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Oatmeal smoothie: the natural and quick solution for constipation

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“I rarely go to the bathroom” or “when I go it is difficult for me” are two comments that describe the two main problems that constipation causes: the infrequency and the difficulty in doing so. Be it one case or another, this homemade shake is a natural and quick solution to constipation.

Women suffer more constipation

Hormonal swings, our own constitution and the stress that most women undergo cause us to suffer 3 times more constipation than men, a problem that is rarely serious but is very annoying. But this shake will help you fight it and reduce its annoying symptoms, such as heaviness, slow digestion, headache, bloating and gas.

Smoothie for constipation

To combat constipation and have a flat stomach, you have to increase your fiber intake, but what is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fiber? Something dry and unappetizing, right? Well, with this shake you are going to get a surprise since you have never tried a natural remedy against constipation that is more delicious and pleasant to take. Its secret is the large amount of fiber it contains as well as its content in bifidobacteria.

On the other hand, in addition to taking fiber , to prevent and avoid constipation you have to drink fluids. Since, if the body is not well hydrated, the large intestine "steals" the water contained in the stool, making it difficult to evacuate. And what better way than to drink liquids than in the form of a refreshing shake. These are its ingredients and its main nutritional properties:

Apple, rich in pectin

The apple contains a type of fiber, called pectin, which forms a gel in the stomach that slows down your digestion. This not only helps you keep your appetite at bay but also makes you eat fewer calories at the end of the day, since it takes longer to feel hungry again and you have less desire to snack. And what's better, pectin is a type of fiber that regulates you. Therefore, it is indicated both in case of diarrhea and constipation, since it improves intestinal transit and facilitating digestion. Of course, you have to take it with skin, which is where there is more pectin.

For this smoothie, we recommend that you buy organic apples since, to take advantage of all its fiber, the apple is used with the skin.

Blackberries, laxative and purifying fruit

Taking berries or berries is one of the best ways to get a plus of fiber and vitamins and antioxidants. Blackberries contain 6% fiber and provide you with vitamins C and E and antioxidants. Keep in mind that when blackberries are green they have an astringent effect, so if you have constipation you should wait until they are fully ripe to enjoy their laxative and purifying power.

You have to take the ripe blackberries

Oat flakes, energy removes hunger

They contain 7% fiber that has a laxative effect and protects your digestive system. It also gives you protein, B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. By including oatmeal in this delicious smoothie, it makes it a great way to start the day as it is very filling and complete and will give you energy for the whole morning.

Yogurt, your gut's best friend

Eating a yogurt, rich in bifidobacteria, is the best way to balance the intestinal flora and help it to function properly. And is that dairy products with probiotics contain live microorganisms that colonize the walls of the intestine forming a barrier against bacteria that do not do so much good. It is proven that if you take one or two a day, the transit time of stool through the colon is reduced.

Flax seeds, concentrated fiber

A tablespoon of these seeds provides you with an extraordinary amount of fiber. And it is that they contain 28% fiber, which gives them a great laxative effect. In addition, they have the ability to soothe irritation of the gastric mucosa. And they are a source of omega-3 fatty acids (such as those in salmon or walnuts), which also gives them a cardioprotective effect and also helps you lose weight.

You can take them as is or previously soaked


Cinnamon is the best way to sweeten if you want to avoid glucose highs and lows. What's more, a pinch of cinnamon triples the effectiveness of insulin to metabolize glucose, making it useful in the case of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, according to a study from the University of Maryland (USA), a teaspoon of cinnamon a day speeds up the metabolism, which is why it is considered one of the spices with fat burning properties.


  • 1 apple
  • 6-8 blackberries
  • 1.5 tablespoons oat flakes
  • 2 skimmed yogurts
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds
  • Cinnamon

How to prepare the smoothie for constipation

Original text

  1. Wash the apple well. Without peeling it, cut it into two pieces and remove the central part where the seeds are. Cut the rest into pieces and place them in the blender glass.
  2. Lightly wash the blackberries and add them to the blender glass.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the cinnamon and beat on medium-high speed until a puree is formed. If you like the texture more liquid, add a little milk or water. Sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.

You can add crushed ice for a more refreshing shake.

How many calories does it have?

This delicious shake to combat constipation gives you 120 calories for each glass.

How to take it to take advantage of its properties

Take this super smoothie for constipation every morning and you will notice how your intestinal transit improves in a few days. As it is very complete and contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats, it can constitute your breakfast in itself. You can also take it as a mid-morning, snack or even dinner, one day you want to compensate for some excess.

Remember that this shake is an excellent aid for constipation but that you should drink more fluids throughout the day and natural foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole carbohydrates. If you need more ideas to combat constipation, don't miss our tips.

If you want to vary, you can also combine this delicious shake with others, such as:

And if you haven't just decided on one or the other, take our test and find out which shake suits you.

We also have 10 super healthy and ideal weight loss shakes.