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How is it better to eat a banana? male, mature, green ...

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It depends on what you are looking for

It depends on what you are looking for

On the one hand, you have to take into account the tastes of each one, since the more mature it is, the sweeter it will be. Also, if we talk about health, both have interesting properties.

Greener, more vitamins

Greener, more vitamins

Green bananas have more vitamins and minerals. The mature ones have a somewhat higher antioxidant content.

The mature one is better digested

The mature one is better digested

When the banana is more mature it will be easier to digest it and you will avoid stomach aches. In addition, there are people to whom the threads that it has repeats.

A great ally for your spirit

A great ally for your spirits

Banana contains tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to serotonin, which stimulates relaxation, lifts mood, and reduces fatigue.

When it comes to sports …

When it comes to sports …

Keep in mind that greens are better for before doing physical activity and ripe ones will be good for you to regain strength quickly after doing intense exercise.

If you are diabetic, better greens

If you are diabetic, better greens

People with diabetes can eat bananas, but in moderation, as they have sugars that are slowly absorbed. But the greener they take them, the better.

Keep them in a suitable place

Keep them in a suitable place

It is advisable to leave them at room temperature. But if you can't leave it in a cool and ventilated place, better put it in the fridge.

When it turns black …

When it turns black …

If a banana starts to turn black, it is not bad, what happens is that it is very ripe and, therefore, very sweet.

If you want them to last longer …

If you want them to last longer …

Wrap the end by which they join the bunch with kitchen film. As they lack oxygen, ripening slows down.

And if you want them to mature earlier …

And if you want them to mature earlier …

If you want to speed up ripening, put the bananas in a perforated bag along with a ripe apple.

How do you like bananas best?

Green, ripe, very soft, rather hard … The banana is an energetic fruit, very satiating, which also has almost no fat and, being rich in potassium, favors the elimination of liquids and improves blood circulation. You can consume it in different varieties and the choice will depend on your tastes and preferences.

Banana is very nutritious, as it provides carbohydrates and tryptophan, the perfect combination for the brain to produce the neurotransmitter of tranquility, serotonin, which helps you fall asleep. A banana milk shake is a delicious remedy for insomnia. The calcium and potassium it contains also contribute to the effect.

When to eat it?

The best time to consume it is during the day, especially in the mid-afternoon or mid-morning, to calm hunger without gaining weight. There are people who believe that it is fattening when, in reality, a piece has practically the same calories as an apple. Its high contribution of carbohydrates and fiber give it a satiating effect.

What you should keep in mind is that, being a starch, it has the main characteristic of providing energy to our body and being slow to digest. For this reason, it is not recommended to consume bananas at night , since then we would say that they are fattening.

Check out our gallery to discover the best ways to consume a banana according to your tastes.

Banana properties

  • Reduces cholesterol levels , intestinal problems and muscle cramps.
  • It provides energy to our body quickly, making it an excellent fruit for children and athletes, or for cases of exhaustion, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
  • Regulates our nervous system and helps alleviate anxiety or irritability problems.
  • Lowers high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks.
  • Thanks to its alkalizing properties, it works as a natural antacid.
  • It is an essential fruit for pregnant women , as it reduces nausea, regulates the intestine, provides energy without gaining weight and contains folic acid.