yours because the saint has gone to heaven for not taking your eyes off the page … And when you leave it, you are working and you only think about how the story will continue and what will be happening to the characters while you are forced to fulfill a minimum of obligations …

They are clear symptoms that one of those books that hook from the first to the last page has fallen into your hands . How do you want to finish them to know the whole story and what a huge void they leave in your mind when you get to the back cover.

They are books that lead you to commit "crazy things" such as turning off Tinder or rejecting an invitation from friends to have time to read, spending the night almost blank glued to the book or locking yourself in the bathroom for a while at work to reach the end of that chapter that is so interesting …

Overcome "addiction"

As with those love stories that leave a mark, the only thing to overcome reading a book this addictive is that of the nail that removes another nail. So, you know, find time … and continue with your hobby-addiction to reading with the proposals that we make in our gallery. Although we warn you that … your life can be seriously upset and you may need a detoxification period if you take it to the extreme (we would not want your love, professional or family life to be at risk because of us).

Warning to take very seriously

The warning is necessary because the book recommendations we make to you have produced "collateral damage" in the lives of many people in Clara's writing, since there is not a book that is on the list that one of us did not leave. Burning dinner, forgetting a romantic dinner, or wearing more concealer than necessary for a few days to hide dark circles from little sleep. Of course, that they take away the dance! What an enjoyment that when such a huge pound falls into a hands …

This is the list of books that really hook:

  1. The Men Who Didn't Love Women , by Stieg Larsson
  2. The Children of the Earth , by Jean M. Auel
  3. I know what you're thinking , by John Verdon
  4. The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
  5. Twilight, Stephanie Meyer
  6. The Client, by John Grisham
  7. The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  8. The Constant Gardener, by John Le Carré
  9. The Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follet
  10. The invisible guardian, by Dolores Redondo

And you, which one do you recommend? Which one has left you stuck to its pages without being able to unhook?