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These are the seven things that will make your life happy no matter how tired you are

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These 7 things will brighten your life instantly

These 7 things will brighten your life instantly

It is not easy to define happiness. The RAE speaks of the "state of gratifying spiritual and physical satisfaction" or of a "person, situation, object or group of them that contribute to making people happy". Have you had a bad day at work? Have you argued with someone? Are you tired and down? Do you want Friday to arrive NOW? Oh, friend, I understand you very well… Scientists have even invented mathematical formulas to be happy, but here at CLARA we know well that happiness is in the simple things in life. So this time I have compiled the 7 things that always make me happy on a regular day and I know that they will make you smile too! And don't panic, they are more affordable than you might think!


Sex toy

During orgasm, not only endorphins are released, but also oxytocin , a hormone responsible for increasing levels of happiness. If you haven't gotten yourself a sex toy yet, we don't know what you're waiting for. You can get the famous Satisfyer on Amazon for € 36.66.

Watch series

Watch series

A study carried out by Javier Lozano, Milagros Sánchez and José Antonio Muñiz from the Loyola Andalucía University, has shown that being a fan of a series makes us happier. It turns out that seeing them strengthens us as a person and helps us achieve happiness. If you don't know what to do tonight, take a look at the newsroom's favorite series and movies and start watching some.

Relaxing bath

Relaxing bath

After a bath, we are always more relaxed and sleep better . Reserve a time of the day to take care of yourself and improve your sleep. Our tricks? Decorate the bathroom with candles or flower petals, put on some quiet music and bet on a lavender essential oil.

Red lipstick

Red lipstick

Things as they are: a red lipstick always manages to give us the necessary confidence to face what lies ahead. Here we leave you the mythical MAC lipstick ( Russian Red tone ) in a mini version so that you can always carry it with you. Buy it now!



After a bad day, you come home and have an ounce of chocolate. Have you ever wondered why taking it makes you happy? After savoring an ounce of chocolate, life looks different. It is because chocolate contains tryptophan , a chemical that makes us feel happy, phenylethylamine that is associated with falling in love, and theobromine that stimulates the nervous system and generates a feeling of well-being.

Do sports

Do sports

According to a recent study by the universities of Yale and Oxford, doing sports helps us feel happier than money , thanks to the endorphins secreted by the brain during and after physical exercise. Take a look at these 7 exercises to look your best without going to the gym, without breaking a sweat or messy!


Cosmetics that make us happy

The aroma and texture of cosmetics transport and convey sensations, allow us to relax and find a moment of well-being and happiness. It is proven that beauty products can stimulate our brain in such a way that it is capable of changing even our mood. Don't worry, you don't have to shell out large amounts of money and invest in a very expensive cream. Here we leave you the famous Elizabeth Arden body cream that smells great. You'll love it!

And one more: surround yourself with good vibes

And one more: surround yourself with good vibes

Okay, I had told you 7 things but in reality, the one that I propose to you now is not a thing in itself. If you are a little down or more tired than usual, call your best friend, your sister, your mother, your neighbor … We all have that person who manages to make us smile immediately. If you are in the mood, you can even take a spot today for a drink. Surround yourself with friends and family that you get along with!

Photo by @mariafrubies