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Fish burgers

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600 g of clean assorted fish
1 pinch of flour
5 eggs
1 leek
1 onion
1 glass of skim milk
1 tablespoon mustard
30 g of cereals
Olive oil

We often forget that you can also make fish burgers, a very nutritious and low-fat option if we opt for white fish, and rich in omega 3 if we opt for blue ones.

The ones that we propose in our recipe, are also super nutritious thanks to the accompaniment of poached eggs, which implies a double contribution of proteins, those of the fish and those of the egg. And since they have mustard and pepper, two powerful fat burners, the heaviness of the béchamel in which you are going to cook them is somewhat neutralized.

Taking into account, also, that they can always be grilled if you want a lighter option.

How to do it step by step

  1. Make the burgers . First you have to clean the leek, chop it and poach it in a pan with a little olive oil. Then, mix the poached leek with the chopped, boneless fish that you may have previously boiled with a bay leaf to make it easier to shred. Then add a raw egg and ground cereals to the preparation. Salt and pepper everything and shape the burgers - or meatballs if you prefer smaller balls. And finally, lightly brown them in oil.
  2. Prepare the bechamel . The first thing to do is chop the onion and fry it in the pan with a little oil. Then add the flour and toast it along with the onion. Then add the milk and mustard and stir. Bring to a boil, add the burgers and cook for 5 minutes or so.
  3. Cook the eggs . You can make them hard by cooking them with the peel in boiling water or poached style, as we propose. To do this, you just have to take 4 individual bowls, cover them with kitchen wrap, add a few drops of oil so they don't stick and crack 1 egg in each one. Then, carefully take the film by opposite ends and make a bag with the egg inside. Finally, close them with the help of a string and cook the bags in boiling water for about 5 minutes.
  4. Plate and serve . Put the hamburgers on individual plates and serve them with the eggs on top accompanied by a bowl with the béchamel sauce, as a sauce, in which you have cooked them before.


For a special presentation

Apart from cooking the poached-style eggs as we have proposed in step 4, you can add another special touch by placing the burgers on a bed of orange, which will give it a more attractive air and a very refreshing flavor.

To do this, peel an orange live - avoiding the white skin that covers it - and place the segments - also peeled live - in the shape of a star at the base of each plate. To complete the presentation, you can put a few leaves of fresh basil on top.

Mustard to fight fat

Mustard sauce is made by mixing mustard seeds with vinegar and other ingredients. These seeds, in addition to being low in calories, have a vasodilator effect and accelerate the burning of fats. The hottest varieties are more thermogenic, that is, they accelerate the metabolism more and burn more calories. And if you don't like its flavor very much, you can add it to the mixture you make when you prepare the dough for hamburgers or meatballs and thus camouflage it and lose prominence.

If you want to know more recipes with a fat burning effect, click here.