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Ensalada de espárragos, tomatitos y requesón

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2 manojos de espárragos verdes
150 g de tomates cherry
100 g de requesón
30 g de nueces peladas
30 g de kikos (maíz tostado)
20 g de pipas de girasol peladas
2 cucharadas de vinagre
4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
Pimienta y sal

Como ves en esta ensalada de espárragos, tomatitos y requesón, las ensaladas no siempre tienen que llevar lechuga u otras hojas verdes.

In this case, the tender asparagus are the base, and result in a quick and easy recipe that you can have ready in 20 minutes at most, without having to scratch your pocket, and very light because neither asparagus nor cottage cheese have many calories . Do you want to try it?

How to make asparagus, tomatoes and cottage cheese salad step by step

  1. Clean the asparagus. First, wash the asparagus under running cold water, remove the hardest part of the stem, and cut them into pieces of the same size.
  2. Bring water to a boil and cook. While you prepare the asparagus, bring to a boil plenty of salty water in a saucepan, add and cook for 5 to 7 minutes (depending on the thickness) until tender but whole.
  3. Stop cooking. Once they are done, remove them with a slotted spoon and submerge them for a few moments in a bowl of ice water to stop cooking. In this way, they will maintain their intense green color. And then drain them again to remove all the water.
  4. Prepare the rest of the ingredients. Wash the tomatoes, pat them dry with absorbent paper and cut them in half. Drain the cottage cheese and crumble it. And cut the walnuts into small pieces.
  5. Make the vinaigrette. Put the vinegar in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper, and gradually pour in the oil, continuing to beat with a fork, until you get a well-emulsified vinaigrette.
  6. Plate and serve. Divide the asparagus into four bowls. Add the tomatoes, the crumbled cottage cheese and the chopped walnuts. Dress with the previous vinaigrette. And decorate with sunflower seeds and chopped kikos.

Clara trick


You can also grill or grill your asparagus instead of boiling it. You save time and give it a super tasty touch.