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How to raise your defenses: 20 easy tips to improve your health

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There are people of a sick nature and others who seem to be immune to the viruses that attack the rest of us. Apart from what nature has granted you, you can also  do something to improve your health and raise your defenses.  They can be such small things that you may not have noticed them before. Take a look at this post and visit our image gallery. You will get more than one surprise.

An army inside you

Imagine your immune system as an internal army that is responsible for defending you against all kinds of germs and harmful substances. A kiss goodbye, grabbing you at the bus bar, or typing in your credit card number at a store, for example, exposes you to viruses and bacteria. Your immune system is what protects you from these "attacks" and defends you against diseases. They are natural barriers that act as a shield, such as skin, stomach acid,  intestinal flora  or macrophages made by the bone marrow and liver. In addition, you also have more specific defense mechanisms, such as immunoglobulins and B and T lymphocytes.

Genetics or luck?

Neither one thing nor the other and all at the same time. Nature may or may not have endowed you with a strong immune system, but the pillars on which these defenses rest depend on you and are based on your lifestyle:  your attitude towards problems,  what you put on your plate and your habits. everyday.

What makes your friend less cold?

Observe their way of life and you may find the answer there. It is not just luck or genetics, surely she makes small decisions throughout the day that strengthen (or not) her defenses. As you can see in the image gallery, with what to sweeten yogurt, opt for a certain tea or  have a fun social life greatly influences the amount of colds  - and other more serious diseases - that you may have throughout your life.

Read on and take note of the 20 easy tips to improve your health and boost your defenses.

There are people of a sick nature and others who seem to be immune to the viruses that attack the rest of us. Apart from what nature has granted you, you can also  do something to improve your health and raise your defenses.  They can be such small things that you may not have noticed them before. Take a look at this post and visit our image gallery. You will get more than one surprise.

An army inside you

Imagine your immune system as an internal army that is responsible for defending you against all kinds of germs and harmful substances. A kiss goodbye, grabbing you at the bus bar, or typing in your credit card number at a store, for example, exposes you to viruses and bacteria. Your immune system is what protects you from these "attacks" and defends you against diseases. They are natural barriers that act as a shield, such as skin, stomach acid,  intestinal flora  or macrophages made by the bone marrow and liver. In addition, you also have more specific defense mechanisms, such as immunoglobulins and B and T lymphocytes.

Genetics or luck?

Neither one thing nor the other and all at the same time. Nature may or may not have endowed you with a strong immune system, but the pillars on which these defenses rest depend on you and are based on your lifestyle:  your attitude towards problems,  what you put on your plate and your habits. everyday.

What makes your friend less cold?

Observe their way of life and you may find the answer there. It is not just luck or genetics, surely she makes small decisions throughout the day that strengthen (or not) her defenses. As you can see in the image gallery, with what to sweeten yogurt, opt for a certain tea or  have a fun social life greatly influences the amount of colds  - and other more serious diseases - that you may have throughout your life.

Read on and take note of the 20 easy tips to improve your health and boost your defenses.

They are positive

They are positive

People with a cheerful outlook on life are at lower risk of stroke. This is the main conclusion of the study conducted at the University of Michigan (USA). According to the psychologist and director of the Human Area center Julia Vidal: "It is important to maintain a positive attitude and set yourself new personal and professional challenges." Do you want to discover the keys to be more positive? Don't miss this post.

They ventilate their house

They ventilate their house

Renewing the air is very important to prevent toxins, viruses and bacteria from “settling” in your home. Just open the windows 10 minutes a day to achieve this. If you can, take advantage of the sunny hours so that the temperature does not drop too low. And at work, try not to accumulate unnecessary papers and wash your hands frequently.

They eat and cook with less salt

They eat and cook with less salt

Overdoing the salt shaker can mistakenly activate defenses, facilitating the development of autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis, according to data from a study published in Nature. The WHO recommends a maximum of 5 g of salt per day, and the Spanish average is 10 g.

They are cured with chicken soup

They are cured with chicken soup

This popular dish has medicinal properties and also helps fight colds and other lung ailments. Our grandmothers have always been clear about it, but science has also proven it: the mixture of vitamins and nutrients in chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect, which slows the growth of white blood cells or leukocytes that stimulate mucus. You know, when you have cold symptoms, soup!

They look for natural light

They look for natural light

Spending time - whether working, cooking, studying … - near windows through which abundant natural light enters helps to lead a more active life, sleep better and have a better quality of life, according to a study by North-Western University , in Chicago (USA). Do not forget that both the quality of sleep and physical exercise enhance the good state of your immune system. So now you know, find a window and enjoy the natural light.

They like blueberries

They like blueberries

It is one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant content. In addition, they have been shown to protect the cells of the body - increasing the levels of good cholesterol -, improve circulation, reduce cardiovascular inflammation and prevent clogging of the arteries. As if that were not enough, cranberry helps prevent and reduce urinary infections, according to studies from Harvard University (USA). It also provides vitamin C and calcium.

They listen to music and they love it!

They listen to music and they love it!

Classical, pop, jazz or even flamenco … The style doesn't matter, but put music in your life. It has a tremendously relaxing effect. In fact, according to a study by the University of Seattle (USA), listening to music three or more times a week reduces blood pressure, lowers heart rate and levels of stress-related hormones and improves mood .

They drink olive oil

They take olive oil

It is one of the main pillars of the Mediterranean diet and one of our greatest gastronomic treasures. And a common denominator in the longest-lived and healthiest people. And is that everything in olive oil are benefits. If we already knew from previous studies that it protects against high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, now new research has shown that consuming it reduces another risk: that of suffering a stroke.

They like home cooking

They like home cooking

Those who eat at home consume less bad fats, less salt and less sugar. In addition, if when cooking you opt for fresh products and reduce salt and sugar, you will be making one of the best investments you can make for the future. Think that each balanced home cooking dish you eat is like putting a coin in your health piggy bank.

Do not you know what to cook today? Take a look at our recipes, they are easy, fast and very healthy.

They opt for green tea

They opt for green tea

How many joys for your body in a small cup! Green tea contains antioxidants that make your immune system stronger. In addition, it has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke and help metabolize fats better.

They enjoy their home

They enjoy their home

Read, take care of your plants, prepare a homemade cake, knit … Any activity that makes you feel comfortable at home will be fine and your body will take advantage of it. According to research from the University of California (USA), those who lead a satisfactory home life are 24% more likely to get sick less than people who do not feel comfortable in their own home.

You will see them eating apples

You will see them eating apples

They keep the doctor away, as a popular English saying recalls. And it is not surprising, since its richness in pectin and flavonoids helps to keep cholesterol at bay, which reduces the risk of heart problems. Above they contain vitamin C, which strengthens the defenses. In addition, they remove hunger and are cleansing. In short, we lack space to recommend that you eat apples and - if possible - daily.



Experts say that running or brisk walking on a regular basis improves the immune system, keeps the heart healthy, prevents aging, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, relieves stress and improves self-esteem. In fact, there are those who maintain that the fountain of youth is in active life. Do you need more reasons to go for a walk or a run?

It's easy to see them laugh

It's easy to see them laugh

Why does laughing make us feel so good? Lee Berk, a psychoimmunologist at Loma Linda University in California (USA), has shown that laughter has positive effects on the regulation of the immune system. In other words, laughing strengthens the defenses, and this is so because it increases the production of antibodies and activates certain protective cells in the body, such as lymphocytes, responsible for cellular immunity.

Strengthen your defenses with these fun books to die of laughter.

They take honey

They take honey

Honey is one of the products with the highest antioxidant levels, which is why it protects from the damaging effects of free radicals and also prevents heart disease, cancer and muscle degeneration. In addition, it facilitates the digestion and assimilation of other foods. As if that were not enough, honey regulates intestinal function. If you want to improve your health, take two tablespoons of honey a day.

They like pets

They like pets

Popular wisdom has always said that living with a pet made us more sociable and healthy. Well, scientists, in their eagerness to measure everything, have confirmed that having a pet achieves everything from improving cholesterol levels and blood pressure, to reducing anxiety and stress and improving mood. Not counting the benefits that walking gives us, in the case of having a dog and walking it every day.

They have sex

They have sex

Having safe sex once a week increases levels of immunoglobulin, an antibody that protects against infection. During sexual encounters, oxytocin is also released, a hormone that helps to better cope with stressful situations. In addition, sex improves the appearance of the skin, hair and nails, and self-esteem. Ah! And it helps you sleep better. If you want to break the routine and have better sex, try these magical massages.

They have contact with nature

They have contact with nature

Clean air, low noise … Do you need more advantages to go to the field? Well there is more. Research carried out by the University of Michigan (USA) has shown that people who live for a time in a quiet rural environment, close to nature, improve their degree of attention and memory. If you cannot live in a natural environment, try to make trips from time to time to be more in contact with nature.

They chat with friends

They chat with friends

Whoever has a friend has a treasure, and on top of that their defenses are stronger. In fact, according to the latest studies, friendship could be classified as "natural medicine" because it has been shown that loneliness favors the appearance of diseases. When a person feels lonely, their norepinephrine levels skyrocket and the body loses its ability to fight viruses. To avoid this, take more vitamin S.

They know how to relax

They know how to relax

Do the same and try to steal half an hour a day from your schedule to take a break, relax, focus on yourself and feel your body. So you will be making it stronger against diseases. This is the main conclusion of a study carried out by a team from the University of Wisconsin (USA).

Is it difficult for you to disconnect? We tell you how to achieve it in this post.

There are people of a sick nature and others who seem to be immune to the viruses that attack the rest of us. Apart from what nature has granted you, you can also do something to improve your health and raise your defenses. They can be such small things that you may not have noticed them before. Take a look at this post and visit our image gallery. You will get more than one surprise.

An army inside you

Imagine your immune system as an internal army that is responsible for defending you against all kinds of germs and harmful substances. A kiss goodbye, grabbing you at the bus bar, or typing in your credit card number at a store, for example, exposes you to viruses and bacteria. Your immune system is what protects you from these "attacks" and defends you against diseases. They are natural barriers that act as a shield, such as skin, stomach acid, intestinal flora or macrophages made by the bone marrow and liver. In addition, you also have more specific defense mechanisms, such as immunoglobulins and B and T lymphocytes.

Genetics or luck?

Neither one thing nor the other and all at the same time. Nature may or may not have endowed you with a strong immune system, but the pillars on which these defenses rest depend on you and are based on your lifestyle: your attitude towards problems, what you put on your plate and your habits. everyday.

What makes your friend less cold?

Observe their way of life and you may find the answer there. It is not just luck or genetics, surely she makes small decisions throughout the day that strengthen (or not) her defenses. As you can see in the image gallery, with what to sweeten yogurt, opt for a certain tea or have a fun social life greatly influences the amount of colds - and other more serious diseases - that you may have throughout your life.