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The wheel of life: the exercise that will help you improve your life this year

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End of the year and the beginning of a new decade. It is the perfect time to sit down and spend some time with ourselves, disconnect from everything that distracts our attention and take stock of the year to focus on those aspects of our lives that we want to improve.

A few days ago we received an email from Berta, a reader of our magazine, who after a personal and existential crisis began a process of personal growth that marked a before and after in her life. What was the germ of that process? An exercise called The Wheel of Life.

What is the wheel of life and how does it work

One of the tools that most helped Berta in her personal development process is "The Wheel of Life" , created by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, widely used in coaching sessions to know the point from which the 'coachee' starts. and where you want to go. For this reason, we have decided to share with all of you this simple tool that will help you define your resolutions for the new year.

"I no longer run after life as I did before, but I am learning to enjoy every second of it and to create the life I want."

We can't know where we are going if we don't know where we are , that's why Berta suggested in her email not to let our lives run on automatic pilot for another year, and to take charge of your life with this simple tool.

"They say that awareness makes 50% of the result."

Photo: @ 30kcoaching

There are many ways to make the wheel of life, we suggest you make a very simple one. Draw a circle and divide it into as many pieces as you want , each one representing a significant aspect of your life. Once the different vital aspects have been determined, it is time to evaluate how each of them is currently assigning a score from 0 to 10 (from worst to best). To make your work easier, we have prepared a wheel of life to print that you can use to start, you will find it at the end of the article.

With this simple exercises you will be able to become aware of which are the areas that you are currently prioritizing in your life and which are you neglecting and in reality you should focus on them to lead a more balanced life.

How to define and meet my goals with The Wheel of Life

According to the experience of our reader, it is not enough to fill in the wheel of current life, but it is also very interesting to complete a second wheel of life in which to mark and define how you would like the different aspects of your life to progress from here To one year. This will help us to be clear about where we are now and where we want to be in 12 months and thus define our objectives for the new year and evolve in those aspects that interest us most and that we have the most neglected.

Photo: @succeederbyale

Berta recommends that, based on her experience, we set 1 to 3 annual objectives in each of the areas that you define that are most important to you. And once you have defined your goals, it will be easier on a day-to-day basis to take small steps that will bring you closer to achieving the goal you have set for yourself.

"No matter how old you are, the beliefs or the education you have had, you have the power to create your life as you want it to be. Let your heart be the compass of your life."

This is CLARA's wheel of life for you

In the CLARA newsroom we have prepared our own wheel of life so that you can put all the advice that we have shared with you in this article. The vital aspects that we have chosen are:

  • Family
  • Love
  • friends
  • Job
  • Time for you

Wheel of Life Printable

Download and print two copies of the Wheel of Life and find a time for yourself and to complete them. We want it to be an exercise in personal development that helps you to better understand your current situation and, above all, to become aware of what you need and where you want to go next year.

Thank you very much to Berta, our reader, for writing and sharing with us and all of you her personal development process and this useful and simple tool. Do you dare to put it into practice?