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How to paint the eye line: 5 tips for the perfect eyeliner



What are we learning about in this confinement? We are catching up in the kitchen, with crafts, there are those who are taking the opportunity to learn to play an instrument and, by necessity, to cut our hair, wax, dye or do our hands at home … But, what if also Do we make this quarantine the ideal moment to learn, at once, to do the corner of our eye GOOD? Surely you had not thought about it and I have, for you, the definitive solution . Or rather, solutions.

The eyeliner gives respect , and surely you have that friend who always wears it perfect and ideal. You want to be like her but you don't hit the button. Don't worry, it's very normal. The best thing is that doing the corner is the typical thing to which once you get the hang of it, it is sewing and singing, seriously.

And on top of that, now we have it easier than ever, because in addition to the thousand homemade tricks, the firms have sided with us and are launching products with applicators that make the matter MUCH easier. If we don't do it well with this, we no longer have forgiveness … Painting the eyeliner without fear is possible. And, as incredible as it may seem, we can make it symmetrical in both eyes. We have compiled four ways to do the eyeliner and make it perfect.

  • Perfect eyeliner in 4 steps

One way that the eyeliner comes out as symmetrical as possible is to do it in steps and not try to make the line in a single stroke . We have located this tutorial in which he gives several tips to make it perfect in 4 small steps.

  1. From the end of the eye make a thin line with the eyeliner towards the temple, the length will depend on how far we want our corner to reach. And then paint an equal line on the other eye. A good trick is to take each step in each of the eyes to calculate that it is the same.
  2. Then make a second line from the end of that line that we have painted to the middle of the eyelid, giving it the thickness that we want to our corner.
  3. Fill in the white gap between the two lines.
  4. Make a thin line flush with the eyelashes so that the line of the eye is complete and as even as possible. In this video it is very clear.
  • The tape trick

It's Ratolina's great trick and IT WORKS. If the eye line is not your thing, there is a way to do it and make it completely straight: with the help of a little tape or tape . She first sticks it on the back of her hand to remove excess glue. Then stick it following the line marked by the lower lashes and draw the line from the middle of the eye outwards without fear that it will come out uneven, once you take off the tape, the eyeliner will be perfect!

  • Eyeliner with stencil

There are also templates to make the corner, and even eyeliner products that have them already incorporated , and it is an invention if the good pulse is not exactly your strong suit. Without further ado, it is placed flush with the eyelashes of the mobile eyelid and the outline is drawn without fear that it will be moved, since when removing the template it will be perfect.

Eyeliner stencil, € 1.28. on Aliexpress.

There are also eyeliners with the built-in template, 2 in 1, making it even more practical . For example, a good ally can be the L'Oreal Flash Cat Eye liquid eyeliner, which is applied in two simple steps.

  • Step 1. L'Oreal Liquid Eyeliner has a template that makes the art of applying eyeliner really easy and exactly the same on both eyes. Without further ado, the cap applicator is removed and rests on the outside of the eye at the level of the eyelid, in the outer corner of the eye. Hold the stencil firmly and fill in the hole with the eyeliner . NOTE: If you want the eyeliner to be more intense, place the stencil a little further from the end of the eye to lengthen the line.
  • Step 2 . Remove the stencil and join the corner you have painted with a thin line across the eye. The trick of the perfect eyeliner is to first draw the corner, join it with the outside of the eye and then trace the line flush with the upper lashes.

Flash Cat Eye by L'Oréal Paris, € 9.95. on Amazon.

  • The shadow trick

Make-up artist Ariadna Pérez, from Beauty by Aripé, advises, in order to pick up the technique, to start with a fine tip eyeliner , "it is essential for this because if the tip is somewhat thicker, the outline will come out as such. Another key is not to force the line, that is, it must touch the skin but in a very subtle way, as if it scared us, so we will see that as we distance ourselves the line from the eye is thinner. But her great trick is to mark the outline with a shadow before painting it. "With a fine cat's tongue brush and a dark shadow, I mark the line on which the delineation will go , so we can modify if it does not come out as we want and without having to spoil all the makeup".

  • Outlined by dots

Another of the most famous tricks is simply making small dots that act as a guide and joining them. This way the stroke will be much easier. Let's practice now and this summer to show off pretty and feline looks!