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What happens if you go barefoot, you shower a lot and other curiosities

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What happens when you go to the beach bar with a wet bikini?

What happens when you go to the beach bar with a wet bikini?

Subjecting your urethra to conditions of humidity, heat and lack of oxygen can favor the growth of bacteria and fungi. Better to be safe … Change your swimsuit for a dry one or for cotton underwear and shorts.

Is it bad to shower more than once a day?

Is it bad to shower more than once a day?

Showering too much can damage your skin by removing helpful bacteria that form a barrier and protect it from harmful germs and bacteria.

How often is it recommended to shower?

How often is it recommended to shower?

The ideal, according to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, is not to take more than one shower a day to avoid damaging the skin. WHO recommends that it last 5 minutes.

What if I do a lot of sports?

What if I do a lot of sports?

If you do a lot of sports or a physical effort with which you sweat, instead of showering to avoid the bad smell it is better to wash in parts, focusing on the most problematic areas (feet, armpits and groin).

Is it true that cold water is better to combat the heat?

Is it true that cold water is better to combat the heat?

In reality, you achieve the opposite effect: more heat. At first, cool. Then the body starts the mechanism to regain body temperature. The result? Energy expenditure and more heat.

Is it preferable to shower in the morning or at night?

Is it preferable to shower in the morning or at night?

If you have a stressful day ahead, the morning shower will relax your body and activate your mind. And if you find it difficult to sleep, the night shower will help reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Which is better, a lot or a little soap?

Which is better, a lot or a little soap?

More than water, what damages the skin's lipid mantle is soap. For this reason, if you take two or more showers, limit their use to one of them. As for the water, do not shower with it very hot; better warm.

Can I use hard sponges to clean more thoroughly?

Can I use hard sponges to clean more thoroughly?

Hard sponges are not recommended as rubbing too hard is not good for the skin. To remove dirt, simply massage yourself with your hand or an extra-soft sponge.

Can I go to bed with wet hair?

Can I go to bed with wet hair?

Going to sleep with wet hair causes more loss, more itchiness and more infections. In addition, it is the ideal breeding ground to promote the appearance of dandruff.

What happens when you sleep with an old pillow?

What happens when you sleep with an old pillow?

It will be full of dirt, mites and mold, making sneezing, itchy eyes and other allergic symptoms worse. To avoid this, wash the pillow 2 or 3 times a year; the protector, once a month; and the cover, every week.

What happens if you go barefoot?

What happens if you go barefoot?

If you do it on asphalt and hard places, you run the risk of making a cut and suffering an infection or contracting fungi, as well as increasing the pressure in certain points and having inflammations.

What if you do it on soft ground?

What if you do it on soft ground?

On a soft surface, like grass, you strengthen the muscles in your feet, stimulate circulation, and improve stability and balance.

Is it bad to walk on slopes?

Is it bad to walk on inclined surfaces?

Although the foot adapts without problems to surfaces with lateral inclination, it is advisable not to walk on them, since it can cause muscle overload in the hips, buttocks or spine.

Is it recommended to go barefoot on the beach?

Is it recommended to go barefoot on the beach?

Walking on the fine sand of the beach helps to massage and relax the muscles of the feet. In addition to acting as a natural exfoliant that helps to eliminate the hardness of the skin.

Is it harmful for children to go barefoot?

Is it harmful for children to go barefoot?

No. Until the age of 4, children have practically flat feet. Walking barefoot helps the bones of the feet to acquire an arched shape and thus develop the plantar arch.

Is it good to run without shoes?

Is it good to run without shoes?

It is not highly recommended. A study from the University of Queensland (Australia) showed that shoes cushion the impact received by the muscles and that they make the muscles of the feet and legs work more.

If you go to the beach bar with a wet bikini … Beware of cystitis!

  • Infections and fungi. Subjecting your urethra to conditions of humidity, heat and lack of oxygen can favor the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  • Better to be safe … Change your swimsuit for a dry one or for cotton underwear and shorts.

Is it good to shower daily or is it better to do it less frequently?

  • Unprotected. Showering too much can damage your skin by removing helpful bacteria that form a barrier and protect it from harmful germs and bacteria.
  • Once a day. The ideal, according to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, is not to take more than one shower a day to avoid damaging the skin. WHO recommends that it last 5 minutes.
  • If you do sports. Or a physical effort with which you sweat, instead of showering to avoid the bad smell it is better to wash in parts, focusing on the most problematic areas (feet, armpits and groin).
  • Don't use a lot of soap. Soap is what damages the skin's lipid mantle more than water. For this reason, if you take two or more showers, limit their use to one of them. As for the water, do not shower with it very hot; better warm.
  • Discard the hard sponges. They are not recommended since it is not good for the skin to rub it too hard. To remove dirt, just massage yourself with your hand or with an extra-soft sponge.
  • Better in the morning or at night? If you have a stressful day ahead, the morning shower will relax your body and activate your mind. And if you have trouble sleeping, the night shower will help you reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Do you take cold showers to beat the heat?

You achieve the opposite effect: more heat. At first it cools. Then the body starts the mechanism to recover the temperature and generates more energy expenditure and more heat.

Also, be careful with sudden changes, if there is a big difference between the temperature of the body and that of the water, you can suffer a blackout, an arrhythmia or even a cardiac arrest.

  • The solution. Shower with hot water and lower the temperature.

Do you go to bed with your hair still wet?

Although you don't have to catch a cold, it's not good.

  • More fall. As the cuticle is more sensitive and more knots become, the hair breaks more.
  • More itching. Moisture can inflame the scalp, causing itching.
  • More infections. It can also promote the appearance of fungus on the scalp and on the pillow.

Do you sleep on a dirty old pillow?

It will be full of dirt, mites and mold, making sneezing, itchy eyes and other allergic symptoms worse.

  • How to avoid it. Wash the pillow 2 or 3 times a year; the protector, once a month; and the cover, every week.

Is it good for our feet to go barefoot?

  • On hard and asphalt surfaces. You run the risk of getting a cut and getting an infection or fungus, as well as increasing pressure at certain points and having inflammations.
  • On soft soils. Walking barefoot strengthens the muscles of the feet, stimulates circulation, and improves stability and balance. But they must be smooth surfaces like grass.
  • On the beach. Walking on the fine sand of the beach helps to massage and relax the muscles of the feet. In addition to acting as a natural exfoliant that helps to eliminate the hardness of the skin.
  • Running without shoes. A study from the University of Queensland (Australia) showed that shoes cushion the impact received by the muscles and that they make the muscles of the feet and legs work more.
  • Walking on inclined surfaces. Although the foot adapts without problems to surfaces with a lateral inclination, it is advisable not to walk on them, as it can cause muscle overload in the hips, buttocks or spine.
  • And children? Up to 4 years old, children have practically flat feet. Walking barefoot helps the bones of the feet to acquire an arched shape and thus develop the plantar arch.