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Guide to maintaining order in your diet with the marie kondo method

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Lose weight with order

Lose weight with order

If you want to lose weight without throwing in the towel at the slightest occasion, don't miss these tricks to follow your diet in an easy and orderly way.

Clear Kitchen and Dining Room

Clear Kitchen and Dining Room

Do not overload these spaces, look for light and raw colors to dominate, and make sure there are no things on the worktops, the table … A serene atmosphere invites you to eat less and in a more relaxed way.

The healthy, at eye level

The healthy, at eye level

In the refrigerator, put fruits and vegetables in glass containers at eye level. Thus, when you open it in search of a hunger remover, you will choose them more easily.

That enters by sight

That enters by sight

We eat with our eyes, so both the presentation of your dishes and the dishes themselves are essential. Combine up to 5 colors in your dishes, which you can easily achieve by mixing vegetables or fruits, you will see how you fancy that salad!

See recipe for super light lentil salad.

Yes to "clean food"

Yes to "clean food"

According to the experts, opting for eco or zero kilometer food, that is to say that they have been produced near where we live, is very beneficial for your health.

Regular hours

Regular hours

Always eat at the same times, ensuring that lunch is before 3 and dinner early, helps you lose weight. And on weekends, try not to stray from the rest of the week.

Eat slow

Eat slow

If you notice that you eat very fast, take note of this super trick: it makes your food very hot. By having to blow to cool each bite, you will eat slower and fill up sooner.

Small dishes

Small dishes

The bigger the plate, the smaller a portion seems to us and we eat more. Better to serve the correct amount on a small plate.

Blue tablecloth

Blue tablecloth

According to chromotherapy, surrounding yourself with blue to eat helps you lose weight, because it calms you and makes you eat more slowly and influences the feeling of satiety. If you eat from a container, take a blue placemat.

Leave in the kitchen …

Leave in the kitchen …

Oil, salt, sugar, butter … These are foods that you should use in moderation. If you cannot find them at hand at the table, you will avoid the risk of committing an excess.

Light preserves

Light preserves

Having preserves in the pantry can solve a meal. Make sure they are made from vegetables (artichokes, asparagus, chard …), natural fish or tomato, or low-salt legumes.

For a sweet craving

For a sweet craving

Take advantage of dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, strawberries …), which are like "natural jelly beans". Of course, take a maximum of a handful (25 g).

Ready salads

Ready salads

Sometimes they are a good solution to get out of trouble. Ideally, just bag the lettuce or sprouts and add the rest of the ingredients yourself. Of course, keep in mind that not all salads are the same.

To carry out

To carry out

Prepare the most appetizing meals and salads and put them in airtight glass containers, which are more hygienic. So you will have your food ready to go and enjoy a fresh dish anywhere.

Lunch boxes with compartments

Lunch boxes with compartments

The bento type separators and lunch boxes - the typical Japanese food box divided into compartments - help you organize your menu and eat in a balanced way. Do you want recipes to take to work? Discover them!

Bet on the void

Bet on the void

If you can't often, a vacuum packing machine like this one from Cecotec helps you preserve food in portions.

Light cooking

Light cooking

Steam, grill, oven or microwave cooking with the help of silicone cases like this one from Lékué is easy, fast and very light.

Magic brushing

Magic brushing

When you finish eating, brush your teeth. So you send a signal to your brain to stop sending messages that can lead us to peck, especially sweets. And if all else fails, take note of these tricks to stop itching, once and for all.

Organize your sport too

Organize your sport too

Remember that just as important as planning weekly menus is doing it with exercise. You don't have to go to the gym, but you do have to schedule your hours to go for a fast walk, to run, to ride a bike, to dance …

And discover the "Marie Kondo" of food and lose weight!

And discover the "Marie Kondo" of food and lose weight!

If you order your diet a la Marie Kondo and plan healthier and lighter menus, you will eat better, stay at a healthy weight, reduce stress, and be happier. Discover this revolutionary method!

With these 5 tricks and everything that we tell you in the gallery, it will be easier for you to maintain order in your diet and you will lose weight without realizing it, thanks to the "Marie Kondo" method applied to food.

1. We eat through the eyes

Put fruits and vegetables in the fridge at eye level in glass containers. When you open it looking for something to snack on, you will choose them before other products. And if there is also a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter, you will tend to eat it before anything else.

On the other hand, what does not suit you and that you can have for the children or other people in the house, put it in opaque containers on the shelves behind the refrigerator or pantry.

The same happens at lunchtime so keep in mind that both the presentation of your dishes and the dishes themselves are essential to achieve your goal. Combine up to 5 colors in your dishes, which you can easily achieve with vegetables or fruits. For example, the green of spinach or kiwi, the red of peppers or cherries, with the orange of pumpkin or orange, the white of asparagus or pear, and the black of aubergine or grape.

2. Kitchen and dining room: few things

Make sure that the decoration of these two spaces is not overloaded, that there are no things on the worktops, the table … Better keep the tools in cabinets and drawers; use only what you need at the moment. And look for light and raw colors to dominate, avoiding the most exciting (red, orange …). A serene atmosphere invites you to eat less and in a more relaxed way.

3. Regular hours and healthy routines

Always eat at the same times, ensuring that lunch is before 3 and dinner early, helps you lose weight. On weekends, try not to move away from the rest of the week, unless there is no more than an hour difference from the usual time.

If you are one of those who gulps instead of eating, you should stop doing it. Take note of this tip: If you heat your food too much, you will have to blow to cool each bite, so you will eat slower and fill up sooner. And if you also eat on a blue tablecloth –which according to serene color therapy–, you will be able to eat more slowly and with more tranquility. Do you eat taper? Take a blue placemat.

4. Clean food: eco or zero kilometer food

Betting on these foods is doing it for health. "When we eat the plants that have grown close to where we live, we are immunized against the toxins in the air, water and germs, viruses and harmful substances that are in our environment. We are taking the substances that they have synthesized", explains the promoter in ecological agriculture Mariano Bueno.

5. How to avoid overshooting

If when you are at the table, you "forget" oil, salt, sugar or butter in the kitchen, you will avoid the risk of taking it in excess. For those moments when snacking is an absolute necessity, keep dried fruits on hand (dried apricots, raisins, strawberries …), but take a maximum handful (25 g).

And if you are one of those who have a kitchen allergy, always have a bag of lettuce or sprouts in the fridge to add the rest of the ingredients. The jars of legumes or canned vegetables are always good allies for when you do not know what to cook and do not want to fall into the temptation of fast food.