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How to recover from excesses and be fresh the next day

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If you've gone out of line with food …

It is almost impossible that between the appetizers, the food, the dessert, the after-dinner, the shot so that "everything goes down" (which we already told you doesn't make anything go down) … you won't end up with horse indigestion. But we know how to overcome it.

 Chew gum. You will stimulate the production of saliva, which will help counteract the sensation of acidity that you may have.

An infallible remedy. Take an infusion made in equal parts of dandelion, boldo, fennel and savory. You can take 3-4 cups a day. It is a powerful cleanser that will help you regain lightness.

Comfortable clothes. If you feel bloated, don't slip into tight jeans. Better wear clothes that are tight without being too tight.

Make up for the next meal. Make it very light, a celery broth, which is very digestive and carminative, some boiled or grilled white fish and a yogurt.

Are the extra drinks taking their toll?

We know you didn't want that headache or that stomach feeling like you were going on a boat the next day. Quiet, everything has a remedy.

From bed to shower. And don't be afraid to let the hot water fall on you for a while (the planet will understand). The steam from the water will relieve your headache and clear you up a bit.

Drink a lot of water. Drinking alcohol dehydrates, and what our body needs the next day is an extra dose of hydration. Drink water as soon as you wake up and continue to do so throughout the day.

Take vitamins B12 and C. B12 (eggs, dairy, meat, fish …) helps eliminate alcohol from your body faster. Vitamin C (oranges, kiwis …) has antioxidant properties, which help fight free radicals that are released when our body is "detoxifying".

Clara trick

If you can, do sports

It is not about running a marathon, but
about going out for a fast walk, doing some biking or stretching. It will loosen you up.

You have a headache from having slept little …

Neither your boss nor your children are going to have mercy on you because the party will last the night before a weekday (and the children don't even give a truce on holidays or weekends …). If you are not going to be able to doze off on the couch, take note of these tricks …

Nothing for 5 more minutes. Hitting the alarm clock snooze will make you wake up more tired, because in those minutes you start a sleep cycle that you will not be able to complete.

Cold shower! Well, it doesn't have to be pure ice that you throw on yourself, but it does take a shower with the coldest water you can bear.

Have breakfast in the sun. Next to the window in your house or on a terrace with a stove, but in broad daylight, so that it activates you and gives you some of the energy you want.

Coffee and nap. In this order. Finish your meal with a good coffee, if you have time take a 20 minute walk and then take a nap of another 20 minutes. You will face the afternoon with more courage.

Mint for the "lows". And when you inevitably have a slump, wash your face with cold water and have a candy or extra-strong peppermint gum, which will clear you up for a bit longer.

don't spend your time drinking coffee; dehydrates more and does not relieve hangovers, or help against fatigue

Do your feet hurt from dancing?

Cold and heat. Put your feet in the bathtub, direct the spray at your feet and legs, and alternate the water that is as cold as you can handle with the hottest that you can also resist.

Circulatory cream. Apply it by massaging from the bottom up, reaching the knee.

Recovery socks. Athletes wear them, but if you've danced all night with high heels, you deserve them too.

Don't go too flat. Ideally, you should wear 2 to 3-centimeter-high shoes. Avoid platforms and choose models that have a flexible sole.

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